Miss USA Cheslie Kryst Talks Prison Reform with Kim Kardashian and More on Sway In The Morning

Miss USA Cheslie Kryst Talks Prison Reform with Kim Kardashian and More on Sway In The Morning

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  1. I believe that Cheslie Kryst is in heaven. She ain't worrying. She ain't cryin', she's in a glorified body, and she's in the presence of the Lord. Her mansion is amazing and beautiful. One of the reason''s

    HEAVEN NOTE: JESUS HAS A SWEET TOOTH… Her mansion was finished and her time had come soon…

    when we go to heaven, we don't wanna come back here. All of heaven celebrates the newcomers. It's A GREAT BIG PARTY up there. No sickness, no death, and EVERYTHING is alive, the trees, the flowers, the water, the stones, the CRYSTAL SEE that flows in and out of the THRONE OF GOD.

    Do y'all know that we ALL at one time lived IN GOD!!??? He is our FIRST LOVE, and many of us need to GO BACK HOME through Jesus Christ. Get saved! Get born again! It doesn't matter what you've done, God LOVES YOU and has a plan for you in this life, AND INTO THE NEXT… Death is not the end, it is, however, the beginning.

    If you wanna be saved and born again, I'll help you: ARE YOU SAVED? ARE YOU BORN AGAIN? IF YOU WANT TO BE SAVED… MAY I SUGGEST TO YOU HERE'S HOW: God bless you. ~ Hope Goldsmith

    God wants you to bring your concerns to Him. Yet two things can keep Him from giving you what you ask for: sin – going against His will, or asking for something that goes against His will.God knows what’s best for you, but because sin separates you from Him, you must turn to His Son, Jesus Christ, who paid the price for your sins. When you do, the barrier is removed and God hears your prayers.

    Are you ready for a real relationship with Christ? Keep reading.

    Step 1 – God loves you and has a plan for you!

    The Bible says, “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, [Jesus Christ], that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

    Jesus said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly”—a complete life full of purpose (John 10:10).

    But here’s the problem:

    Step 2 – Man is sinful and separated from God.

    We have all done, thought or said bad things, which the Bible calls “sin.” The Bible says, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

    The result of sin is death, spiritual separation from God (Romans 6:23).

    The good news?

    Step 3 – God sent His Son to die for your sins!

    Jesus died in our place so we could have a relationship with God and be with Him forever.

    “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

    But it didn’t end with His death on the cross. He rose again and still lives!

    “Christ died for our sins. 
 He was buried. 
 He was raised on the third day, according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).

    Jesus is the only way to God. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me” (John 14:6).

    Step 4 – Would you like to receive God’s forgiveness?

    We can’t earn salvation; we are saved by God’s grace when we have faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. All you have to do is believe you are a sinner, that Christ died for your sins, and ask His forgiveness. Then turn from your sins—that’s called repentance. Jesus Christ knows you and loves you. What matters to Him is the attitude of your heart, your honesty. We suggest praying the following prayer to accept Christ as your Savior:


    “Dear Lord Jesus,

    I know I am a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead. I trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior. Guide my life and help me to do your will.

    In your name, Jesus, Amen.”

    If you prayed that prayer. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY OF GOD …

    When you're truly saved and born again, there will be evidence of your regeneration, one step at a time… Be patient with yourself and allow yourself to learn… If you've got 20 or 30 years of a mess in your life, don't expect to be free from that STUFF overnight…

    Be encouraged to know that when you truly pray the prayer above and RECEIVE JESUS as YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR in your heart, your Spirit is INSTANTLY made right with God; however, your fleshly nature may take longer to stop sinning… However, remember to always know that JESUS, GOD, is your audience… He loves you and has a plan and a purpose for YOU…

    Make time for God (Jesus) daily. Spend time reading the scriptures and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you all truth through the Bible. Spend time in prayer daily, read your bible and ask the Holy Spirit to give you Godly Wisdom and understanding…

    Over time, you will be more holy and righteous in the Name of Jesus Christ… Amen. ~ Hope

  2. Wasn't she such a lovely girl,so so lovely so so nice,so so beautiful so so talented,so sorry she felt like she couldn't go on,what a loss, I'll never understand how she jumped off that building,but I believe she had enough of life there was no foul play she was tired

  3. Funny that so many are thanking her for her representation, applauding her, appreciating her , recognising her accomplishments but she still didn't feel it and felt alone. I guess this is what is meant by the feeling of disconnection .

