Miss World 1996 – Crowning Moment

Miss World 1996 – Crowning Moment

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See Miss World 1996 – Crowning Moment

1 Greece – Irene Skliva (Queen of Europe)
2 Colombia – Carolina Arango Corrales (Queen of Americas)
3 Brazil – Anuska Valéria Prado

4 India – Rani Joan Jeyraj (Queen of Asia & Oceania)
5 Venezuela – Ana Cepinska Miszak

Aruba – Afranina Henriquez (Queen of Caribbean Isles)
Belgium – Laurence Borremans (Universe 97)
Dominican Rep. – Idelsa Núñez Torres
Mexico – Yessica Salazar González
South Africa – Peggy-Sue Khumalo (Queen of Africa)..(read more at source)

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  1. That year what ruckus the so called feminists & the so called protectors of the Indian culture did to sabotage the Miss World 1996 at Bangalore. Amitabh Bachchan's ABCL became bankrupt for organising the event. Thank God it was a smooth finish. All's well that ended well for Miss World 1996 that year. The beauteous Miss Greece is Miss World 1996 , read the next morning's headline in ' Deccan Herald '.

  2. She is some of the most beautiful Miss World for me ever that participated in the Miss World Beauty Pageant ! I like and some others but I love Irene Skliva too ! Some people are being jealous for her beauty for nonsense reasons some for political some for their own ! Anyway life continues ! Irene Skliva is for her fans and jealous low life haters still mesmerizing beautiful and looks almost the same as in 1996 and she is more than 40 years old she has zero wrinkles and an amazing body figure and skin and hair even if she is a mother ! People who happened to meet her already know that she is both beautiful on the outside as on the inside and down to earth ,polite and positive !

  3. It was a beautiful gala !! I remember that it was at the last moment that we found out that Miss Colombia, Carolina Arango, had been a world vice-queen of beauty. They were moments of confusion for those of us who did not know how this contest worked.

  4. ¡¡Fue una bella gala!! Recuerdo que fue al último momento que nos enteramos que Miss Colombia, Carolina Arango, había sido virreina mundial de la belleza. Fueron momentos de confusión para quienes no conocíamos cómo funcionada este certamen.

  5. Being an Indian myself .. even then I thought that the Miss India at that time was not even worth to be in the top 10 .. I am happy that the deserving candidate was crowed Miss World in 1996 ..👍

  6. Miss India should have gone to a relative's wedding.. Not a beauty pageant evening gown competition. I am saying this in regard to her dress. Aweful. Too much of untimely Indian-ness in an international competition.

  7. Βλέπω και ξαναβλεπω το βίντεο.Δεν νομίζω να ξαναπέρασε τόσο όμορφη και το πιο σημαντικό πιο αξιοπρεπής γυναίκα στην ιστορία των καλλιστείων.Η ομορφιά,η στάση ζωής της και το ήθος της.Εκπληκτικος ανθρωπος.Την λατρεύω από τότε που είδα τα καλλιστεία.Να είσαι πάντα καλά.Ο τίτλος σου άξιζε μακράν.

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