(PAGEANT TIPS) What NOT to do in an interview

(PAGEANT TIPS) What NOT to do in an interview

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DON’T do this in a pageant interview! Instead, practice these winning tips.

If you want to achieve a winning pageant interview, you need to develop your communication skills. As a pageant coach, I work with clients everyday, to teach them about the do’s and don’ts of a successful pageant interview. Here are a few of the big DON’TS of pageant interviews that you need to know before stepping into the interview room. If you’d like some more pageant interview prep help, check out the video that I linked below. It explains what NOT to say in your next pageant interview.

What NOT to do in an interview blog:
What NOT to say in an interview:

Top 20 Pageant Interview Questions:


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  1. just a pageant fan but dani's interview videos are always useful even outside pageantry πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½

  2. You're spot on. Body language is probably the most important skill set in an interview, not just in pageant interviews (in job interviews as well). First impressions always count in interviews which is determined by your body language.

  3. I dont like a candidate says before answering the question from a judge
    """""" Thank you very much Sir/Mam for your very nice question !!
    A very monotonous statement by a candidate…. Supposed to be obsolete statement. Ackward,, dull,, statement. I REALLY LIKE THE LATINEANS CANDIDATES ON HOW AND WHAT THEY START AND END THEIR STATEMENT IN ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS FROM THE BOARD OF JUDGES.. ESPECIALLY, THE SOUTH AFRICANS CANDIDATES, very nice body gestures,, they possesed a captivating charms and smiles while on stage interview. Very fluent,,articulate,, assertive,, very good in communication skills.

  4. Hey Dani! Do you know if it’s possible to win state on the first try for the Miss Americas Outstanding Teen pageant? To they consider your past entries or is a fresh new start for all the contestants? I’m planning on participating and it’s my first year, and I do practice questions every day!

  5. These are really helpful Dani, not just in pageants. It resonates to everyone who goes to any type of interview. I really love watching your contebt, super substantial and useful! ❀✨

  6. Hi Dani! Love your videos! I was wondering if you have considered doing a video over how to walk for pageants? I know you did a similar video with another YouTuber, but I would love to see if there was anymore information. I have been looking up pageant walks and I can’t quite find a video that explains/shows it well enough. Thank you so much for all your help/videos. They truly help (especially when your preparing for your first pageant like me πŸ™‚)

  7. There needs to be a TV contest show (like American Idol) where the competition is based on interviewing skills. Kind of like a beauty pageant without swimsuit or evening gown. This way anyone can join, not just beautiful women. It’s such a valuable skill.

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