Recovering from a Season of Setbacks + the process of grief | a work in progress ep.15

Recovering from a Season of Setbacks + the process of grief  | a work in progress ep.15

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hi friends! in today’s video we have the a work in progress podcast episode number 15! Just because you’ve survived something doesn’t mean you didn’t experience damage. There is truly nothing more necessary for our journey of healing than acknowledging we’ve been damaged. Learn more about how I’ve been trying to recover from a season of setbacks, and how I’m managing through the process of grief on this podcast episode. 

#BrelynnHunt #AWorkinProgress

♡ S H O W N O T E S ♡
For my hurting souls: In 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 the word says that we are delivered from the power and authority of darkness. It states that we cast down all reasoning and imaginations that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God, and we bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of God’s word.

The light that God has instilled in you is bright enough to fight off the darkness around you. You have been enriched, and as such, you must enrich others through the word.

You have been delivered from failure! You have been delivered from fear! On days where you can’t see the light, know that it is within you, and that darkness cannot overtake it!

♡ T I M E S T A M P S ♡
welcome to a work in progress, the podcast – 0:00
the process of grief – 3:08
hoping for a new beginning- 9:09
the seasons of setbacks – 11:21
better is coming- 26:20
anger and hopelessness- 35:08
the object of the game – 26:11
life update / my “currently” list – 37:28
I need a Cootie – 45:57
kingdom keys 51:50
episode affirmations – 54:41

See also  Communicast: A Communication Skills Podcast | Jay Guilford: Be Bold in Your Communication

♡ K I N G D O M K E Y S ♡
Trauma, Triggers, and Triumph – Bishop T.D. Jakes –

♡ E P I S O D E A F F I R M A T I O N S ♡
I am worthy of great things in life.
I have faith in myself and my ability to reach my goals.
I make an effort to always live in the present moment.
Everything is going to work out for my highest good.
I am releasing any bad thoughts that keep me away from my happiness.
I have the power to improve my situation.

♡ S E N D M E A M E S S A G E ♡
If you have any feedback on the podcast, please let me know on Instagram or send me a message below.
If you enjoyed the show, please share it with your friends and family and leave a review on Apple Podcasts! It really helps 🙂

♡ F O L L O W M Y S O C I A L S ♡



♡ F A Q ♡
-CAMERA: Canon-EOS M50:
-This video was edited in iMovie
-I received my Masters in Physiology from NC State University in 2020.
-I graduated from Spelman College with a B.S. in Biology on the Pre-Medicine track.


Who really reads my description box?
If so, comment: the best is yet to come

Remember to live everyday to the fullest because you only live once.
Thank you so much for watching!
-Brelynn ♡

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  1. So sorry to learn of your grandmother's passing and your challenges with the MCAT. Stay strong, Brelynn. God is in you, beside you, upon you. He's got you on every side. He won't let you fall. He loves you so much more than you could ever know, and he has a great plan for your life. Just stay strong our future M.D.

  2. I’m super proud of you Future Doctor Brelynn!! Your transparency during your hardships is unmatched. This process takes a huge toll on us as premed students who are content creators. I am literally in the same boat with you. However, we are going to make it. I’m rooting for you and continue to hold the faith! I hope to one day chat with you when we get on the other side of the storm. Peace is coming!!

  3. Ohhhhhh lovely!!! It's a whole KINGDOM SET UP!! The Lord is doing a spiritual reset. Keep standing. Thank you for your willingness to be transparent & real. It's all real.

    We love you, sugar.

  4. You got snow too I’m in Michigan and yes she’s bipolar but it snowed for 4 hours and then was gone I was so bamboozled like what was your point Michigan.

  5. My sincere condolences to you and your family. May GOD continues to provide healing and strength at this time of sorrow. We miss you dearly and I believe that your platform (subscribers)truly understand why you have been gone from vlogging . We all respect you, cherish and stay by your side through it all. Love and miss you ♥️♥️♥️.

  6. I'm struggling but I'm trying! I've just come home from my own grandmothers funeral today. I too feel such a newfound appreciation and almost urgency for life. I personally feel a bit lost today but I always find way back. As long as your trying I feel your still on track. It may be frustrating to hear and think to yourself "all I'm doing is trying…all I do is try" but that's all we can do along side prayer and therapy while we WAIT on God's plan. Idk why but I just value your perspective and your content so much. You are such a inspiring,uplifting and an entertaining person…all that from just trying(how bout that🤗). I pray peace over you,I pray understanding over you,I pray mental strength and health,I pray for Good news!!