  4. 😒Did she really kill herself, or did someone help her & cover it up w/ typed notes?
    😒Theres something the “investigation team” either didn’t do or isn’t telling us, given the sketchiness of the details reported, unless her privacy is just being protected. Story doesn’t add up given her vitality & w/ us being left suddenly w/ just a one lined, typed letter about leaving “everything” to her mom & an ambiguous Instagram post by the time her body is found crushed on the street. I heard no mention of important clues leading up to her demise that may have more clearly revealed how she went out. I’m also surprised that there was so little coverage or pressure for police to investigate or at least comment on evidence supporting a suicide theory further. The minimal details thus far looks staged, and suggests a cover up. More time is typically spent combing though more trivial celeb cases (i.e. the Jussie Smolliet case—I mean..Chicago PD produced street cam footage from all over town catching & covering the actions of all partipants leading up to the incident, & then more evidence was produced from their depositions down to bribery checks & private venue footage, etc. Why wasn’t the same energy made to ensure they got the correct cause of death for our Miss USA???? So many people suspect that she was harmed or killed prior to her fall & that the latest findings (a crushed body w/ sketchy typed notes) are a cover up. It was already reported that no drugs or alcohol was involved, which may have been the last viable explanation for it all. Why aren’t more questions being asked about this young woman’s death, like:

    1. Who did she last talk to?

    2. Did they ping her cell phone to determine just who she last called/called her?

    3. Where’s the cameras or security in this luxury high rise while a 9th FL resident is making her way to the 29th FL ledge? A cam or a guard could at least reveal if she was alone the whole time if not the entire scene leading up to her fall.

    4. What about street cams? Any suspicious activity caught within a few hrs of her being found?

    5. Her “letter” about leaving stuff to her mom was short & TYPED. Did they dust the keyboard (or anywhere else in her apt) for fingerprints?

    6. What was she wearing when found dead? Street clothes, PJs? The 29th FL is said to be a common area. Was there a gym or some other amenity there & was she dressed for that? That w/b a clue of whether or not she was on the floor w/a purpose vs forced from her apt. If the former, was anyone else around, & why didn’t they stop her or call for help if they saw her climbing a ledge?

    7. Who was around her? Any boyfriends or recent breakups? Any Frenemies? Or was she completely isolated?

    8. Back to her bldg: how tight is the security there? Can anyone just walk up in there? If not, where are the guards & what did they see/what can they find in surveillance tapes? We’re the guards changing shifts around the time she died, allowing someone to slip by? Were any “delivery” persons allowed direct access to the floors?

    9. Was she lured from her room or cornered at any point within the bldg to be forced off the ledge?

    10. She spoke of feeling targeted & online bullies.

    11. Meanwhile she was in very competitive arenas from the pageants (she was going for the Miss Universe title next), to her lines of work (law & television). Did someone put a hit out in her to “kill” the competition? If so, she’s not the first to receive a “hit,” (Check the Nancy Kerrigan vs Tonya Harding Olympics incident in around 1991). Meaning: It happens.

    12. It’s said that she was seen alone on the ledge, but how alone was she if someone saw her? Who was it that saw her? And how’d she access the ledge when NYC Highrise windows are usually locked for safetey? Who else was on the floor at the time? It’s unlikely to me that people /random passers-by from street level would even be looking upward, long less able to identify & report on a person from that high up, & even less so pinpoint the floor she stood on/fell from w/o knowing more about the bldg, as residents or involved parties would. I’m from that part of NYC where she died—those streets STAY busy, packed w/tourists, crazies, homeless people, high pedestrian traffic, & relentless vehicle traffic. Most people on street level are too busy looking str8 ahead or around themselves (on street level) to make sure no one picks their pockets as they all brush past each other while fighting for walking space on the sidewalks. Ain’t nobody in the street lookin UP at the bldgs to see who’s standing on a ledge. Except maybe some tourists unaccustomed to seeing tall bldgs, & even they would be unlikely to identify who’s standing on a ledge that high up, long less name the floor, etc. So
again: who reported they saw Cheslie “alone” on a ledge, at what time, & where were they looking from when they saw her? And at what point was 911 called afyer her “jump?”

