Miss World 2013 – Uzbekistan – Contestant Introduction

Miss World 2013 – Uzbekistan – Contestant Introduction

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An introduction to Ganieva Rahima, Uzbekistan’s entry to Miss World 2013!
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  1. shes not even pretty to represent Uzbekistan,how does she want to be a lawyer when she is doing fraud? her accent is just horrible!

  2. University of International diplomacy and economy?)))) There is not such university in Uzbekistan. She is liar.

  3. у киз угирликча чикволдику у ерга узбекистонда гузаллик танлови булмаганку у голиб булиб у ерларга боргани

  4. Rawr, rawr, I see the claws are out in the comments. Who can blame her for wanting to get out of a fascist shithole like Uzbekistan. If you lived in nazi Germany, I wouldn't dump on you for trying to escape there. Same thing here. Obviously those who call her "fake" have no idea where she is coming from or why.

  5. бляяяя она смая страшная узбечка, куда смотрят жюри, у нее жир на шее, ппц, узбечки очень красивые, нагя корап алди бу семиз чошкани

  6. ''Grad pun smrdonja/…/'', rece sarajliji covjek koji zivi u Lukavcu, a porijeklom je iz Foce.
    Jel' te to stid? Ili je to samo kompleks u pitanju?
    Ako nista drugo, izabrao si pravu profilnu na fejsu. Odgovara ti 😉
    Odjavljujem se, procitan si.

  7. Smrdonja ti u gacama haveru.
    Selam NIJE iskljucivo pozdrav muslimana nego i katolika, budista i ostalih religijskih skupina gdje god je arapski jezik glavni.
    Dakle, obrazuj se malo i ne prosipaj suplju.
    Usput, cim neko komentarise post ''muslimana'', odmah je smrdonja, jel' seljacino jedna puna predrasuda?
    Pozdrav iz zgrade iza tog istog HJoliday inn-a, od ''nesmrdonje''.

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  9. I wonder who she is. Apparently, she's lied about where she's from, where she went to school and keeps switching up her story…sociopathic, much?

  10. А мне одна знакомая сшила из чёрного бархата чехол на нос…было давно правда – она рукодельница была…

  11. I'm so upset some people from Uzbekistan, are not supporting her. Fucking bastard people. I know religious people don't like her, then also some bitch girls cannot see her success 🙁

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