Princess Charlotte Enjoys the Commonwealth Games with Her Parents, Prince William & Kate Middleton

Princess Charlotte Enjoys the Commonwealth Games with Her Parents, Prince William & Kate Middleton

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Princess Charlotte, the Cambridges middle child and only girl, attended a full day of engagements with her parents, Prince William and Catherine, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, at the Commonwealth Games.

In addition to watching the competitions, the young princess went to the SportsAid House with her parents, where she met some of their team members.

We’ve also learned her favorite sports is gymnastics, and she was incredibly enthusiastic as she took in that competition at the end of the day.


Royal News Network combines news and commentary, so certain points and conclusions are my own.

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  1. The reason they don't bring them out so much is because they want them to have as normal a life as possible and also the press would just go mad. You know the history with Diana, Princess of Wales. They are protecting them. The British royals are the most famous in the world and the children deserve to be protected and allowed to grow out of the public eye as much as possible.

  2. Oh,please! Don't tell me about swedish education.They were the inventors of " laissez- les faire". And now they don't t know how to deal with the first generation of young ppl,almost all being psychopats. Up date yourself ,a little,eventhough you are Not ( clearly) a Psychiatrist.At least when it's about a serious matter as growing up mentally healthy children.Or stick to what you know…clothes, jewels and shoes! I m sick of ignorant persons of YT.

  3. I understand why the Cambridges have waited to expose their children to the public. They wanted to let their children be children and waited for an age when they are past tantrums and know how to behave with a reasonable amount of decorum.
    Look at how certain people talked about Louis after the Jubilee! For heaven's sake, the Sussex Squad suddenly turned into experts in child behavior and labeled Louis with several mental disorders while calling Kate a bad mother.
    I loved all of my children and proudly showed them off. But if one of them threw a tantrum (usually in a store) I would abandon my full shopping cart, pick the child up, and haul him out to the parking lot while profusely apologizing to the store employees for abandoning my cart.
    Photographers never followed us around, but you can bet there'd be plenty of pictures of a juvenile royal tantrum plastered on television, YouTube, and front pages across the world. It would take weeks for the furor to die down, but the pictures and videos would reappear often and when the child went to school, the bullies would have access to them. They would haunt the child for life.
    And the cause of the tantrum could be as simple as being overtired or not getting a desired treat.
    IMHO, the Cambridges are introducing the children to public appearances gradually and correctly.

  4. You have valid questions. I think the Cambridges are bringing out their children, as events and their interest, maturity warrant. I appreciate them for not declaring at age 6 they do X and at age 7 they do Y. It seems like they are tailoring public appearances based upon their individual child, which I find so admirable and wise.

  5. Prince William and his wife are not first in line to the throne, the European royals you mention are either first in line or already on the throne. They are having their family time now, ready first when William becomes first in line.

  6. We have two future Queens who have shown raising Royal children doesn’t have to be the rigid protocol demanding time that HRH Queen Elizabeth. All power to Kate Duchess of Cambridge and Mary Crown Princess of Denmark.

  7. You have to take into account British Media. The reason the Royals are careful with their children is because they are more likely to be harassed by media, so it’s a fine line they have to take. William knows what growing up in the media is like, he doesn’t want that for his children.

  8. Princess Charlotte the gaughter of a mean and a jelous woman .Charlotte dad is a hater who hates his brother and jelous of his brother's archievements. Charlotte's father is a pegger too .Poor Charlotte what weird parents.Grow up Charlotte and do not be like like your racist parents .Your parents lost hhalf of the Commonwealth .Grow up Charlotte and love people of all racises

  9. William had decided that there was absolutely no room for him making a mistake with his choice of spouse in the light of how his parents marriage/divorce had played out on a global stage. He knew he had to be very sure . Catherine also needed the time to adjust.

  10. Ive been recommending you to Trevor, and in his channel , and many others , everywhere for ages, you're welcome. I adore you 💓💓 (in a supportive way, not a weird way lol) you send good , truthful info out into the stratosphere and it's important to share. Thankyou xxx

  11. Britney, can you please get a job as a Royal Reporter for Yahoo US, New York Post, People, or Page Six? I think more people need to hear your voice as it makes sense.

  12. Bravo for Charlotte! Also the pleasure to see the interaction between parents and child, also his uncle Edward, his wife and their children. Natural, family, no drama. Who miss uncle Harp ?

  13. Don't forget George and Charlotte where seen in Cananda when they were very small and again at the outdoor children's play area designed by Catherine a few years ago finally in pictures with their grandfather.

  14. The most important things the Royals are doing is having their children get an education. During schooltime we see very little of the children and the paparazzi leave them alone.

