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Miss World 2024 WINNING answer: Krystyna Pyszková from Czech Republic

Miss World 2024 WINNING answer: Krystyna Pyszková from Czech Republic

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Miss World 2024 just crowned a new queen: Krystyna Pyszková from Czech Republic. This is her winning answer during the final coronation night of Miss World in India.

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00:00 Introduction
00:00 Final Comments..(read more at source)

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  1. Her selfless answer is the reason why she won. She answered it in a way not aiming for the crown but letting the judges and audience know her purpose and that the importance of education which is her Advocacy. Well deserved win❤

  2. Berocca life thank you so much all my family people in this compress I great everyone to be a happiness young lady it's not me to give you this awards is God give you Holden wait to do people to appreciate thank you so much I miss you all of you in happy I love you in happy was salaam

  3. I am curious about why Czech miss has a Polish name, a lot of Czechs were asking the same. I know it's not really important, but some people are angry because of that. 😀

  4. I really like Miss World. Their winners are truly legit queen. The winner is oozing with elegance.

  5. That is why she won…she had the most perfect answer…..reminded me of 1993…Ruffa from Philippines and Jamaica……Ruffa answered ( same tone, almost brashl)like Botswana and Jamaica answered similar to Czech Republic….. Jamaica won

  6. Већина лепотице су просечне лепоте , било је прелепих девојака . Прелепе девојке не могу доћи до изражаја , јер су вероватно многе друге ствари уплетене . Победница личи на претходницу .Ова такмичење треба игнорисати , јер увек просечне побеђују . Такође није изабрана друга пратиља . Када су прогласили победницу , није госпођа рекла за коју годину и некако саопштила безвољно .

  7. Her dedication to her cause and her sincerity shone through and that won her the crown that fits her perfectly.

  8. Miss Botswana message was all about what she did but Miss Czech Republic message was all about what she wanted for millions of children around the world..that is what Miss World for.

  9. I hope Yllana Marie Ariana will join the Miss World. Because it has no time-limit. Or a more longer time

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