    13. She revealed her “daily routine/schedule” and a tour of her home online—an absolute safety no-no if you’re a public figure living alone in a big city & subject to being targeted. Anyone could have followed her or been waiting at or near her home to corner or harm her, & she & her fam (living out of state) c/b none the wiser til too late. Did the bldg cameras clearly show her voluntarily walking alone into an elevator, to ride up to a floor she didn’t live on, to voluntarily enter into a balcony? Did the footage adequately show whether she was alone the entire time, and that she jumped vs our suspicions of her being carried, forced, or dumped over the ledge instead?

    14. She’s an attorney. Most lawyers know that suicide nullifies insurance payouts, & leaving a letter or clue of any sort behind is unwise unless that’s the intent. My reason for believing someone else posted her last (RIP) Social media mesg & typed that letter about leaving stuff to her mom for her, possibly in anticipation of or while she was dying. Extortionists and hitmen do that kind of stuff to cover their tracks.

    15. I can’t imagine someone who took as much pride & as good a care of her body, health, & appearance (in competition & in general) choosing such a violent way of dying, & one that would destroy her entire physical form. One would think she might want an open-casket funeral or to at least giver her family that option
.if her demise was calculated enough that she took the time to select such an appropriate photo & message to post as a goodbye online, why wouldn’t as much thought be put into a less painful/messy/violent/destructive “way out,” as with as many other options one planning a suicide would have?

    16. She & her fam are from out of state, & she may have been separated from them, w/ everyone likely naive of her surroundings, esp if she was isolated w/no one to be her eyes & ears in all her settings. She could have been followed for days & not realized it. There’s a YouTube clip or two of her shooting for Extra, & stopping her shoot to show exasperation w/ some creepy dude who followed her & her colleague. He exchanged words w/her when asked to leave. Was that someone she knew and/or was he crazy enuff to later come for her? Was he the only one following her like that in the streets, on & off duty? Add: she wasn’t that hard to spot in a crowd w/her stature & signature (voluminous) hair.
    It’s frustrating that the police are always so quick to close a case & go w/the first or easiest assumption when people of color disappear or die (as done w/ Sandra Bland found hung in a jail cell after a wrongful arrest & for which her family eventually sued & won a million dollars for, meaning the precinct accepted fault
. And then there are countless others who make the news long after they’re dead if ever at all). At best they’ll check for drugs (to find an easy blame) & that’s it.
    This young woman was a national jewel w/a title representing the country—why is her sudden death not the hottest news topic and drawing more questions??? 😖
    So many questions. So many stones left unturned in the investigation of her case. So unfair. So sad. đŸ„ș😱😔

  5. From the outside, she was the ‘total package’ that so many people wish they could’ve had in their lives. It’s so hard to understand why she didn’t feel that way from the inside. Just like the pretty girl at school that you can’t wait to see every day at school, just being around her in her orbit would have made me happy.

  6. Something went waaaaaayyyyy way wrong here and I bet the buck stopped with when she started having to deal people being locked up in those jails, people being messed over by these Court's shenanigans and trying to help people get justice that are being done wrong. In other words, I believe her death is saying to all people how do you keep going on like everything is peachy king when you American justice system is messed up for why else would she had got together with Kim Kardashian. Her vibe from death clearly speaks volumes that our society is stuck on wronging and there is no one person can fix it all by herself it's up to ALL OF US TO FIX ALL THESE MESSED UP SITUATIONS IN AMERICAN.

  7. Shes in a world where being herself wasnt appreciated/ wrong, she mentioned also the rascim & prejudice she felt by being black in those lawyer/ celebrity spaces, she realized everything was a lie, she noticed everything she did was in vain, that nobody cared. She felt she shouldve been higher then where she was in the world , she felt stuck like she couldn't get higher then where's she was in life, lost her purpose. She basically lost balance over her life, felt misunderstood , like time/life passed her by, didn't get the love out the world that she expected or wanted. She felt worthless. All her accolades she accomplished, with the expectation of the love of the world, everything she did was for other people rather than herself, no matter how much she gave & gained it was never enough. She constantly gave, gave while being empty. She didn't get the respect or love she felt she was owed/deserved. Relied on her accomplishments to secure who she was rather then being secure within herself first. She basically judged her reality based on what people felt about her, rather than what she felt about herself(people pleaser) had a heart to big for this world that people undermind & didn't understand. Felt like she didn't have a way out. The pain of being misunderstood & unappreciated superseded all the things she felt she accomplished, which in itself brought unbalance in her life basically he11 with in herself, she couldn't breakthrough & find the God within herself. She got the superficial love of the world, but lacked the true love of God. She felt behind & forgot about, her looks didn't bring the love she felt entitled to or expected. She grew tired of battling the world and herself. Nobody understood her not even her which in itself is a form of eternal/internal he11 she couldn't take the constant unbalance. But unfortunately she choose this life for herself. She constantly around fakeness and needed people like myself to. Be around her to bring her back to reality, to help her know who she is and to restore balance to herself, light workers are real and are needed especially for jobs like these, I wish I could be spoken to her, having a career myself being in the sports world if entertainment, I know exactly how she felt. Gotta love yourself first you guys, not that fake self care crap, but honestly internally. Tbh I blame her mom, she help perpetuate the superficial/material side of life that help bring unbalance to her child. Instead of teaching her humbleness & other qualities that could keep her mental health in check, she put alot of pressure on her, and lived her dreams through her. Cheslie had no relationship or kids, her mom had 2 marriages & 6 kids. Cheslie traded up a regular life for a superficial one and paid the ultimate price basically, may yah bless her soul she can rest now😔

