PLAYING SUNSET ISLAND AS LEVEL 1000+!! (Roblox Royale High)

PLAYING SUNSET ISLAND AS LEVEL 1000+!! (Roblox Royale High)

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wow these outfits were actually kinda cute this time :3

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  1. i love how your style your outfits, its really similar to my style. Your one of the best rh ytbers your vibe is very chill and I can see mysef watching more of your videos while farming levels/candy.

  2. I love your videos ❤️ but a tip is reset when you get to the talking part and you can keep doing your outfit 😁

  3. New subscriber please add me or join me and make to me trade in royal high I wish be tall my friends bully me 😢

  4. I just found you channel and i love your voice and the fact you dont talk like those bidding announcers makes yoy so enjoyable to watch

  5. You only have 7k??? This is the first video I watched of yours and I assumed you had over 100k subs and were famous! Wow I hope u get to a 1 million because you actually deserve it! <333

  6. GIRL..Your videos are sooo fire!your very good at farming and you post like,anytime you can get!She deserves subscribers. Btw i love ❤God❤

  7. Tips to use in sunset island

    -First think about how you want your outfit to look.
    -Use accessory combos to give your outfit more detail (I usually use gc cuffs + eh sleeves)
    -If you dont want to waste your time, choose a specific colour/design that you'd like to use, colour it on 1 accessory and colour the entire fit. If you dislike something, you can easily change it.
    -Tryharding is totally normal since everyone wants to win, so try your best.

    These tips always help me when I play Sunset Island once in a blue moon 😀 I hope it helps someone else too!

  8. I love your vids! I'm the person from the trading hub when u needed gothlol stuff <3 I hope you get a badge so bad someday!! <3 Tysm for great vids! 🙂

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