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Gallup Pole- Direction of the country
NSA Surveillance
CIA Covertly Collecting Data on Americans
Fetishist Hired for key Nuclear Post
Capital Police Accused of Entering Congressman’s Office
Digital Dollars and the Fed
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Villagers- Thanks for watching another edition of our FACT-filled news segment.
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Have a great week.
Β© 2022 David Paulides NABS LLC
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Is it a lot of these extreme leftists writing to you Dave?? ugh I pray those numbers are low. It's a disappointing thing to see that there are so many people who have no logic in their thinking.
I hope and pray that your health is ok π.
There is no replacement for you.
You are one of the most important people in this time we are in now.
Words can't express it all.
I hope the best things in life come your way as long as you are here.
Thank you always
Good news π π Dave Good Job. I don't watch Rogan but I also know many people use the evil awful N word, But only certain people are attacked for using it?? I don't like cancel culture nor do I like doctors who refuse to treat covid symptoms and ban medications that can treat upper respiratory symptoms.
I was raised to keep my personal life private. No one needs to see what everyone's sexual fetishes are and I don't need everyone's sexual preferences etc etc etc shoved down my or my children's throats all the time. Every commercial, every show and everything now is basically everyone's sexuality on display. It's disgusting. They're trying to normalize this type of behavior to eventually condition all the public to be ok with people's sexuality on display. I'm NOT ok with this.
FREEDOM CONVOY 2022 β€οΈππ¨π¦πΊπΈπβ€οΈ
The 17 percent are either kids who are still chasing after the paid celebrities who tell them how to think or someone else in a similar situation where reality is someone else paying their way and they're at home staring at a cell phone and or television set with CNN on. I don't want to meet those people … it's clear they're ignorant.
God bless Ashley Babbitt πΊπ² ππΌ
100% behind you, David. Both major parties are corrupt. The left being the worst of the 2 these days. They feel they are above the law. Between the liberal politicians and the liveral press, it has become an easy and effective way to be deceptive and work around the written law and to the American people. It puts lifelong Democrats in a position to believe everything CNN says. Even if it is a most blatant lie. I guarantee you some still believe the Trump and Russian collusion. McConnell and McCain and several other Republicans are or were trash as well. Trump was loud and proud and sometimes crass when he spoke, and definitely when he tweeted. That said, so was Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, and Clinton. All of them knowing full and well the illegal activities they were doing to President Trump. This is not the America that I believe in. It sickens me. I don't know how to save it anymore. Do you have any ideas? God help us all! Please Lord! Thanks David
Thank you for the Factual News, Mr. Paulides! Iβve been a truth seeker for almost 20 years. Iβm mad as Hell about what is and has been going on. Your platform will be a great service and inspiration to us all.
Hey Dave… these are sad sad times. But I feel like many are waking up. The blatant lying is being done, so obviously that it's hard to ignore. Anyways, keep up the good fight. And keep your head on a swivel.
You are a good and intelligent person and yet you embrace that. with all due respect, tribal enthusiasm for the preceding POTUS.
You are unassailablely correct …..Biden is incapable of passing a cogency exam. My disappointment comes from your characterizing the former POTUS, a bloviating and definitive criminal ( ACity creditors…bogus university scam…etc) as an intellect with " stellar" qualities. The guy is equally embarrassing as a POTUS because of his regular and glaring synapse failures among other immoral things.
Neither party has anything but status quo economic bias favoring the moderate to full on wealthy. However, the good news is that your tribe will sweep in 22 and 24. This is because the voting proletariat is incapable of pulling a 3rd party lever in the voting booth. The Dems walked away from ALL of their campaign promises, success with any one of which would have kept them in until 28 or 32. Being disappointed with this administration. voters will foolishly ignore any 3rd party and vote your guys back in.
Because there is absolutely no differencebetween the 2 parties.given they all genuflect to Wall St., the empire is inarguably circling the drain.
Ivermectin sir.. take a few days off. Much love from here x x x x
Beautiful to Δ·now just jow big a part of the jigsaw you represent. Don't stop.
