Miss USA pageant director responds to allegations of rigged competition l GMA

Miss USA pageant director responds to allegations of rigged competition l GMA

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Some 2022 Miss USA contestants are claiming there was “favoritism” toward winner R’Bonney Gabriel, allegations pageant director Crystal Steward has denied.

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  1. Im from South Africa and I rooted for her the first time I saw her, other Ladies, they must go back and try again…

  2. The judges were asians and africans. They destroyed the United States of America 🇺🇸. They always feel discriminated to get everything free.

  3. All these black and white girls are just jealous bcuz they are racist..there are a lot of bs racism claims in the US right now , but this is True racism here.

  4. Ms. Texas deserve the crown. She has complete packages. Miss Montana if you lose accepted the fact. You just a jealous person. Stop make it to the issues.

  5. But for some reason . Chelsey steward is not anymore the miss usa
    Director . In someway there was thruth bout the allegations.

  6. Just because she's half Asian that's why. They could not accept the fact that a first Filipino-American won the title.

  7. For a black woman to say they all want things to be fair is laughable. Not that long ago, all winners were black in one year. No way that was coincidental. No one raised an eyebrow in public at that time. Lol

  8. Montana was not a resident of montana when she won her title. She wasn’t even supposed to be at miss usa. She cheated the entire system. #fraud

  9. I wouldn't be surprised. Many pageants are rigged from the beginning. Speaking from experience. Was shocked. But, the fact that white texans, abbott & ted cruz aren't complaining of replacement theory crap, raises some flags. But, who knows. It's just a beauty pageant. Let it go.

  10. Miss texax dont allowed this bitter women to take you down yhe stone they thrown to you build that as your impired

  11. First off, Miss Texas won fair and square. Get over it. She was the first Asian American to do so. Secondly, Trump lost. Get over it. Tired of these clowns who whine when they don't get their way. If someone other their preferred candidate wins, then they throw a childish fit. Back in school, these crybabies would complain when their best friend didn't win the election for class president or nomination for homecoming queen. As adults, they now crap their pants when their preferred choice wasn't picked to be director or vice president.

  12. Yeah like they would tell the truth if it was rigged. By the way she doesn't too educated. Can't she just be American.

  13. Hey Ms.Montana do you think it's because You're blonde you will win?don't be stupid why don't you compare your performance to Ms.Texas moron!YOU'RE SO BORING😠😠😠 MS.TEXAS WON BECAUSE SHE'S BEAUTY AND BRAIN PERIOD!SORE LOSER!SHAME ON YOU MORON BLONDE GIRL……

  14. Miss Texas R'Bonney deserved the. CROWN..Just move on for those still cannot accept their failure to victory, and again there's only one winner here and that is R'bonney Gabriel.Just support her…okey?

  15. R-bonny Gabrielle really deserves the crown she's very spectacular… That lossers they don't know how to accept that there performance was not good enough…sorry to say….

  16. I watched her performance, her performance is consistent even during prelims. she did better than all of them. I think they are jealous cause she's asian maybe they expect a blonde blue eye girl to win

  17. miss montana look at yourself first,miss texas deserved the crown,her achievement brought her to the top.

  18. AS a handsome well hung🍆filipino I can say MIss Texas deserves to win Miss USA but the 1st runner up is actually more gorgeous and a stand out beauty.

  19. I always thought beauty contest dramas were a thing only in my country where people take contests a lot more seriously than in the West but wow this is a real life สงครามนางงาม 'War among beauty contestants' a fictional series here in Thailand.. anyways shall be rooting for R'Bonney at Miss Universe..she clearly stood out and deserved to win!

  20. Miss Montana shows the True Meaning of a Loser.
    She's Beautiful until she opens her mouth & then the metamorphosis begins into an Ugly Look.
    Congratulations Miss Montana for proving that Ugliness still Exists.

  21. I think Gabriel nailed her performance for me she is a unique contestant and also even she is half Filipino she didn't denied it, she is so proud being half Asian

    Love you Gabriel
    I'm excited to watch you walking in miss universe stage

    Dante Nebres from the pearl of the orient seas Philippines

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