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A vital video dealing with themes of the illusion of choice, validation and the fashion industry.

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#fashion #hijab #muslim..(read more at source)

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VIEW MORE: Miss USA Videos

LEARN ABOUT OTHER: Beauty Pageants

See also  MISS TEEN USA 1992 Crowning Moment

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. Throughout Ramadan I’ve been promoting other causes that need support and put my Patreon on the back seat (and I will continue to). This is the only post I will share for my channel, this month. For those who want to support and have a share in the high-quality content you’ve been seeing, add your regular donation here:

  2. You failed to mention she was diagnosed with terminal cancer when she decided to end her life. It had nothing to do with her being Miss USA or what she wore etc.

  3. How in the world she become miss usa when she had a little mind to commit suicide. She couldn't tolerate this much from the world

  4. They have rights to decide "what should I do." But you're trying to forcing them . You're a germ to this world. You blaming to other cultures in your videos.

  5. John 3:18
    He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

  6. To take off the hiyab or shave the beard is a choice exactly at the same level as wearing it.
    You said "is not your choice because fashion industry told you". And then you say "All*h told you", so… What is the difference between follow a fashion trend or a religious trend? YOUR CHOICE.
    Follow fashion does not make you more immoral, frivolous, lamb or worse person that if you choose to follow a religious dresscode.
    This video is pure bigotry.

  7. STOP PUTTING THE BLAME ON THE VICTIM!!! The only the only culprit of an assault is the aggressor, not the victim.
    Sorry but data proves that sexual predators attack no matter what you're wearing. Unless these predators follow a culture/ideology that seeks to criminalize a certain type of clothing… ahem…
    The body covering "*slam style" objectifies and hypersexualizes people, gives importance to something that doesn't, and at the end it does not tame people's sexual instincts. Because when the body is shown , men don't know how to control themselves.
    Men must learn to control its instincts to distinguish themselves from animals. Hiding the stimulus to prevent temptation (such as hiding food during the day in Ramadan) is cowardice, cheating, hypocrisy. The true inner yih*d it´s done by resisting the temptation not preventing/hiding/avoiding it.

    *slam has given moral value to clothing, but it is an artificial attribution, which simply makes mandatory a custom that was born from practicality due to the environment in the Arabian Peninsula. Nothing more. A norm that, in that place in the 7th century, was OK, but today and abroad has no sense. Nothing more.

    Your speech is pure demagoguery.

  8. As a fashion designer trying to reform the industry, I wholeheartedly agree with you and this is why I believe that humanity MUST return to predominantly consuming our time crafting our own textiles and clothing and making our own choices about what to create from nature with our own hands. Anyone who has seen the movie the devil wears Prada is reminded that the fashion industry does indeed dictate many aspects of our life and culture and is only able to do so because of wage slave labor across the world spending their time supplying fast fashion so that we have time to waste on 1st world privileged pursuits at the expense of our fellow man. And I am not Muslim but on this false idea of choice in a push manufacturing society, I must agree.

  9. This video is DISGRACEFUL !! Former 2019 Miss USA Cheslie Kryst was suffering for decades with a serious mental illness; high-functioning depression as confirmed by her mother April Simpkins. High functioning depression is a mental illness. A mental illness impairs a person’s ability to function. In some cases, a mental illness may be less severe, and although a person experiences symptoms, they are still able to function normally, or almost normally, most of the time. This is referred to as a high-functioning person or mental illness. It is important to remember that high-functioning is not the same as fully-functioning.

    This video reinforced certain stereotypes about depression. Many believe that people with depression are low-functioning or lethargic, can’t get out of bed, or simply aren’t pushing themselves enough to overcome their limitations, or that their easily influenced by others. However in the Muslim community, there are other stereotypes regarding people who suffer from this mental illness; that these people are not religious enough, they suffer from a lack of faith (they don't pray enough or don't wear their hijab or beard) or that their afflicted by the devil or a jinn possession and control, or that their too absorbed by "worldly things", or that it's a punishment from Allah etc etc. There are so many Muslim families who will even restrict their loved one access to psychiatric services because of perceptions of family honor and shame. Some will also hide family members with severe mental illness within their homes or they will keep family member’s illness a secret in order to save face or because they know people will be unwilling to marry into their family because of the mental illness. Many truly believe that mental illness is caused by evil spirits and they reject genetics as a significant factor.

    Even when Muslims have positive attitudes toward mental healing, social stigma remains strong such as in this video. So many Muslims avoid sharing personal distress and seeking help from counselors due to fear of negative consequences from the Muslim community. Imams play significant roles in dealing with mental illness in the Muslim community however they rarely have formal training in addressing mental health issues.

    There are many Muslim women who wear hijab and many muslim men with beards that struggle with mental illness and take their own lives (suicide) in Muslim countries or in Western countries. People suffering with a mental illness struggle making proper decisions, especially those that are not receiving care or are not on treatment may feel that their no longer able to cope. Muslims are not immune against mental illness whether they wear hijab or have a beard.

    A thousand years ago, Muslim were at the leading frontiers of medicine including psychiatric practices and used innovations and different therapeutic techniques that are now considered modern. Now their the most ignorant especially regarding mental illness and they place blame on people with these illnesses or vilify them even in death.

    Chelsea suffered from mental illness since she was in high school, still a child/teenager. It didn't matter if she was an excellent student, a good daughter or kind sister, a God fearing church attending young woman, a hard worker or a joyous friend, she still suffered from a mental illness. Mental illness is as real as diseases such as heart disease or cancer. Mental illness isn't a weakness or a character flaw.

    Muslims should have mercy and compassion on those who suffer from mental illness

  10. Miss USA did not off herself. She was a happy girl with ambitions. Depressed ppl are not ambitious. I experienced depression and know what it looks like. This girl was offed by the puppeteers because she was a powerful role model for her community. She brought intelligence and beauty together which is a powerful combo that hollywood has been suppressing since ages. I am also guessing she refused to sign up for the cult after receiving world wide fame which is a big no no. They control all the influential ppl and those that refuse to be controlled are eliminated. May Allah have mercy on her even though she wasn't muslim.

  11. Quranly app is a rip off. Better Quran apps out there that don't require you to pay a continuous fee. Whoever came up with this app should be ashamed of themselves making money off the words of Allah. They will answer to Allah.

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