Pakistan – Miss Universe | विवाद है क्या ?

Pakistan – Miss Universe | विवाद है क्या ?

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In the Miss Universe competition’s 72-year history, Pakistan had never nominated a representative for Miss Universe, making Erica Robin the first from her nation.
But controversy arose in Pakistan.
Here I am covering a brief India Pak comparison and a quick Journey on Miss Universe.

#indiapakistan..(read more at source)

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See also  Miss Universe 2022 | Over-all Review (THE AMERICAS)

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. There is nothing backward to not support miss universe.
    I still don't understand what's so progressive avout miss universe, where at some point women are walking half naked, like what? Just because you show your beauty and call it progressive doesn't mean it is. Comparing beauties is not progressive. Pakistan is right in this matter.

  2. Pakistan never can support these kind of prideful achievements…It's almost like an haram activity according to Pakistani mindset 😂I mean WTF…They are not Backward Bro…They always wanted to be backward….like I am not saying… but their creepy reactions against Erica completely expose this…I would be happy for Erica If she could grant Crown…But personally sorry girl,You have brought up In wrong Zone🙃 Anyway Best of Luck from India❤

  3. I'm glad and proud to say.I'm Pakistani The people. think women cannot be miss universe. There thinking is Sick. Pakistani back ward 100%.

  4. It's a huge shame according to our religion Islam…it's a disrespect to women therefore I will pray may any country contestants win this shame but not pakistan…we really don't want such garbage in our country and in our religion….and if you hindus read your scriptures you shall know that it's a sin in your religion too

  5. showing body parts or selling body never be a forwardness ……….. and most probably she might be honey-pot of politice placed by the west …………. shameless job can not be a professing for a matured modest society …….. look at dipika, what did she admitted about her so-called forwardness that made ranvir upset ……….. shame on India

  6. it's great that Pakistan is stopping this westernised beauty trend to classify beauty on the basis of tall height and bikini rounds lol

  7. WELL GOING TO PEAGENTS WHO CLASSIFY BEAUTY ON THE BASIS OF TALL HEIGHT IS NOT A WAY OF SHOWING THE STATUS OF A COUNTRY, beauty peagents are not comfortable for so many girls as they include bikini rounds

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