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PAGEANT PARENTS (we need to talk)

PAGEANT PARENTS (we need to talk)

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  1. Pageant
    My daughter is just starting out and I’m learning right along with her. I’m sure I’m why she hasn’t done better. She is so amazing on stage, but I’ve chosen the wrong dresses for her/rules and I didn’t practice her interview properly with her. She can do so much better. She does lose gracefully though. Then behind the scenes, she says “what am I doing wrong?” 🙂

  2. The first time I won a pageant I was crying! I couldn't believe that I'd won! I had worked so hard and put in a couple years of effort to win! (My family knew nothing of pageants so I legit learned everything from Dani's YouTube channel!!) I was so excited to have sister Queens <3 After we took some pictures our Pageant Director told us to change into more comfy clothes and then we'd come back and sign contracts, talk about what all we'd do during our reign, etc. So I go to the changing area and grab my clothes and then head to the restroom to change. I'm in the bathroom standing there with my clothes (I had to wait cuz all the stalls were being used) and I hear this girl I'd competed with in the bathroom complaining about how I never should have won and she was so much more worthy and I didn't even do that well. She steps out of the stall and looks me dead in the eye (And I could tell she knew that I had heard every single word) pretends like nothing happened, so what do I do? All I do is say "I had a lot of fun competing with you! I hope you come back next year!!" And she gives me this snarky obnoxious smile and walks out. So I change out of my dress, get into my comfy clothes and cry. I didn't know what I'd done wrong. I came out fixed my makeup and little 12 year old me walked out like nothing happened. It took me a while but I realized that she didn't like me only because she didn't win, and I shouldn't blame myself. Please girls if you have this same or a similar experience don't blame yourself! There will always be a girl that is only there for the crown, not the memories, not the friends, nothing but having the title. Ladies, If you win, be a Queen! Be gracious, be kind, Be poised. Make sure to tell the other girls they did well! But if you don't win, focus on what you've learned! Congratulate the winner, treat her how you wish girls treated you if you'd won! Please take this to heart, don't make that a memory for a girl! My first crowning moment, was almost ruined because of that girl. Sorry I know that was long but I really wanted to share! <3

  3. This is such a good episode, I think stay in your lane is the most underrated piece of advice for a parent and a contestant!

  4. This can apply for pageant parents, dance parents, theater parents, sports parents etc; This video is soooo accurate

  5. What if the parent has 2 kids competing in the same age division? That's what is happening to me and my sister but shouldn't the parent care about the other kid too?

  6. 1. I eventually told any family who wished to come that if you can't stop gossiping I don't need you here. Zip it.
    2. I've judged contestants 7 and under. It is true a parent is the reason why contestants score lower. A baby contestants being fussy is 100% different than a 5 year old telling her mom "I don't want to" on stage.
    3. Ignore parents and contestants who love to stir drama. I've had a parent tell my mom that there can't be 2 biracial girls in this division and we just said excuse us and went about our business.

  7. OMG this can totally apply to the contestants as well.. sometimes I find myself checking upon other delegates and I'm like 🙊. I shouldn't be going this. Hahahaha

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