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Welcome to episode 3 of practice with me! Today’s questions come from the Miss Universe Cambodia 2022 competition. I hope these practice interview questions help with your pageant prep. For even more pageant tips, you can check out these episodes…
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I hope this practice episode is helpful to you as you prepare for your next competition 😊 If you'd like more episodes like this, you'll find them here >>> https://bit.ly/3HztHCu
Great exercise! 30 seconds goes by quick! Dani's title winning answer about being a 'people person' to that random 'artificial intelligence' question she knows her stuff #queen
Loved these questions…. If I were to compete, I’d be hiring you anytime. Attention: To the future beauty queens, Dani is here to help!!!
Hi Dani! Can you make a video on the new Miss Universe Peru Alessia Rovegno!? She’s absolutely stunning!! 🇵🇪🇵🇪
Those were tough questions. There was not a lot of time to answer them. You had to think fast. I don't think any of the judges would like my answers especially about gender equality and how best to help people deal with covid. You might disagree with my opinions but my answers are based on my personal experiences. Women generally do not appreciate guys who are kind and soft-spoken. They think you are a wimp. People were told before hand to social distance and wear masks. Some people obeyed government orders others didn't. Most of the people who didn't, got covid. Moral of the story is you cannot look after everyone, you have to look after yourself.
I can not answer
If i had to re-live my whole life all over again and change. It would be nothing really because I love my friends I made along my path through both good n bad times from both online and irl. If i were visiting Cambodia I would showcase my mannerisms and interest in their culture while I visit. The lessons I have gained from doing beauty pagents will always stick with me. I also would still practice them throughout livelihood. I would love to see myself 10 years from now to live a peaceful life and be a successful painter. I had lots of fun answering these questions. their were a couple skipped due to not thinking of a good answer I must admit. This was fun to do Dani.
I try to answer but I can't speak English as well 😁♥️
I really pageant contestants who can come up with with an intelligent answer in a pressured. I have answered these but I rattled despite that I am all alone. lol… This is really fun Dani and I like it. Cheers.
I have tried answering the questions and I think that I did a good job answering some but not all🤣. I even record my answers and I really felt nervous a bit and I was challenged to really speak my mind and heart. Whenever I answered questions like these, I don't usually stay true to myself because that would just cause me to mess up answering these, but instead, I focus on how cheslie kryst (btw, she's amazing, beautiful and intelligent) speaks and think wisely to come up an impactful answer. But I think I need a little work on my communication skills🤣…. Thank you for this video Dani and I am looking forward for another video like this! ❤️
Bendiciones hermosa Celina que Dios te cuideh donde quiera que vor.monster encantan tus videos.
1st and forever thankful