  8. She was real people. I feel like she was pressured by a person or people closest to her. She doesn't seem like a person to let anyone back her into a corner but I think her trust in this person or persons closest to her gave them too much control. I'm. Just saying.

  9. Cheslie Kryst was murdered and the evidence is everywhere the lyin media refuses to expose- She gave up her law license because of the racism in law being discriminated against like many attorneys do-The media lied about her falling from the 60th floor, but was thrown from the 29th floor when she lived on the 9th floor and was afraid of Heights-
    She was also an advocate for criminal justice reform which the elite did not like, she was meeting with people in jail to help them out of long prison sentences for petty drug crimes related to the three strikes nonsense which affects blk america- So she was doing a lot of work behind the scenes the eilte did not appreciate She was a blood sacrifice on black history month as a warning to other blk ppl- She was not willing to sell her soul for fame
    and was murdered because of her advocacy and integrity – Her mother is not innocent either in this, as Chelsie supposedly left a note to leave all of her possessions to her mother, and her mom certainly is not looking for an independent investigation of something so suspicious and is on this interview spree appearing that she was jealous of Chelsie

  10. The news of Kryst's suicide hit me hard. Having lost two family members in suicide, the lingering thoughts & questions of could I have done something that would have helped them realized that suicide is never a good solution and the feeling of regret that they didn't feel comfortable or close to me enough to tell me their problems, struggles, or depression. These thoughts remains in me to this day even after over a decade later. I know a school teacher who also committed suicide 5 days ago. Suicide is a heavy punishment to our loved ones even if that wasn't their intension. I feel the pain of Kryst's mother. She's hurting the most and I'm sure that wasn't Kryst intention. It's going to be years of tough road ahead for her. Please include her and Kryst soul in your prayers. đŸ™đŸ»âœ

  11. I’m so upset she didn’t get MORE recognition! She worked so hard but you hear Kim Kardashian name as if she the only one doing criminal justice reform!!
    I get what that caller meant!
    Poor baby had so much pressure on her , I wish she had someone to talk to! Remember you don’t commit suicide because you want to die , you just want the pain to go away
    RIP Cheslie!!! ♄

  12. Truly no offence by this as I'm speaking in general but… at first I too was just too emotionally weak to ACCEPT her decision bc she and her life seemed so perfect but then I realized that NO SHE WASN'T MURDERED. She likely already felt like the walking dead and maybe started taking something for it. That changes the chemicals in ones mind if they are already battling darkness. It can convince you of things in ur darkest hour. That's called a SIDE EFFECT… And inauthentic positivity is often a sign for anti depressant RX meds.

    HER MOTHER confirmed she was battling a quiet mental health issue behind closed doors and that SHE DID take her life. And I'll choose to believe her mother vs randoms who didn't know anything about her or her quiet battles. Respectfully.
    You don't think her mama a d entire family would know her daughter's writing and already seen undoubtable evidence?? It's her mama!…She'd want answers more than any of us. Oh so BECAUSE you simply can't stomach it, Cheslies painful feelings STILL go unheard in ur world? Oh ok….
    Well your sensitive systems can CHOOSE to believe/dismiss/downplay what it wants bc I understand not everyone is emotionally equipped to handle such darkness. Which is likely WHY she felt she had NO ONE in life to confide to on that level, bc there were just too many "inauthentically happy" people pleasers around her with rose colored glasses to truly understand HER RAWEST UGLIEST FEELINGS. She was a AriesTaurus cusp so there were likeky A LOT.
    But everyone prob just peddled around her DOWN PLAYING/DISREGARDING her darker feelings which left her feeling like she was on an island I'm sure …
    Im imagining how it mustve felt to be SO seen yet feel SO invisible on her own platform to which she was built and primed for early in life…
    Giving perfect rehearsed robotic answers since adolescent age.. The pain of thinking you built the very skytower that now has you completely isolated alone on top of it and now no one is capable of seeing you or your pain ever again. Only what you've built. It must've been unbearable. HEAVY is the 👑.

