Push for suicide awareness after former Miss USA takes her own life at age 30

Push for suicide awareness after former Miss USA takes her own life at age 30

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The push for suicide prevention is on pageant winners’ minds after the tragic loss of Miss USA 2019 Cheslie Kryst…(read more at source)

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  1. I’m sorry to say this but suicide prevention doesn’t start with the younger generation, it starts with YOU. It starts with older individuals, young, parents, grandparents, role models, etc. teaching children to cope with their emotions is a bland statement, because where do kids learn to cope with their emotions, besides the adults that raise them and are around them? Therefore, it starts at home. Suicide prevention starts with providing funding for more services, as the mental health field is exhausted and at capacity, leaving many without resources. It also starts with funding for educational programs, housing, food security, job security, etc. suicide prevention is so much more then teaching someone to cope with their “emotions”. I love hearing and knowing how accomplished she was, but that goes to show everyone to CHECK ON ALL YOUR LOVED ONES! Even the ones you consider “strong” because being strong and experiencing depression/ mental health symptoms are not correlated- you can be strong and still be depressed.


  2. No people commit suicide because they are smart enough to figure this world out like the rich politicians who are sin filled creeps , pedophiles, like Epstein, Harvey wienstien , prince Andrew all devils ,and it's unbearable to live in a world like this. Then should I mention the pandemic which the truth will never be told.

  3. Quite frankly it's your body your choice also women who kill their babies by having abortions say the exact same thing my body my choice. Well same applies if you want to end your own life. You know what's best for you not the Government President or anyone only you know what's best for you if that means ending your own life well that's your choice and your own body your life your choice make ending your own life legal. At the same time I think parents or schools should teach about sex Ed because if you don't then women will keep on having un protected sex and and then get pregnant the have abortions. And while basically in no regard about maybe I should've worn protection so I don't get pregnant meaning the man and woman. But women would say oh I hate feeling the rubber or the man says he'll no well then you will get pregnant. So I think teaching sex ed again is necessary meaning if it's parents or schools because quite frankly parents today are wayyyyyyy to relaxed on punishment. If their kid is doing bad a good old smack on the ass or woop with a belt or soap in the mouth is part of punishment it's not child abuse. You think putting a kid in time out is gonna teach your kids a lesson ehh wrong. Parents are way to damn soft on their own children it's fucked up. People today are all assholes and dickheads and worthless

  4. TOO sad… What terrible happened to #CheslieKryst, #MissUSA2019… What a HUGE LOST… Hugs from Nicaragua.

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