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Let’s pack and travel to Alpharetta, GA for nationals! See you Saturday at 10:00am CST for my competition vlog! Xoxo, Lauren
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Lauren Norris
P.O Box 874
Wetumpka, AL 36092
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Business Inquiries: laurennorris@thesociablesociety.com
| Intro & Outro |
Already There by CAROLINE –
Custom Illustration in Outro Done By: @ procreateandshampoo on IG!
Frequently Asked Questions:
≫How old are you?
23 (January 13, 1998)
≫What camera/editing software do you use?
Canon M50-
≫ College?
The University of Alabama
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Yes to the couples channel! 💕 haha
Will is HELARIOUS😂😂. Love y’all !
Omg Will is so funny🤣 we need more of him
Shut up with how cute y’all are together, I love it!
I can’t wait for the pageant video ❤️
Will wanting film time 😂😂😂 I love you guys together!!!
GOod LUCK and blessings lauren. CHUCHO
Will …I'm talking to the people…lol. Ya'll are so cute 😊. I love watching your channel.
omg a couples channel would be so cutie
you said Alpharetta omg!! I live in Alpharetta!!
.. that’s all I had to contribute haha, can’t wait for your pageant week video!!! 🥰
Love love love!!❤️ I bet you’ve been asked this question a bunch and I bet you’re really busy, but do you have any plans on doing an apartment tour? I know that we have probably seen almost everything just by watching your videos but I was just wondering. Love you Lauren❤️
A couples channel of you and Will would be so cute 💖💖
This video was so fun! Can't wait until the pageant vlog!
Love these vlogs!! You and Will are so adorable btw!💕
Yayyyy! I love all of your videos
Seeing you chasing your dreams and making an impact that gives little girls someone to look up to is inspiring!
Omg Will cracks me up!!! If you're feeling froggy, jump! LOLLLLL
Can’t wait to see your pageant video! You and Will are just right together. 💗💕💖💓
Omg I loved the ending with Will and you saying goodbye to the camera!! 🥹🥹🥰🥰😭😭
Will is the best pageant dad!! 🤣
Yall are so cutie!
to day is my birthday
Seriously you and Will are so freaking cute together!
Good morning Lauren happy Friday morning and I loved your vlogs and your editing is sooo beautiful you are amazing Supporter and I'm proud of you
Will is the most precious boyfriend ever. How did you guys meet?
I love you and your video's
I love your videos
This pageant was in my suburb town and it blew my mind to see you here!!
I love your pageant vlogs!!! I love them so much because I already know you are going to do so so good in this pageant because you are so pretty and amazing sweet and kind to every one you see no matter who it is!!! ❤️ I love how you are always soo positive and make my day!! 💕 That was my cheer coach at Solara boutique and tanning!! I love her so much ❤️ Coach Abbie if you read this you are soo sweet!! Lauren you are so sweet!! I hope that you do so well on your pageant!! I wish you the best of luck!! 😘 I hope you love you your spray tan because she does the best spray tansss ever!!! I love you Lauren 💕
Weird question but are you related to the Norris Nuts? Love your videos.❤️❤️
We love Will!!! I love how much he supports you!💗
Love the video. You are such an organized packer. so cool. all ur stuff in the hotel room is all organized and in its own place. I wish i was like that lol 💕😉
Lauren…if you see this you are literally my role model…You are so inspiring and I love how genuine you are on camera I wish nothing but the best for you and I know God has amazing things planned for you. Love U😘💕
What do you do with your cat when you leave?
Ooooh yay! Miss Lauryn u r truly my biggest inspiration! I always look forward to Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays bc I know that’s when u post! I hope u had sm fun at ur pageant! Ur so gorgeous and pls don’t ever be hard on urself bc ur amazing! 💗🫶🏻⚡️👑
Much love for you dear hope all ur dreams come true 🤍🖤
I am so exited for Saturday!! Cannot wait to watch your vlog!!💖🌸☀️
What song do h use for your intro
Dear Will- You're fabulous. Also SO happy you're here for this pageant!!
This video makes me so excited to see your actual pageant vlog! I love that you split up these videos so we get more Lauren content 🤩
I love love the blue suitcase. What’s the name brand of the suitcase?
Well hello!! Howdy doo 🤠 👋😂