My Girlfriend Left Me To Pursue Her Dreams… *Miss World Canada*

My Girlfriend Left Me To Pursue Her Dreams… *Miss World Canada*

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She joined a pageant and this happened…

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#KristenandReafe #MissWorldCanada..(read more at source)

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  1. Smash the LIKE button if it's important to follow your dreams… and bring your partner along for the ride!!!

  2. You guys was talking to me about hitting the subscribe button 😂🤣 I watch y’all most of the time I never subscribe, so Yh I did now 🤪

  3. Wait a first time ?! And you got so far! If you try again you will make it no doubt you’re a natural.

  4. One of the videos popped up in my recommendations and I was like HOLD UP THATS KRISTEN🙈😍

  5. Oh my God…I saw a picture of Kristen in the miss World Canada pageant and I argued with my friend that it was you or your undiscovered twin sister….wow, I'm so elated to find out that it was actually you
    I love you guys so much, you're my favourite YouTube couple

  6. It’s Kristen, of course she is going to be TOP TIER!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍🔥♥️♥️♥️♥️

  7. Can see that Reafe was your biggest cheerleader. By the way he’s looking at you now , so proudly, imagine during the pageant, he must’ve been over the moon. To make it that far in the competition shows that you were one of a kind. Proud of you girly, you’re gorgeous.

  8. You looked absolutely stunning, I knew what you were trying to say in your final question it made sense to me

  9. Wow what you said on stage was actually very smart and said nicely too!! Im from Australia and were pretty much the same as Canada very multicultural and peaceful here too! Welldone you aced it!! 🔥

  10. We're proud of you both. May God continue to bless you in what ever you are doing 🥰🥰🥰🥰

  11. Almost most missed out on this great video because I didn’t want to see y’all broken up

  12. So u decided to prank yr viewers with that caption🥵……was soo heartbroken 😂😂😂love u guys

  13. I like the intro with the like and subcribe button. Some people really be watching and forget to like the videos, so this might help. 👍

  14. From I first subscribe I went to Kristen ig and i'm like bby girl has the body of a model. Go Kristen 🙌🙌 it's great how reafe supporting his babe

  15. Aww so awesome Kristen❤ You are an amazing woman & you have an amazing man! Thanks for sharing that with us. Love always💝🌻

  16. When, I saw this on youtube. I was like awww, Kristen and the way you answer the question had my eyes all watery, I will never forget that day. Proud of you baby girl and, remember you are a winner in our eyes, you won. Love you guy's❤

  17. Kristen you should be extremely proud of yourself for making it to top 6. Girl that’s miss world Canada 🇨🇦that’s not miss universe Canada 🇨🇦. It’s really hard to even qualify got top 20, went down to top 6. That’s an amazing accomplishment. You have a story to share with your kids abs grand kids, oh how you had no time to prepare for such a competition, but you compete with ladies who were very experienced in that pageant, but you still bear out over 50 girls to earn top 6 position.

  18. I just got to go back and watch the miss Canadá just now ,you did we kristen ❤❤❤🇯🇲💯

  19. GUYS ARE YOU WATCHING MISS UNIVERSE TOMORROW??💗 I’m Filipino so I’m rooting for MS UNIVERSE PHILIPPINES! who are u rooting for???

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