Morgan Romano Crowned Miss USA 2022 | Was R’Bonney Dethroned as Miss USA?

Morgan Romano Crowned Miss USA 2022 | Was R’Bonney Dethroned as Miss USA?

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Hey Pageant Fans! I’m Theresa K. Cole and I’m a pageant coach from the Cayman Islands and blogger of T-stance on Pageantry.

In this video I discuss the recent crowning of Morgan Romano as the new Miss USA! Morgan is the 4th titleholder from North Carolina to wear the Miss USA crown. However this crowning came with tons of confusion and questions in the pageant community. Check out this video to learn more…

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  1. Wowwww! Are we STILL in this place regarding…a pageant?!? You’d think this was a matter of actually centuries old royalty. It is shocking the continual disdain being directed towards this woman…STILL. Let me answer the title question. NO…FORMER Miss USA, R’Bonney Gabriel was NOT dethroned. They say this at literally every pageant that if the title holder cannot carry on her duties for any reason, the first runner up takes on those duties. Wow! This is NOT the first time this has happened. Since Gabriel is NOW Miss Universe…a title she EARNED, she can’t ALSO be Miss USA. This is the normal procedure. The runner up now becomes Miss USA. Duh! I’m a former pageant girl and know how these things work…though none of it is rocket science.

    And we all should be sick to our guts of what a *ucking loser country Venezuela is that they are STILL holding a grudge in that they did not win the Miss Universe title. GET OVER IT! I wonder how Venezuelans would feel if they had won and the world was constantly vilifying their candidate. It is a pageant. Not the royal coronation! And not only did Miss Venezuela NOT WIN…NEITHER DID 83 other candidates. This has gotten so ugly. I’m happy for our Miss USA winning the Miss Universe title after 10 or so years. I wish her nothing but the best and pray for her continued resilience, grace, and class against the ugliness being directed at her. And food for thought, R’Bonney was being judged by the exact same panel of judges as all the other candidates. Got a beef…take it up with the judges..who judged her as the true winner, and no amount of childish angst is going to change that. Get over it!

  2. Why are you making this a news. You did not do your research. You are trying to make a controversy here. Don't you listen to what they say before they crown the winner. If the so and so winner cannot fulfill her duties the 1st runner up will resume the title. Miss USA 2022 R'bonney Gabriel and Miss USA 2012 Olivia Culpo did when they won Miss Universe because they cannot fulfill their duties as Miss USA. They're right here on youtube.

  3. Heather okepee deserves to be dethroned , an embarrasment of women empowered pageantries from time of inception , even to any women who doesnt competes pageantry , most of all to statee of Montana. WAKE -UP State of Montana !!!! Hater okepee doesnt represent your values and dignity.

  4. I believe Miss Venezuela 🇻🇪 sole purpose is to train for Miss Universe and by the time she competes at Miss Universe she has already crossed the new Miss Venezuela 🇻🇪

  5. Not only that Miss North Carolina became the new Miss USA also the 1 st runner up to Miss North Carolina is now Miss North Carolina confusing yet lol . seems everyone moves up 1 step now
    All i want to know now is that when R'bonney won Miss USA all the prizes the car ect . That would go to the new Miss USA. Because now Miss Universe has her own Prize Packages
    I got to say your video is great .all the best from CANADA

  6. Honestly MU Philippines to an extent . Their only reason is to compete for MU. The rest of the advocacy is performative to win MU and the runner up titles are consolation prizes.

  7. Gabriel has resigned as Miss USA after she became Miss Universe. So she passed the crown to her successor who is the 1st Runner-up. Romano is the new Miss USA

  8. There was a time the first runner-up to MISS USA automatically went to Miss World. This is no longer the case!

  9. So sad that local Americans, including the Miss USA 2022 class, have purposely remained silent and did not congratulate Rbonney at all after her Universe win. Rather, they vocalized tremendous support for Morgan and her appointment as Miss USA. I have a sour taste in my mouth from Morgan and her behaviour; while she did not demean Rbonney directly after her USA win (my guess is because she thought Rbonney could be eventually be dethroned after the bogus rigging allegations) she did not vocalize her support towards her, and did nothing to prevent her class from publicly shaming her. Rbonney was actually removed from their Miss USA 2022 group chat and it upsets me now to see all the support Morgan is getting because her silence is complicity. She too is a bully. I think however that Rbonney does get the last laugh here with the Universe win, I mean how iconic! I for one will not support Morgan as she only demonstrated support to Rbonney after she won Universe and is very performative. This is not to spread hate, but rather to demonstrate that Morgan's behavior, in my opinion, is not one of a leader bur rather a follower. Just my 2 cents!

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