Miss USA death- Witnesses share shock after fall from 60-story building

Miss USA death- Witnesses share shock after fall from 60-story building

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  1. Black girl magic instead of Harriet Tubman power struggle fight never give up hold on to Jesus instead of a designer purse!! So u don't jump off the building!!

  2. Rest In Peace ✌️ Proverbs 21:20 the wise man saves for the future and the stupid people spend their money 💰 as soon as they get it. Look at the cctv.

    whether someone sails with him or commits suicide it means he is with the demons playing in his mind the names of the demons are tired deceiver demon so much more pray instead whisoever called upon the name of the LORD will be saved. there’s great Power in the name of the LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST. BELIEVE IN JESUS ​​CHRIST AND YOU SHALL BE SAVED.

  3. She must have been hurting so much and felt alone. You can have it all and still be unhappy. Money and power is worthless if your not happy. 💔 Depression is not easy. Your always struggling with 😌 it and have to deal with it one day at a time. She was a beautiful soul, I wish she would have called someone. Rest in peace sweet angel.

  4. That is the problem with society and cultures around the world 🌎 We women are valued for youth, beauty, and being slim. R.I.P.

  5. So tired of it being said that she jumped, without trying to show videos of her leaving her apartment that Sunday morning, riding the elevator to the 29th, or getting off, in order to know if she was alone, or stalked, or whatever! Inquiring minds would really like to know, rather than constantly pinning the label of suicide.

  6. She lived her life to impress her mother/ family that she is this strong person on the outside but inside she was fragile … only God/ Jesus can give as rest and peace ❤️

  7. Why will you do this to yourself, your family. Oh God I’m so sorry for this. I’m not blaming her but whyyy

  8. Now these people are witnesses
    Witnesses to What? her being pushed or thrown over.
    Bystanders are not necessarily witnesses.
    Strange these men had so much to say that is questionable to me.
    maybe they should be investigated.
    I do not believe she committed suicide by going all the way to a higher floor and no one saw her.
    I may be in denial but I don't feel her spirit of committing suicide.

  9. It's sad that people think that they have to live their lives a certain way to matter in society or to be approved by others in society. People, know who you are & know your worth. Your purpose in life does not have anything to do with what others expect of you. A Miss America winner & attorney at law, fighting for social justice probably was not comforting to evil culprits in this world. The title Miss America in itself is enough pressure, because, what exactly Miss America???🤔 What kinds of stipulations, expectations & guidelines does that create for some young women's future? One would never be able to live their life for self. Always under a microscope for a stigma. We dont belong to the world…….we are created by God….& belong to God. This is my opinion.

  10. She lived on the 9th floor but jumped off a balcony on the 29th floor.. if she was going to purposely jump why not go all the way to the 60th floor? This suicide is more suspicious than when Kurt Cobain died

  11. I’ve seen this before with women in particular. Women who are highly educated and accomplished have more difficulty finding a partner and 30 is when they start thinking about kids and family.
    She said she was running out of time in her last wards.
    In some cases, Women have to choose between having a career or a family.
    She was probably very lonely.

  12. So sad 😞 I’m sure she was private, just wish she had told and talked to someone about her illness ! Rip beautiful girl!, so sorry you were struggling so much !, 🙏🏾🌹🌹

  13. The felt to be running out of time/because of agingfor her whole existence carried to be to her mother_She be from her One proud ofThat which to only arrival through its reason by arrangement
    That meant living out/not as she desired of herself-Being but that life_carried her be its replicate_of the mother desired dreamAnd of that done the mother/daughter scene revealed them as Pals/Best friends to the end
    A best friend can be carried its greater cherished loyalty than 10 sons
    Be Why she left everything to the mother because such be deserved from really the daughter theatrical senarios was the expression of the mother desired existenceAnd the daughter the best friend complied
    Be only now after her life she received of herself Her own RecognitionAnd she Knew that to finally be awarded her
    That lasting statement made_be that addressed to herselfThereafter She ended the charade_putting it to Rest and that felt jumping to the other side where there carried no better then here_being but she believed leastways enable gather of Rest from its theatrical scene here
    Be all to consequence of the Vanity_ Greed_Need be Looked up Too _The Desired Glory/
    Such be the recipe
    shared of that grooming by society cooked up and the mother_Daughter and Mass others indulge/feed/fed upon_which be poisonous often detrimental

    Her entire sense of self-worth was wrapped up in her looks. So sad. RIP

  15. Fly high Beautiful Angel 🖤👼🏽🖤 You were too pure for this world 🕊️🕊️🕊️ I hope you have found your peace now 🕊️🕊️🕊️

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