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Obese Man Wins Miss America Pageant.

Obese Man Wins Miss America Pageant.

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See also  How Vanessa Williams Endured Her Miss America Scandal | Oprah’s Master Class | Oprah Winfrey Network

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. The ruling class have been shaming and blaming women for 1000 years. This is just another move to dethrone womanhood. Every major institution cooperates with the reprogramming of women's minds to tame their sexual influences upon their husbands. Everything thats happened to women, all the way back to the inquisitions has been to shame women so they can control the minds of your husbands. It's all about mind control.

  2. How the hell was that monster allowed to enter in the first place ? Looks like it fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down!! And it's a fella as well!!

  3. At this point why bother even showing up for any thing competitive for women and girls when some dude wearing lipstick shows up and takes the crowns, trophy's, medals and (dear Lord) the university scholarship meant for an actual woman! This is an abomination, women have worked so hard for so long to able to go to collage, have sports competitions, Olympic aspirations, even the beauty pageants have a place in future opportunities. But now it's handed all to a bunch of dudes in a prom dress and make-up! Disgusting! Get your own trans sports and pageants and stop stealing from women, shame on all those judges who kicked all these young ladies to the curb for a an obese, slothful boy, who fakes being an 80's valley girl!

  4. It was a a gratuitous prize, it was bigoted, racist, misogynist and heterophobic. That person did not qualify to be in a beauty pageant by any stretch of the imagination.
    He was handed the win to avoid being targeted by the misogynist terrorist group transtifa.

  5. But why does anyone have to be a part of this? I never engaged/involved my time in to giving a DAMN EVEN WHEN ITS WOMEN RUNNING IN PAGEANTS.. This garbage can only bother a person if they take the time to waste to even watch it, and why even care?

  6. It is total rubbish and the other women in that contest are the ones who are stupid because they should all have walked off of that stage. First of all they should have refused to go through that competition with a transgender person but this proves that the judges are not honest people as I am sure they knew darn well that they were not judging fair and that is why many people including myself have stopped watching these beauty contests.

  7. Hey it's not his fault he's playing a con game and he's winning good for him. If women are too afraid to speak up then this should be happening and it will continue to happen until women stop being afraid to use their voice

  8. But if he is insecure about his physical appearance and looks for validation in a beauty contest he would grow better if he loses because there is everything Brian can do to change his physical appearance like stop eating fries and diet Coke…. but I saw him because of he won he continue unhealthy eating habits… so he does not need to put the effort

  9. They conveniently no longer consider the event a "beauty" pageant bc they don't subscribe to society's beauty standards…. it's such obvious pandering. I remember during my junior year a severely autistic student won prom king… it was obviously an attempt at making him feel good about himself. In that case I don't see anything wrong, but this is on another level bc a scholarship was stolen

  10. Trans women are destroying opportunities for little girls to do anything why try to be in a beauty product pageant when you're not going to win especially if you have to compete against a trans man any shape size. Why try to run track and field or swim when you're not going to go nowhere with it professionally because you know men could get surgeries and qualify to compete. This is definitely a woman replacing it theory type thing I mean I'm always been for freedom in my body my choice but now I just don't know

  11. Why they allow transgender in women beauty paegant Are judges and contestants dumb to give such title to a transgender where the females are there

  12. I am sure the organizers of that pageant let him win in order to garner publicity, to be talked about. Beauty pageants are not very popular in general anymore. Not many people are interested in them, so the owners do things like that to earn views.

  13. I'm a 39 year old asian woman, who has never set foot in American soil but I think I want to start identifying as an 18 year old American woman so I can enter Ms America … if that bulldozer can win a crown, so can I and no one can tell me otherwise… even the immigration officer who will probably disapprove my American citizenship and call security on me.

  14. FAT, UGLY & GIGANTIC (lurch from TV sitcom), a mere 19 yrs old capable of demoralizing millions of females?

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