Moms of Miss USA and Miss Teen USA speak out after shocking resignations

Moms of Miss USA and Miss Teen USA speak out after shocking resignations

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The moms of former Miss USA Noelia Voight and Miss Teen USA Umasofia Srivastava are speaking out days after their daughters both suddenly resigned, saying “we could not continue this charade.”


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  1. Mama bear instincts should have prevented them from ever putting their daughters in a beauty pageant. These girls got what they bargained for. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  2. These women were sold a bill of goods, thinking being a beautiful, intelligent woman means something other than sexuality. Hey! Let's see the swimsuit contest. Don't sell yourself for anything. Quote, it just comes with the territory

  3. I was a runner up in a local pageant many moons ago and the MAYOR grabbed my *ss IN PUBLIC! His wife was nearby. I got angry and said very loudly to never touch me again. I was called into the office and berated for “embarrassing him“. In my opinion, all pageants should be dismantled. They are only there for one reason and it isn’t for the crown. 😢

  4. This doesn’t just happen with beauty pageant winners. It happens in every job and level of society. As a young woman in the Air Force many years ago, I faced the same treatment. Almost every woman on earth may have a similar story, albeit ob a smaller scale.

  5. This sadly happens everywhere. Harassment and bullying is not illegal in workplaces but should be. I worked for a courthouse and dealt with it all plus sexual harassment. Our union and HR were absolutely worthless. You cannot sue either, you must go through arbitration. I ended up just leaving that toxic environment. It used to be a great place to work though for quite a few years and I still talk to some of my former GOOD management that had retired and they can’t believe how bad it has gotten. 😢

  6. If your looking for ways to empower women and encourage them then get rid of the Beauty pageants and introduce more Leadership conferences and community out reach programs run by women as opposed to focusing on the superficial side of it and I think that is absolutely crazy that they had to sign NDAs… WTH!!

  7. how is anyone surprised that a competition that parades women around almost naked while juding their bodies for "perfection" is toxic? i'm only surprised it took this long for one of the women to say something.

  8. Still don't know what they went through . Nothing specific. However, pursuit of that world does bring about negative people and negative situations. Which is why I never encourage my beautiful, smart daughter in that direction.

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