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Miss USA was asked if she was a feminist last year during the Miss USA Pageant. Here she explains her answer.
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I totally agree with her, its bullshit that so many feminists think that supporting humanism or equalism is like supporting all lives matter, black people are still oppressed but women are not more oppressed than men you fucktards
Imagine spitting facts đź’™
I think we should stop worrying about the labels so much because they don't define us. Our actions do. I think believing that men and women have equal right to be treated like a human being and standing against sexism and wanting to help suffering women is basic human decency. So, I don't care if you're a feminist or an equalist or an egalitarian – what I care about are your actions.
Feminism as a whole can very well be criticized but that debate is complex and includes a more nuanced approach than most people are cut out for. To us, it's all black and white. So, how about we stop generalizing feminists or any label for that matter and focus on the actions instead?
Feminists want privileges. Here in my country they fought so women would retire 5 years earlier than men for reason of most of them work and clean their houses.
Thank god she’s not a feminist!!
Equalism is not even a thing , plus it's used in marxism for another context which might have been a problem. So feminists try to not include those labels. Educate yourselves.
I wish people would at least study a bit more. And USA might be all "developed" according to them but women around the world are still fighting for this that they are not less than a man. All they ask is to equal opportunity in choice, resources and all the basic stuffs. No seriously, just may be study a bit?
I have no idea how people just say very weird, unreal and nonsensical things without even learning.
I don’t like feminism or men’s right movement because they separate women from men. Equality is not wanting anyone to stand out, and gender roles, estereotypes and more don’t make equality
ps: Also why some girl think that because they consider themselves feminist they have the right to talk in name of all women or that they’re better or more intelligent?
she wants to take our bending away…
Equalism is the new frontier in 🇺🇸. You would have to be a complete fool, insecure and very shallow to not beleive in EQUALISM. Start a company of 10men and all 10 men share the profits equally. What's the problem with that? There is no problem with it. Some have skills in different areas. Just as the organizer doesn't like pushing a broom, the broom pusher might not like being organized. Its a known fact that business owners make their money off their employees. Why not just be honest and everyone work together and split it all? Then , everyone has no complaints and everyone is out of poverty , fighting for the greater good of humanity. If you are against this ideology you would have to be an extremely selfish person. And we don't have to change many laws to make this happen. America would virtually stay the same, just more happy people.
Feminism is female dominance equilist is fight for equality
If the vast majority of feminism wasn't about being anti male but instead wanting equal rights for all, I'd be there without a second thought. Sadly though, feminism has evolved into something that is just as sexist as the thing they're fighting against. Also, why is it bad to move away from one and go towards something that fits more with your beliefs? If you're wanting equality for all and to have everyone, no matter what their gender, race, sexual orientation, and religion are, than why not be an equalist which is all about wanting equality for every individual? It makes more sense and fights to give everyone their rights, not just one group.
I want more equalism in the world.
I answer the same way.
I understand why feminism came about and was labeled as feminism as opposed to equalism.
At the time, there was discrimination against women and therefore the group that needed representing was women.
However when you give something a name that promotes one x (x in this case = women but this applies to other scenarios), you take away from the real aim which is equality by focusing on the group that you're currently fighting for equal rights for, and that can lead to your 'thing' evolving from what it was supposed to be (equality) to being about the namesake group, which can lead to fighting for things above and beyond equality.
Why would they ask her if she’s a feminist?
I see it this way : when men are dominant or better than women than there is a problem that needs to be fixed but when women are dominant or better than its great and empowering ant if men ever have the audacity to point that out then they are SEXIST and stuff like that
so she backtracks against her statement without admitting she's backtracked…..
Feminism is and anti Male and stop with this old lie equality manginas love Feminazi
Finally, a woke woman!
Aka "Egalitarian"… This lifted my spirits.
This woman is amazing.
If your a equalatist i support you
If your a feminizt FUCK you, 1st and 2nd wave feminism was productive 3rd wave is merely a way to discourage people of living their fucking lives normally
feminist are not for equality of the sexes but favoritism toward women
equalist is what feminist should actually be instead of been hypocrites
oh honey…
I agree with Miss USA, saying one thing and doing another thing = hypocrisy. Feminism says it's all about equality but its actions are all about superiority. Ie: Girls Scouts vs Boys Scouts, Lucille Roberts vs All other gyms, Revenge Porn vs False Accusers. Ladies never forget actions speak louder than words. Which is why you could have had Bernie but you cheated on him with the super delegates so now you can all enjoy Trump.
Feminism is being an "equalist", lady.
she looks hotter when she is dropping common sense and standing behind it.
i for one am glad she isn't apart of this toxic man hating third wave feminism. Its not about equal opportunity for them its about cake and eat it too.
She didn't actually explain why she is an "equalist" and not a "feminist" though…..She sorta said that she isn't a feminist because it holds a bad stigma to it @0:29? But she still stands for women's right @0:35… what lol? She just gave a pro feminist answer but says she is not because the word "feminist" has been misconstrued in today's society and she chose to disassociate herself from the word but not what the word itself stands for? Am i the only one who listened to what this woman just said lol? A feminist isn't just for women's right, a feminist supports all. I was hoping she could explain what an equalist is in her own words but she completely dodged that part of the question and gave a pro feminist answer lol.
she obviously doesn't know the definition of feminism…feminism supports all.