Miss USA Winners Bare All and Say NO to Fur

Miss USA Winners Bare All and Say NO to Fur

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Miss USA winners Susie Castillo, Shandi Finnessey, Shanna Moakler, and Alyssa Campanella join PETA in leaving fur behind forever.

PETA’s mission statement is that animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way:

The website the meat industry doesn’t want you to see:

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  1. Horrific! Humans are the most evil cruel and vain species ever to exist! Absolutely heartbreaking!

  2. People seem to forget we are animals and the fact that people are prepared to put other animals through so much torture for money makes me sick

  3. u r not from peta peta not from peta u guys protest shell and after the protest drive home on shell gas when u get home count the incects in the ratiator all of God's creation who suffer as much and ask why don't you change da bumper sticker to clone da endangered species instead of save da whales just put on da fur leather shoes cars with crocodile seats at dinner have the mike vick special oysters live lobster shark fin soup with veal ps save a homeless vet next time you go through the park on the way to a peta rally

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