  15. 6:27 Charlotte is apparently a daddy's girl, copying the way he sits🥰Adorable!
    I think it was a smart move of the Cambridges' to wait before bringing the kids into the spotlight. Not just letting them get older and more well-mannered, but also waiting out the years of media attention, family breakdowns and controversy. Now that the Jubilee is done with I'm sure they feel calmer, relaxed and able to focus on the kids future outings without worrying about what questions might get thrown at them.
    There's a great video about Will and Kate's relationship by Baggage Claim, that mentions other Royal engagements being quite short and suggests that because they'd waited so long Will had given Kate a lot of leeway to back out before it became official, thus making their relationship now stronger because she was better prepared for the onslaught and duties than others who married in.

  16. Hey Brittany!!😊🍀😉Charlotte is adorable! I loved seeing the looks between William and Charlotte. She clearly adores him and he adores her. Catherine as well, the way she calmly interacts with all her children is lovely. They are just delightful to see!

  17. Great video! It's refreshing to see the kids doing fun things with their parents. William and Catherine both are very engaging with which ever child they're with. That is so evident by all the smiles and laughs!

  18. I don't know how do you think that the Cambridges can take the children with them when the go in Royal Tours…they have school and Royal Tours are exhausted to the adult imagine to the children…I think they think primary on the children so, they take them to places that they know that they will enjoy it

  19. Charlotte has been the first young Royal female with polish and panache in a long time. She's a natural and already knows what she's doing. Good on her. 😁😘🇺🇸

  20. I just love Princess Charlotte. Such a little lady. She is quite cautious like her parents and reflective which will serve her well in later life.
    I also think that George and Charlotte are naturally quite shy like Catherine( who really struggled with the publicity early on).
    The parents are gently introducing them to public life and making sure they create positive memories for them.
    Louis in the other hand seems to be an extrovert and I feel he will have no problem with the public attention 😂😂😂

  21. If you want to subscribe, its free!

    (Utube made a bad choice of descriptor word – see dictionary or google – wiki)

  22. 10:03 You can't fake this bond that they have. 🥰
    I believe the amount of public affection for these children have been ten fold since
    their huge presence at the jubilee. We will being seeing much for from these beautiful
    happy children that have been parented with love and respect! 💖

  23. Brittany. I enjoy your take on the current Royal situation. The Queen is the Queen of The United Kingdom, not just England. There are 4 countries included in the United Kingdom ie: Scotland, England + Wales and Northern Ireland. I am Scottish and we also pay tax towards our Monarch.
    Other points to note: the Queen Mother was from a Scottish Noble Family and she was a descendant of King Robert the Bruce. A Scottish King United the Crowns of Scotland and England + Wales + Northern Ireland (King James VI of Scotland (inherited the 2 Crowns). He was the son of Mary Queen of Scots).
    It annoys us when we hear the Queen (who is half Scottish) referred to as the Queen of only England.
    This misconception is broadcast all over the world, so you are not alone. Hollywood always gets it wrong too.
    I love Princess Charlotte and she looks very much like the Queen.
    The Cambridges uplift you and give you a feel good factor. On the other hand, Harry and the wife, make you feel dirty with their carry on.
    Prince Harry has lost everything since he married his wife. He will regret it one day.

  24. Hi Brittany, a lovely video! I don't know if you are aware or not? Kate visited a Hospital late on the Friday or Saturday night of the Jubilee weekend, because the sick were missing out on the Celebrations! Apparently she does this now & again just like her late Mother-in-law Diana! No film crews or cameras!! Love Eleanor H.xx

  25. What a wonderful healthy family life that the Cambridge's have!💖💞💖🇬🇧🇬🇧.. Wish HARRY and his ( if REAL) kids were there ( without his wife 😬😬)😱😱

  26. As an adopted Spaniard Queen Letizia I would enjoy more analysis on her. Few know about the tragedy of loosing her sister to suicide when she was pregnant. She’s a commoner who has taken her job seriously. Excellent analysis as ever. 💫💫💫

  27. You weren't a Catherine fan..
    ?! Wow .. bad judgement, just saying.. Im younger than you and I always liked her.. she was not like other celebrities, and she isn't fake or trashy…and I'm working class and not a snob, just classy.. maybe that's why I respected her, too….. I saw her as so elegant.. but I know you rich people, Brittany- judge eachother mercilessly!😬.
    Maybe that's part of it. Anyway I liked her, and I never liked Meghan,I knew meg was a liar.. obviously due to the fact she's an actress, from LA, barely knew harry, had no money etc.. I spotted meghan a mile off, lol.
    Street smarts/Life experiences..emotional intelligence.. it comes in handy.. something of which Haarry has NONE of!

    Anyway I adore you Brittany and I have been loving your office website, the posts you write are just brilliant. I read about 50 of them in one sitting last night! They are so good. You keep a full plate, I admire how much work you do. It's worth it… You know your stuff, you have my support and fandom all the way (I was one of your first subs btw 😀 , go me lol… I know a good thing when I see it)

    Love from Australia 🇦🇺

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