Love from here x
Hey dave i hate to say this but i smell blood coming to this trucker canada situation, does anyone think the psychos in charge of the acting officials who pretend to be in charge gonna just walk away they will black out the news and clean out the truckers blame it on some other rogue form of insurrection . so that no other form of uprising anywhere in the world will use any related action , if we dont have one here were doomed.
Keep it up Dave. Keep telling the truth. We need to stand up and stand with our Canadian brothers. This has only just begun
I feel the hard Lefters in power are so crooked that they fear when it's all out they will be tried for treason so they rather let our country die than be found out. God help us all, and I do believe only God can.
Who says that trump passed the cognitive test with flying colours you and him that's it where's the proof he's never released it lol. He's lied lied and a bigot racist maybe
To take back our Constitutionally based Republic, Mark Levin's book: The Libert Amendments is key to how we do so, within the confines of the Constitution.
Birds of a feather flip together.
love what your saying
f justin truedeau
Corruption is everywhere in all areas of government. Especially security agencies that weaponize the law for political high ground. The Corruption has permanently branded them as enemies. Never to be trusted again.
I love these. I just recently got my final warning that my Instagram will get deleted… although I can't seem to get on my page. I posted about the FDA whistleblower that admitted that Big Food, Big Pharma and the jabby jab makers have paid millions to the FDA for approvals. This is the recent Project Veritas news. Anyway just a heads up because YouTube, Facebook and Instagram seem to work together. I only have 680 followers and they shut me down for mentioning it.
Obama is president again
John F Kennedy!!!!
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their DUTY, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their DUTY, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government
Dude..shame on me, I checked out after Biden became president!!! I realized, no one likes him, including liberals, this was an anti-Trump vote. Whatever…a lot of us are still sick of government intrusion, sick of government making America the bad guy, sick of trying to make America a part of the world government!
Canadians may be reluctant to protest, a fact their government is counting on..
But Americans aren't..good luck man!!! It's not about Trump…it's about our liberties and how a lot of people are frustrated with what we perceive as a threat! Until the powers that be address that…there's gonna be a rift
I love this country soo much and consider myself the luckiest human being ever to be born in this beautiful country…but I realize it became that way for a reason. That reason, historically, took diligence and effort to demand freedom, and realize it's flaws and allow the opportunity to change and improve no matter how flawed, that doesn't come from gavel and laws, it comes from persuasion and compassion…
I presume this will be shadow banned but here goes…
If you believe Russia will invade Ukraine you have not understood what is really going on. Though I don't like Putin he is being goaded and backed into a corner by the EU, UK and the US and its all over NATO Eastern expansion that we agreed not to do and an oil pipeline from Russia that will stop us consumers from being over charged by our own governments for their gas. Putin has cheap gas for sale and our governments don't like being under cut… strange that as we do it all the time and if we don't get it that way we go to war with them.
I loath my own UK government but not my country, its people and its culture for we all have been lied to repeatedly and now overtly so it's almost that they don't care about it being seen.
I will fight back and though these are just words that any possible person could write being sat at home in a safe environment but I do mean this, my avatar is me, is my name and I will not give in to all this bs no matter the cost, for freedom is not a right its a privilege bestowed upon only those that are willing to stand up for it. I have no other way to fight back, being in the very belly of the beast of the UK, other than spreading a view to get others to think, not coerce or manipulate but think for themselves, use the facts and learn for themselves the truth for if you don't you are laying down the very foundations for your decendants prison.
Great talk Dave and nice to see commonsense hasn't been driven from our minds and our hearts. All the best from the occupied UK.
Outlaw corporate campaign contributions and termites to all seats , Open up all parties not just two .
Between heaven and earth we remain free souls ,long live the freesoul party
Liberty Or Death.
God Bless America
R. Kellyβs music is still on Spotify, convicted sexual abuser and pediphile. Individuals really need to evaluate what they are being told and seen. There is a very well crafted narrative and if you donβt seek out other info you are doing the work of the machine.
I now come to you for my news. I love your facts.