Mrs. America Season 1 Trailer | Rotten Tomatoes TV

Mrs. America Season 1 Trailer | Rotten Tomatoes TV

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Check out the new Mrs. America Season 1 Trailer starring Cate Blanchett! Let us know what you think in the comments below.
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US Air Date: April 15, 2020
Starring: Cate Blanchett, Rose Byrne, Sarah Paulson
Network: FX On Hulu
Synopsis: Mrs. America recounts the movement to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) and the unexpected backlash led by Phyllis Schlafly, aka “the sweetheart of the silent majority.” Through the eyes of the women of the era, the FX series explores how one of the toughest battlegrounds in the culture wars of the 70s helped give rise to the Moral Majority and forever shifted the political landscape.

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  1. I hate how she was portrayed as an evil woman but in reality, she was actually trying to save America 😭

  2. Going to watch this this weekend. It take a strong actor to play complicated historical figures in a way show their complexity and humanity.

  3. Volete odiare Cate ?
    Guarda mrs.america…..
    Mi è piaciuto molto, guardato 2 volte per la storia …..

    Impossibile non odiare la protagonista !!! ….

  4. Quite possibly the GREATEST ASSEMBLED CAST iv seen in a series for a long time, the casting team hit this big time with their real life characters. Most of the team deserve awards for this. Witty, informative and simply brilliant!!

  5. I always thought the word feminism means a woman who is very feminine. Later I found it means what it is. isn't it a misnomer?

  6. Read more about ERA after watching this show. Concluded two things 1.Women are women's worst enemy. 2.USA is a backward medieval society as (compared to the Western Europe & Scandinavia) as it has the social inequality thanks to the ultra religious, non-secular, capitalistic framework.

  7. I couldn't care less that Cate is bad in this, we'll ge to see interviews with Sarah and her again and that's great.

  8. A must see mini series, the cast is SO great and Cate Blanchett……omg that woman, she is divine.
    Totally reccomend the series

  9. Mrs America was fantastic television; great casting, script and direction. Cate Blanchett and Sarah Paulson were stunning in their respective roles, while Tracey Ullman stole many of the scenes she was in. While much of it was dramatized and most likely represented the spirit of the era, as opposed to documentary truth, it was pleasing to watch such an intelligent, funny and thought-provoking mini-series.

  10. Just like the series, the moderator of this video has taken off what the real truth is. How sad that you have to keep the truth away from the American people and you allow them to be blind by lies

  11. I didn't like the series because it was basically a lie. Although i loved the acting of Cate Blancet

  12. THE best thing on telly this year – by miles. So many fantastic performances but seeing as Cate Blanchett will get most of the plaudits (and I would not deny her any of them) may I put a word in for Tracey Ullman? She was off the chart in her portrayal of Betty Friedan.

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