    And now that I can see it for myself, people still too emotionally weak to accept her truth even in death, I'm starting to get it. I couldn't before but now I get it. And she is NOT the only one .. Functioning depression is real even for the strongest. Check in on your strong friends too. WAKE TF UP PEOPLE!

  13. Sway stop with this African crap. They are Americans. Be African if that’s what you want to be but don’t drag anyone else into that with you.

  14. Ok ok allora New York insomma una miss che seppur con una laurea in legge affronta discorso su salute mentale e riforma carceri sono due argomenti un po' troppo piccanti cioĂš non si addice a una signorina miss… Lo sapete Io ancora mi domando se lo state facendo apposta per attirare la mia attenzione o se davvero Ăš vero questo Ăš tutto vero non Ăš un un esperimento di qualche tipo no perchĂ© io davvero ormai faccio fatica Ăš distinguere ma soprattutto a comprendere la realtĂ  delle volte mi sembrate tutti un branco di imbecilli che recitano su un palcoscenico la parte dell'idiozia insomma io a volte non capisco proprio e questo mi crea disagio personale đŸ‘ˆđŸ‘œđŸ›ž

  15. No C'Ăš qualcosa che non mi convince io questa storia di questo suicidio con un messaggio lascia tutto a mia madre… E probabilmente la ragazza aveva un patrimonio per cui l'unica probabile ereditiera di tale patrimonio e la madre .. lo sapete se io volessi uccidere qualcuno che magari ti conosco da un po' che fa la miss Io non sono riuscita a fare la miss probabilmente mia madre mi ha anche appoggiato e nonostante tutto non ha potuto vedere questo sogno coronato invece abbiamo a che fare con una ragazzina che ha tutto sia potuta permettere tutto.. lascio a mia madre insomma… Indubbiamente si sapeva anche che tua madre era giĂ  stata Incoronata suo tempo… Ma se io fossi un killer una killer che decide di mettere in scena la morte di una miss… E cosĂŹ improvvisamente dovessi scrivere il messaggio della persona che ho ucciso.. inconsciamente avrei in mente che l'ho uccisa perchĂ© la mia invidia nei suoi confronti risale a quando la mamma Ăš stata Incoronata o semplicemente perchĂ© inconsciamente La cosa che piĂč unisce questo bagaglio ereditario Ăš appunto un percorso da miss…in piĂč o viene citata la madre non viene citata la famiglia il padre abbiamo visto come ha parlato del padre piĂč di quanto possa aver parlato della propria madre aveva anche dei fratelli sembra questa ragazza… Insomma perchĂ© pensare alla madre forse perchĂ© in un certo senso Io sto facendo il compito inverso che ha fatto la madre certo tua madre ti ha dato la vita io killer ti dono la morte di tolgo la vita in un certo senso verrebbe anche a me da pensare alla madre… Ma la cosa piĂč inquietante Ăš che giornale internet servizi mediatici e la cosa si sta divampando a dismisura narra il suicidio… CioĂš una cosa del genere neanche la mia mente potrebbe organizzarla talmente bene… Insomma molti soldi per poter coprire un gesto del genere?? Probabile ma la capacitĂ  di un'organizzazione simile Ăš qualcosa degno della mia attenzione… Fra qualche minuto siamo a 9 giorni avevo dato 10 giorni di tempo vero??đŸ‘ˆđŸ‘œđŸ›ž

