Myanmar Beauty Pageant Contestant Condemns Military Crackdown | NBC News

Myanmar Beauty Pageant Contestant Condemns Military Crackdown | NBC News

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A beauty pageant contestant from Myanmar used her platform to plead for international help for her country during the Miss Grand International contest in Thailand. Han Lay fought back tears as she described the military crackdown that left scores of pro-democracy protesters dead on Saturday.Β» Subscribe to NBC News:
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Myanmar Beauty Pageant Contestant Condemns Military Crackdown | NBC News..(read more at source)

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  1. Titanic is about to sink.
    Don’t waste time crying & hoping for utopia. It will not happen…
    Seek Jesus Christ today. Repent and believe…πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

  2. Myanmar young people and citizens are the most bravest one. Including many genuine celebrities. HK is the worst and hypocrite garbage fake actress everywhere..

  3. The knowledgeable hydrogen perioperatively search because toad phytogeographically fry amid a gaping hook. kindhearted, dynamic garage

  4. So sad that Burmese Authority issued a immediate arrest on her. Currently Han Lay is in Thailand as of the moment under the management of the pageant.

  5. And people still want to pretend that pageants are all about shutting women and judging their bodies . When the bitter haters do that ,show 'em this video .

    Bravo MyanmarπŸ™β€

  6. Oh no, what if she couldn't go back to Myanmar after this? Retalation on her and her family? πŸ˜”πŸ˜­πŸ₯Ί

  7. She was not shot dead by the army, but shot to death by a force with a tattoo strategy, whoever wants Myanmar without peace, that force is plotting to tattoo Myanmar, not the Myanmar army, just like America before. All Myanmar people should unite, Myanmar should unite, Asian countries should unite.
    Asian countries have common ancestors, so unite, even the Chinese people should unite to regain justice for their ancestors……

  8. MαΊ·c dΓΉ cΓ΄ αΊ₯y khΓ΄ng được giαΊ£i nhΖ°ng mΓ  cΓ΄ αΊ₯y Δ‘Γ£ dΓ‘m cαΊ₯t lΓͺn tiαΊΏng nΓ³i của mΓ¬nh để Δ‘αΊ‘i diện cho người dΓ’n bα»‹ Γ‘p bα»©c ở myanmar cΕ©ng giα»‘ng nhΖ° Δ‘αΊ‘i sα»© myanmar giα»―a Δ‘αΊ‘i hα»™i Δ‘α»“ng liΓͺn hiệp quα»‘c nΓ³i ra quan Δ‘iểm của mΓ¬nh ủng hα»™ người dΓ’n myanmar. TΓ΄i thαΊ₯y cΓ΄ αΊ₯y Δ‘Γ£ lΓ  hoa hαΊ­u hoΓ  bΓ¬nh trong lΓ²ng người dΓ’n myanmar rα»“i. NαΊΏu được trao giαΊ£i nobel hoΓ  bΓ¬nh thΓ¬ tΓ΄i nghΔ© danh hiệu αΊ₯y cΓ΄ αΊ₯y cΕ©ng nhΖ° ngΓ i Δ‘αΊ‘i sα»© myanmar đều xα»©ng Δ‘Γ‘ng Δ‘αΊ‘t giαΊ£i!

  9. And what's the world police doing? Peddling waxseens. Soooo concerned about the flu but doesn't care about tyrannical slaughter.

  10. While I am watching this video my eyes getting teary eyes. United nations is time to take some action. πŸ˜’πŸ‘€πŸ˜œ

  11. We got to stop the heart attack and the hatred that is facing the world did pain and suffering that is going on need to stop we are going to a plague and was it we come out of it we need to set the world straight as a powerful country that we are we are amazing and understanding country we need to set a policy that the world will follow has any country doesn't follow policy we should push them aside this is not for war or money this is for the human race D days and time we should not have what's going on happening now stupidest and stubbornness of women want to take over the world George Washington said how can you convince another man that your way is right how can you Jesus Christ says love those who love themself love with spread around the world let's make love a disease that spreads around the world

  12. Thank you for Miss Grand International Organization President – Mr. Nawat Itsaragrisil/
    / and Thank you The People THAILAND
    for support Miss Grand Myanmar ,Han Lay, – and giving her special air-time
    to speak out for this sad incident in her Myanmar country.
    This is the courage of both Miss Grand Myanmar and Miss Grand organization in deciding to do so –
    because Thailand is still under the govern of the current Military-Backed Government the same as Myanmer.

  13. Just wish myanmar military stop killing innocent people and drive them away from their country because they don’t them to make peace with government. Trust me they don’t want any ethnic group to make peace with the government. The moment they do make peace and have the right to vote. The military will lose all their power

  14. So we now see China and Russia showing their true colors after they showed their support for the coup and the murder of hundreds of innocent people. THE PEOPLE OF MYANMAR SHOULD NEVER FORGET THIS. You are Brave Myanmar. The Free world is watching in awe of your resistance against this coup and is inspired by your resolve to reclaim your freedom and your democracy. Freedom is never free. Sadly it must be fought for perpetually. There will always be the Communists on the Far Left and the Fascists on the Far Right trying to take your freedom. If either side succeeds freedom will most assuredly die as neither the yoke of Communism nor the Iron grip of Fascism will ever allow democracy or freedom to return. Organize your resistance as the French did in WW2. Make the cost of maintaining communist rule too high. The communists have watched quietly as democracy built your beautiful country. Now they want to take it from you. If necessary let them rule over a wasteland. Never stop fighting for if you do your future will be as bleak as North Korea where death is more attractive than life. Better to live free in an embattled wasteland then to merely exist in the oppressed, cold, sterile and lifeless world of a police state under a communist dictatorship. Your FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY loving brothers around the world are praying for you.


  15. I surely hope The international forces to intervene to end this brutal military that oppressed their own people for 60 years, time for change

  16. Jesus loves and cares about you so much so repent so That we all make it to heaven

    Like so more people can see this.

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