Mom of Triplets isn’t happy with Supernanny! | The Jackson Family | FULL EPISODE | Supernanny USA

Mom of Triplets isn’t happy with Supernanny! | The Jackson Family | FULL EPISODE | Supernanny USA

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What do you think about this mom’s attitude towards Supernnay? Is she right in being upset?


#Supernanny #JoFrost


Supernanny is here to tackle tantrums, fights and naughty kids all over the world! Have you ever given your parents a hard time? How do you compare to these kids?

Supernanny will help families get their behavior back on track- but it won’t be easy!! 😭 Expect lots of extreme tantrums, fighting kids and broken rules!

🎥 These episodes were originally on TV from 2004 to 2012, so it might look like it was filmed on a potato!


🌍 Check out the World’s Strictest Parents YouTube Channel for more tantrums, fights & naughty kids from around the world: ▶︎ ..(read more at source)

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See also  Humanist Community Forum (2012-02-05): The Evolutionary Pageant - What Miss USA Can Teach Us About Evolution (Josh Rosenau)

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. Honestly, I don't blame the dad for not wanting to come home but for only one day with how these brats are!! Those kids need some hardcore medications I think!! *Especially that violent little girl Isabel or is it: "JEZEBEL" LOL…. Or could it be that maybe the Dad has another woman friend….😮

  2. i used naught rocking chair my son was about i just say you bad boy he go chair sit there till i said ok he was only 2half it was so funny

  3. Wow, her saying they are against her is very revealing. I don't think she likes her children very well.

  4. First of all I should say I'm so happy there is not pets in the house ,,,and second they are 5 years old why they are not in some at least part time daycare or pre-school saying this because they need to stay way from each other and play with other kids to learn and share and the most important for mom to have some times alone in peace ,,,spatially since dad chose to be far away for his

  5. Why do I watch this show?! These lazy parents and bratty kids give me such anxiety. Where's the joy of having kids. Dad definitely checked out. I wonder how they lasted and what the triplets are like as adults.

  6. I feel bad for this family. It’s clear the mom was just trying to hold on and the kids were being ignored. I hope they’ve been able to find happiness since

  7. I think that you're not supposed to force kids to eat! They eat when they are hungry, and when they get hungry enough, believe me, they will eat it! Promise! They only go without food for so long! NO child should be punished for not being hungry! Same with the "clean plate club". I grew up eating what I wanted, and thank God that now I only weigh 161 and not like 461 cause I was taught to eat when hungry and stop when full!

  8. Couldn't understand how the couple was still together? There is no connection between the two….dad's Definitely having an affair… knows…..she's also disconnected and disinterested in kids

  9. NEVER EVER negotiate with children about eating food, or how much (ie: 3 bites of ravioli or off to the naughty chair). They will eat when they are hungry. If they choose NOT to eat what is served, they can not eat. THey WILL get hungry. THIS B.S. creates picky eaters, manipulators and sadly also contributes to Eating Disorders. JO should not allow this type of punishment 🤬

  10. I really had to laugh at this video. You wouldn't have to hire this nanny to come in and teach you how to raise your kids all you had to do was paddle their little behines.. God said spare the rod spoil the child.

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