Miss World 2019: Beauty Pageants, Competition, & Bible Christianity

Miss World 2019:  Beauty Pageants, Competition, & Bible Christianity

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  1. You may do charity work and everything good and acceptable to God but all that is in vain if you do not accept salvation ,in beauty pageants do they really glorify God? The answer is no for example in the swimsuit competition most of them wear two piece outfits which exposes 90% of their body and God doesnt like it because our body is the temple of the holy spirit and we should hide our nakedness ,resemble jesus christ of Nazareth in your actions and thoughts and dressing and do things that glorify Jesus for those of you who say that Jesus looks at only the inside appearance this is my message to you,ur outside appearance is the reflection of how you are inside GLORIFY JESUS THROUGH YOUR THOUGHTS, ACTIONS AND DRESSING

  2. This is why many persons are not attracted to Christianity. I had a friend told me that Christians live a boring life. It is almost like they see us as Christians as eccentric on this planet sacrificing ourselves with restrictions.

  3. A lot of people though participate in sports as a job. This is how they make a living. Without their job they would be doomed. Y'all need to talk more about what we can do for fun because nowadays people do not create recreation for Christians – that is not their focus.
    I really appreciate your ministry but while many of us are willing to give up these things even though we are left disappointed we need some info on how to fill the gaps. Please I'm begging!!!

  4. Annoying Pharisees. Hope y'all have no beam in your eyes. Why not ask God to empower her to tell at least one person about God in every country where there is a call of duty? Her mission is to help. Is something wrong wih intervening in global health and other programs, globally? Well, that's her job of being out there ministering and helping while you sit on your asses talking crap!

  5. Many good points made.๐Ÿ‘‘ Some other good scripture passages pertaining to this subject are Philippians 3, 2 Timothy 2, as well as 2 Timothy 4 (the latter which they did mention) and 2 Corinthians 4 (especially the last verse). Hard for the flesh to bear at times, but so worth it for the rewards that having faith in God brings!!

  6. I tuned in to hear a well thought out, profound analysis on the subject at hand and what I heard was the same fundamental gibberish you hear everyday from these "rudimentary, pedestrian" christians who are still quoting from a book used to enslave and oppress black people for hundred of years. I wonder how many sitting around that table have actually read the bible in its entirety because its a frightening piece of literature. In my opinion they don't know enough about beauty pageants or the bible to be litigating the topic. A shallow and boring commentary that lacks insight while bordering on subjective pontification.

  7. Beauty pageant is a competition to represent your country ,to be a role model for other young persons coming up to look up ,this don't mean you must forget christ. Winner from there beauty can make a difference, making donations and to help others.
    Same persons that do sport has give to charity. Ect.
    About heavenly crown ,then bible say the least you do unto my brothers you do it unto me.
    Nothing doesn't wrong winning a beauty paghesnt.

  8. I think as an organization, you focus too much on religion and rules more than on the heart, WWJD, eg the woman caught in adultery. We as a church are behaving like the Pharisees and the Sadducees. We have failed our young people. We need to do a soul searching. Focus on the soul rather than rules. Just saying

  9. Q. Do you brethren put out the effort to teach those you interview so that they too can come to know jesus whom to know is life eternal. The pure and holy jesus would never enter into any competition of any nature whatsoever. He is too absorbed in doing his father's will, so should we…death before dishonour.

  10. I agree and disagree. I agree with yโ€™all points on beauty pageants.
    But I disagree on the points on just all sports or anything that is โ€œcompetitiveโ€ cuz not everyone goes into sports to be the best.
    Some people go in sports cuz they enjoy teamwork and team sports really is about teamwork and how to work together to achieve a goal. Sports like that can be really good for people to learn to trust each other and not just focus on yourself. Cuz a team that just has everyone just focusing on themselves instead of working together to achieve a goal is not a good team at all.
    Sports can teach people discipline, teamwork, communication and respect.
    And just like sports,
    Christians are to do the same as a community or a church doing the same thing so that we can all win.
    I think itโ€™s just a matter on peopleโ€™s personality too.
    And they are good for you physically as well. And they are fun.
    Some people go for physically reasons and or just the fun part of it

  11. It has become increasingly apparent to me that our organization, churches, and schools included are ignorant of the Spirit of Prophecy counsels relating to competition as is evident in the annual sports meets at the primary and secondary levels and other sports tournaments at church events including bible bowl as someone pointed out, so hopefully, this presentation will serve to enlighten. Also, the mere fact that one was raised in an SDA home has very little bearing on the path they go on to choose in life. Sadly, many of us SDA Christians have not an inkling of what it means to actually be a Seventh Day Adventist, apart from attending church on the Sabbath and abstinence from certain foods. Therefore if parents aren't knowledgeable of or do not practice the principles of our faith, then the children will not obtain the necessary spiritual guidance. Regrettably, we cannot rely on our church leadership for this. The Lord has blessed us abundantly with the inspirational writings of Sister White wherein we can obtain practical instruction for everyday Christian living. They continue to be a source of guidance to me on this journey and I encourage us all to make them a part of our daily devotional readings. They have been truly transformational.

  12. Some one talk about condemning mis s Singh, the panel is not condemning her u say u r not condoning wat she Did either ,this other show u talk about she was in was not publicly known as miss world so they can't talk about wat they don't know ,the leaders of s.d.a especially the conference leaders they r to blame for they allow so much wrong practices to come in the church along with parents who compromise with their children lowing
    God standard

  13. How about Adventistโ€™s competing among themselves like โ€œbible bowl?- hypocritical- canโ€™t pick and chooseโ€” u have to speak out against ALL competition ,,

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