  16. Ok quindi abbiamo una miss bellissima ragazza che ha due master uno dei quali Ăš in giurisprudenza… Sentiamo tutte le miss affrontano gli stessi temi ogni anno cioĂš un questa ragazza ha affrontato il tema della salute mentale affrontato il tema del riforme carcerarie… Qual Ăš il secondo master che aveva business gestione aziendale risorse umane… Ma tu non eri in un'azienda particolare dico bene… Una ragazza molto bella con titoli di studio una corona da miss che Ăš sempre al centro dell'attenzione con la possibilitĂ  di stare a contatto con mondo dello spettacolo ma soprattutto il mondo dello sport ad esempio del football americano per gli americani non sono un po' delle divinitĂ  Ăš un po' come il calciatore per i brasiliani e non ho solo… E se io fossi una ragazza gelosa tu con tante possibilitĂ  Io con nessuna possibilitĂ  o con delle possibilitĂ  parziale rispetto a te possibilitĂ  parziali mi danno la possibilitĂ  di essere piĂč vicina a te e rispetto a una che non ha alcuna possibilitĂ  tu non sei morta per la strada uccisa da qualche persona Ăš comune mortale no tu sei stata avvicinata da un qualcuno che aveva similitudini con te Ăš cieco la firma e quella firma su quel biglietto lasciato tutto a mia madre scopro solo adesso che tua madre era stata a suo tempo quando tu eri bambina Incoronata miss di qualcosa Carolina del Nord o una roba del genere..cioĂš non ho scritto per la mia famiglia o i miei fratelli o mio padre o chiedo perdono per il mio gesto no lascio tutto a mia madre tua madre hai una famiglia e due fratelli hai un padre perchĂ© la madre allora chiunque tu sia sei killer piĂč patetico nella storia soltanto degli imbecilli con lo fusca metto mediatico potresti ingannare… Chiunque tu sĂŹ io penso che prendere come esempio una cittĂ  come New York.. me che c** fa la polizia New York nasconde barboni e picchia obesi negri… No no stiamo parlando di New York New York Ăš un palcoscenico e quindi sono attori anche poliziotti e attori la polizia attori gli adetti alla legge sono tutti attori?? Bill scommetto che anche tu sei un attore…đŸ›žđŸ‘ïžđŸ‘œđŸ‘ïžđŸ›ž

  17. I ❀ her she is such a beautiful sweet spirit . Such a intelligent black woman . I'm sadden 😭😭😭😭😭 voice in our head that drives or take over if we can't suppress them .😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭been there im so sadden and heartfelt sadden that that happen to her . 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 lord help her family through this time. I ❀❀❀❀❀❀ her sweet spirit as a person and her struggle within were real 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 voices can make you be your best or take away your best. She will always be loved .đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ˜­đŸ˜­đŸ˜­đŸ˜­â€â€â€â€â€đŸ˜­đŸ˜­đŸ˜­đŸ„°đŸ„°

  18. Cheslie, I'm so Heartbroken 😭, I'll keep you in my prayers. I loved you so much as an Inspiration and I can't believe those Wicked USA Slavetraders were so Negative to you, you felt the Need to make the biggest Statement Possible, and Jump Off your 60 Foot Apartment Building! They always make you feel like you don't MATTER! For 35 years, Me, and other Oneness Apostolic Men, Women, & Children have been used for their Billion Dollar Pornagraphy Industry Videos for over 40 Years, effectively Genociding our Peoples. I Recently told the FBI in Tampa, Florida and Homeland Security, I have filed a Tort Federal Lawsuit against the USA Government for the Slavetrading going on by their Federal and State Employees in the Last 2 Weeks. I know that God is going to Save you, you have nothing to Worry About, because Jesus Said, Blessed are the Persecuted because theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven…..We Loved you, In Jesus Name. Amen….

  19. ꧁đŸŒč💔Sending my deepest Condolences & Prayers to the Family during this hard & painful timeđŸ•Šïž May Her's love & memory be in your Family hearts foreverâ€ïžđŸ’
    I feel like there's something more to this story and I hope that there are more investigation to truly get to the bottom of the situation because it just feels not complete💔đŸŒčê§àŒ’â™›

  20. Today is 2-1-2022 I'm here bc YouTube algorithm… She committed suicide. I'm so sad to hear she was in such a dark place to do it 😭😭😭 rest in peace Queen.

  21. Such a beautiful sister, black woman and so sad to hear about her death, you could have done a lots of good work in the world. My condolence to her family 😒

  22. It’s beyond comprehension how someone so blessed could kill themself, while so many people with far much less blessings and opportunities, can continue on day to day. Anytime someone kills themself is beyond comprehension, but when someone with so many things going for them does it, its just next level bewilderment. I wish I could’ve gave her words that could’ve changed her mind.

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