Pew Pew Panel Podcast Ep. 31: “Guns for Bears, Trans and Guns, and The Gundie Awards”

Pew Pew Panel Podcast Ep. 31: “Guns for Bears, Trans and Guns, and The Gundie Awards”

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Welcome to Pew Pew Panel with Eric and Ava. Today we’re going to debate 22 LR vs 45 ACP and talk about how I triggered a pack of trannys.
I’m just going to start off with a fair warning, this main topic might trigger you.



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See also  Productive Vlog | Shopping at Dollar Tree , Michaels & Walmart , Girly Haul | Pageant Prep 🥰🛍

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  1. Windham just couldn't make their loan payments to their creditors. Pretty sad because they made some accurate AR rifles. I used their barrels a lot on my builds. Richard Dyke, the founder of the Bushmaster/ WW companies just passed away recently also.

  2. Eric, been watching you forever but for goodness sakes you don’t have to end every sentence with the word right

  3. The litter box in schools claim is false. It was based off a Facebook post. I agree with the majority of your views but we really need to be sure we don’t spread false information.

  4. The bear defense discussion is pretty painful (very dumb question to start). Consider reading some articles and watching some videos on the subject of bear attacks for more practical information.

  5. All the Boomer comments about Ava are killing me. Some of y’all just can not seem to lay your eyes on a beautiful woman without making it weird 😂

  6. Here I am you two 4:30 Wednesday morning on my way to work thank you for cool things to think a about today while I drive nails Thank you for this channel it’s so awesome to have great topics and discussions ( that’s a long word for a carpenter) keep it up please god bless and stay safe

  7. Transphobic? I can't say I understand how anyone would think this is transphobic. Obviously they don't care if you're a man or a woman. They only want people to be in a section where they belong. Does a trans man to woman belong in a male classification? They are a male who identifies as a woman… then put them in a male category. But no thats not right. Then put them in their own category. Thats not right either. Nothing will be right in the eyes of someone who just wants attention. Ava and Eric are right. Be who you want to be. Do what you want to do. But don't put someone in a classification that they are not. Keep it up and express how you feel. There are more who feel the same way.

  8. The Gundies just wasn’t firm enough on why they dismissed them. The way to solve these issues is to just OWN your opinion. Good on you guys for being upfront about your views— if people agree or disagree it doesn’t matter, it’s just about being upfront.

  9. What the heck is going on with this channel last couple months ? Shooting content ? Where's chad ? Is Ava Eric's new woman ?

  10. 😂go ahead and cracķ a few eggs heck far as I'm concerned Crack the whole darn dozen my friends 😅😅❤😊

  11. I don't agree with "hate" directed towards people who are different, but I do have a problem with a group being so aggressive in the promotion of their views that those same views are being actively taught to young children to a point where it is more fairly represented as indoctrination and brainwashing. There has been a rise in the trans community not because of acceptance issues, but because they have become dominant in the education and entertainment sectors.

  12. Years ago, I used to watch literally every video you published. Nowadays I check in once in a great while. You are ruining your channel with long form boring content. Nothing wrong with long, but long and boring sucks.

  13. I know this is DragonMans daughter… but is it really Gthumb's wife??? Or is my friend trying to destroy Dragonman's image?

  14. Come on. Where’s Chad and Matt? I didn’t subscribe for eye candy. I want the old 8888. The only reason I’m hanging around is in hope LLP returns and Chad comes back.

  15. So, on men in dresses…

    If you can’t lose to them, who cares if they show up and get one pity vote?

    If you can lose to them, you’re the one who shouldn’t be in beauty pageant- that’s all I’m saying.

  16. Eric, wtf is with the glasses lately? Like if there’s something wrong with your eyes, all good. If not, knock it off sunglasses inside and on podcasts and shit.

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