Most Evil Places to Live Throughout History

Most Evil Places to Live Throughout History

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Today on Nutty History we uncover the Most Evil Places to Live Throughout History!

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  1. So hard to think about being alive during Sarajevo. I have a friend who's family immigrated from Bosnia during the war. The stuff he talked about was so fucked up to hear. We were only in 2nd grade.

  2. The royal navy with the cat of 9 tails. The prison colonies of port arthur and Sydney cockatoo island amd the horrific Norfolk island.

  3. One of my good friends is Bosnian and he helped defend Sarajevo during the siege. He was a very skilled soldier

  4. Appreciate a modern context is useful, but why not use the Rwandan Genocide or the Khmer Rouge. Or Mao! Sarajevo as terrible as it is would be far more favour able than any of those

  5. If pro quo joe was alive in 536, and I’m not sure he wasn’t, he would have complained of global warming.

  6. Kino Bosna, was an abandoned movie theatre from after the Bosnian war. We used to party there like 2010. Screw milosevic. Thanks for highlighting this dark part of modern history ❤ 8:12

  7. It's ironic how if ''Karl Marx'' were alive during the reign of ''Chairman Mao Zedong''? Marx would not consider Mao Zedong to be ''Communist'' at all!

  8. A friend of my husband's lived through Sarajevo. The advice from him that always sticks with me is to stay stocked on spices, because after a while people will give almost anything for some flavor to add to the little food they could find. Pepper was, as the phrase goes, worth its weight in gold.

  9. 😮There's so much material for a part 2,3,etc of this. For example, a WWI trench, Lindesfarne in the Viking age, Any port city during the black death, a slave ship on the middle passage.

  10. Now do I watch the video? I think the. 2 Fan fireworks would've been best. For the last firework of the show.

  11. It boggles my mind I could’ve been born in any of these time periods and I simply wasn’t. I always feel blessed learning these historical events bc it makes me appreciate where I am today

  12. Isn't it fascinating how the concept of 'evil' can vary so drastically across different historical periods and cultures? What may have been considered evil in one society might have been seen as completely normal in another. It really highlights the importance of understanding the context and the nuances of history

  13. Just stumbled on your channel and I love the style and presentation.. also the humor is awesome! Keep up the great work.

    Was also wondering did you have any content on the transatlantic slave trade? Thanks

  14. On the Indian split, it was caused by Nehru demanding a separate Muslim state and the Muslims wanted a separate state. Mountbatten caused deaths by his lines being quickly made, but Indian independence was not planned, it was forced in 1947, and Mountbatten is a fall guy, but Muslim and Hindu intolerance of each other and refusal to have a United India tolerating each other beliefs is the issue. Muslims and Christians are still mistreated in India and non Muslims in Pakistan are mistreated.

  15. Leviticus 10
    Names of God Bible

    Improper Conduct for Priests

    10 Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu each took an incense burner and put burning coals and incense in it. Then in Yahweh’s presence they offered this unauthorized fire. 2 A fire flashed from Yahweh and burned them, and they died in the presence of Yahweh.

    3 Moses said to Aaron, “This is exactly what Yahweh said:

    ‘I will show my holiness among those who come to me.
    I will show my glory to all the people.’”

    Aaron was speechless.

    4 Moses called Mishael and Elzaphan, the sons of Aaron’s uncle, Uzziel. He told them, “Come and take your relatives away from in front of the holy place. Take them outside the camp.” 5 So they came and took them away to a place outside the camp, as Moses told them. The dead men were still in their linen robes.

    6 Moses told Aaron and his sons Eleazar and Ithamar: “Do not mourn by leaving your hair uncombed or tearing your clothes. If you do, you will die and Yahweh will become angry with the whole congregation. All the other Israelites may cry over the fire Yahweh sent, but you may not. 7 You must not leave the entrance to the tent of meeting or else you, too, will die, because Yahweh has anointed you with his oil.” They obeyed Moses.

  16. Can you guys do a video on the kingdom of kush in Nubia and how they conquered ancient Egypt after they conquered them?
    Seems like a nutty video concept to me

  17. Can you do a video on What/how life was like during americas colonization/conquering please? Love your videos! ❤🙌

  18. Interesting video and really well researched! But yeah, the Aztec sacrifice numbers definitely aren't accurate. They had a very complex society and people need to chill on the sacrifice stuff. There's so much beauty that gets overlooked because of sensationalizing the sacrificial aspects. They had universal education, incredibly clean streets (compare to europe where people walked in sewage and there were "poor holes", mass graves of dead people in the middle of towns) environmental sustainability and preservation of animal and plant life, not to mention the social and community values at local levels. I'm not a big fan of the Aztecs cause they were a militant and hierarchical society and they did sacrficie a lot of people.

  19. As always, brits handled partition of India…"perfectly". No wonder shell some 50k a years by the hundreds, to "train" their "chosens" in english unis, like varoufakis etc. Their…"progression" is very "obvious"…

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