'Mrs World' grabs crown from head of ‘Mrs Sri Lanka’ in on-stage fracas

'Mrs World' grabs crown from head of ‘Mrs Sri Lanka’ in on-stage fracas

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Police have arrested the reigning “Mrs World” on charges of assault over an on-stage fracas in which she pulled the crown off the head of the new “Mrs Sri Lanka”.

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Caroline Jurie yanked the crown off Pushpika de Silva minutes after she was declared “Mrs Sri Lanka 2020” during a gala in Colombo on April 4. Jurie declared that Pushpika de Silva was ineligible as the winner because she was divorced, and forcibly removed her crown. De Silva needed hospital treatment after the incident, seen by stunned spectators in a packed venue as well as a live social media audience.

To qualify for the title, contestants must be married. De Silva is estranged from her husband, but they are still legally married. The local franchise holder for the pageant, Chandimal Jayasinghe, said they were “deeply disturbed and sincerely regret” the behaviour of Jurie and the told the media the crown would be returned to De Silva

‘Mrs World’ arrested for grabbing crown from head of ‘Mrs Sri Lanka’ ►

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  1. ‘Mrs World’ arrested for grabbing crown from head of ‘Mrs Sri Lanka’ ► https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/apr/08/mrs-world-arrested-for-grabbing-crown-from-head-of-mrs-sri-lanka

  2. She cud have confirmed before taking this step, but she went ahead with removing the crown so she cud come up as the one to take decision, more over its event management's decision who is winner she was only there to present the awardee who made her the queen to take decision

  3. If that’s part of their rules but yet accepted her in the competition it’s BS, they just wasted that woman’s time, effort and money. She should sue for their incompetence.

  4. Pushpika de Silva won with political support. Therefore, Caroline's decision was right. It seemed a shame to the world, but our Queen of the World did justice.

  5. Napaka marites naman nung dating mrs. Sri lanka…false nman pala yung nasagap na balita hahaha

  6. Respect for Caroline Jurie !! Okay you all only see what happened on stage but today 9/4/2022 Mrs world organization removed Pushpika's status as Mrs Sri Lanka.Kudos to Caroline Jurie for standing up for .injustice even when no one helped her. Truth never can be hidden and also Mrs world organization says that Caroline Jurie is the still Mrs world of 2019 and Caroline resigned by herself since there wasn't any justice for other contest who participated with Pushpika and also Mrs world organization says that there are 2 mrs worlds in 2019. you can Google every fact

  7. Shameful inhuman act.. uneducated and uncivilized act for this former Miss and organizers and shameful for sir lanka…..I guess most indian are still living stone era.

  8. So misleading……….
    Where is the grabbing of the crown?
    Where is the on stage fracas?
    I see the crown carefully being removed and ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED… and placed on another contestant's head……
    I see no grabbing and no fracas.
    Please explain what I am missing.

  9. She just can’t stand with lying; If the lady step down with that crown, she’s the winner and it’s unfair for others….rules is rules….

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