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  1. A sad thing even if I answer this all amazingly I wont be able to join a contezt cause im lack of visuals that they need 😥

  2. I think we are given the beautiful gift of ‘intuition and self love ‘ that can be done right with practice , the right time is to stop is when our heart , our body tells us to do so, by asking for love that we desire from ourself ,and we should start when we fill that void of non attention towards ourselves with filling it up with joy that will prevent us from having constant burnouts and will make us believe in ourselves.

  3. Thank you for that wonderful question, my answer goes this way. We should know when to stop and learn to move on. I believe that the right time to stop is when you are tired and you don't know what to do. You need to rest to know yourself and find out what is best for the challenges you are facing. But it doesn't mean that this is the end and you just stop, but you also have to move forward.Take a step towards your dreams when you know the right thing to do that will not cause failure in life…And even you made mistakes,keep on moving forward

  4. sana po tuloy tuloy pag upload niyo po huhu, it helps me to speak in english thankieee.💗

  5. 2. I believe that in life there is no such right time stop however rest is. Just like what the famous philosopher Heraclitus said that change is constant. Struggles and trials are always there and we can do nothing about it but to keep going, move forward and be the better version of ourselves and keep on growing. Thank you!

  6. Thank you for that beautiful question, You should learn how to Start and To stop When it’s needed, i think the time to start is The day when you woke up every day to start a Day as a new Life To start your Goal being a self manage is a big Respect not just to our selves but to others also because it sign of a responsible human being in our society, Be who you are as long as you did the right thing And If you make a mistake stay calm its a Nature of a human But Get a reward from it by changing your self to be a better version of you every single mistake youve take and if you learn from your own mistake maybe its the time to stop from doing it again because i believe we learn from our own Mistake and Make US a better version of Ourselves by seeking it in a brighter perspective and change the way to a right path

  7. 1. A phenomenal leader should be self-aware and very accountable. He or she prioritizes the well-being of every person in the country. And I think if he or she have the vision and heart in bringing the Philippines to a better and brighter future then, no gender will matter.
    Thank you.

  8. I think the right time to stop is when you see yourself not growing and just being on your comfort zone, and if you feel that you don’t have peace in your heart. The time we move forward is the time that we stopped, and if you feel that your failing because you stopped remember that failure is not the end but rather it is a chance for you to learn and take a step towards the journey of success. We should not just know when to stop but we must also know when to move forward.
    Thank you.

  9. 1. I think our country is ready for a gay president because lgbt community was already acceptable in this modern society. Being a president is about your passion to help and serve your country regardless of gender. If you are capable to lead the country then you can be a president president regardless of your gender.
    2. i think it is a time to stop when you in a dark of anxiety, tiredness and sadness. Health is more important and should be prioritized at all things.
    3. The greatest advantage of being a woman is we are capable to give life and hope for every child. Women are empowered and no one can surpass the love and care of a mother.

  10. 2.) If you notable notes to how to manage your time or sched you will know how to stop your time because it's due time, and the move forward is when you know what coming up next but first make sure you have rest. Your rest time is applicable by you, physical guidance is also needed 🙌

  11. 1.) If he knows how to manage and intellectual the capacity of our country, why not? Because he knows hows to handle the problem and execute the plan of each category to do. Means he have confident to say what vision visited to him, he have knowledge too. If he have no educational background but he have great values, it's still okay because he have potential in the community process and how to solve what's community problem and he have analytical skills at politics (e.g talk burden, friends company) of what his saying he will adapt as for running as president. Keeping his yard grown, and that's his process 🙌

  12. I think the right time to stop is when you achieve your goal in your life , when you reach your dreams . And the right time to move forward Is of you feel that you failed in the eyes of other people i think thats the right time to move forward to show them that you are strong enough that you can stand with your own feet , thank you

    More of this please

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