  7. I'm proud of you! You've come far….even of it doesn't look like how you imagined it would. The great thing about setbacks is it's like a bow and arrow: on order to launch, you have to pull back. The more taut the string, the farther the arrow can go. You're about to launch! 🏹

  8. Hello luv. I just ran across you on YouTube… All I can say is the IAM is maturing you in spiritual things. No longer will your worldly endeavors be enough. I, like you, have experienced this season. Fully submit to God… STOP thinking… finally submit and accept IAM direction. You’re blessed and truly loved today. Be thankful and pray for spiritual purposes… accept the gift of job, forgiveness and an abundant life. You’ll be okay… We serve a Big God… believe it and HE is in control of everything, nothing just happens.😘

  9. I know how important your grandma is to you and I lost mines in 2020. Sending you love and strength!!!

  10. Brelynn, I'm giving you a big virtual hug 🤗 Your grandma is with you through all the messages you see 💕 You mentioned that you're exhausted because you're worried about stuff that's not your business. It seems like the sooner you let go and enjoy this ride, then you'll see the truth. It's all apart of the process and the setbacks make the best content. We don't connect with perfect people who got into their perfect school at the perfect time who edited the perfect vlog to show us how perfect they are. We connect with you, a real human being going through real things because that makes the perfect mirror for us. I hope soon you see how worthy you are in your simple beautiful, beingness 🙌🏾💕

  11. Grief is so hard and it sucks. I lost my grandma in November. She was like my mom and I just had a dream with her last week that hurt beyond words. I will be thinking of you remember that grief is just love with no where to go.

  12. Hey girl, I’m so sorry for your loss. My grandmas passed years ago and I’m still dealing with their passing. I still haven’t gotten over it. Are we living the same life? I literally have not caught a break since 2021. I’ve been in the go with school, work, the military, and life. I’ve been questioning the things I have done in my life and my purpose. But I’m slowly seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I just have to remind myself how far I’ve come. Sometimes that’s hard to do when all you think about is the negative things that’s happening. But things will change soon. 💕

  13. I’ve never seen your videos or heard of you before but I want to send you a HUGE HUG AND THANKS!!! I lost my mommy on 2/13/22. She was my FAV person in this ENTIRE world! My best friend. It was just her and I. I am the only child and now I’m stuck. Feeling like an adult orphan… It’s so surreal to hear someone feeling the same things I’m feeling. Wow… thank you so very much for getting on here and speaking even when you felt like you weren’t quite ready. Im forever grateful. Thank you 🙏🏾 💕

  14. I think of you as this brilliant baby sis. I hate that you have experienced the loss of your grandma. I lost my best friend unexpectedly in December and it's upended my life. This is natural, but we (I'm speaking for the followers who love you) want you to talk to yourself nicely. Get the therapist. Create as you feel necessary. Be sad and be frustrated. You don't have anything to prove to us. Just be here, if you see fit, and you will be loved.

  15. I don’t know why our dearest and beautiful Brelynn is out here apologizing to us when she owes us no explanation. Sis, you’re actually so strong to even be able to speak to us. Bre take your time. We are rooting for you ❤️💕

  16. Listen I wont tell you what to dictate, or translate. Because you dont know me. But just go with it. Thanks.

  17. I relate to this so much! Having the drive and interest to do so many different things but also realizing the importance of understanding the power of saying "NO". Epsecially when accomplishing certain goals. Somethings simply have to go on the back burner and thats okay.

  18. We missed you so much, but I am glad that you took some time even though you don’t have it all figured out yet. That is exactly what your podcast is all about. We need to see imperfections and hear the struggles because life, itself, is a continual ’work in progress’. You really touch me when you mentioned about how you were doing the opposite to yourself for your word of the year. The same went for me: my word this year is HERE, but I am so focused on what I want my future to look like that I am forgetting to live in my now. I just need to trust in God’s plan for my life. 

    P.S. Are you going to come out with more merch?

  19. I’ve missed you, my fave online person Brelynn. There is always value in sharing your experience and just being yourself, even if it isn’t pretty. I’m here for you and your journey.

    My condolences on your Grandma’s passing, I pray that you would feel peace, comfort and safety to express every emotion that you feel 🤍🤍 and I pray that you will find clarity and JOY soon, you so deserve it. Will be praying for you and your family.

    Be blessed x

  20. It’s true when you plan GOD laugh. I truly know what what your going through and we have all been through a season where GOD test your limits to see if your ready to accept his testimony. When you are ready to accept GOD PATH with all the trials and tribulations and trust him that he will guide you then everything will fall in place but you cannot question his word or path. It very hard especially because so many things are happening. Grief is very hard especially the 7 stages but stay strong and keep praying GOD doesn’t not give his children anything they can’t handle. Also Therapy is a great way to start it will help you differ thoughts, emotions, and set healthy boundaries. I pray for your strength you are beautiful, smart, amazing, and loving don’t ever think you are any less than your worth. Love you sis you GOT THIS !!!! Brelyn Hunt,MD IN THE MAKING. And remember no one is perfect we are human not robot. Don’t put all that pressure on yourself take it one day at a time and go your pace.

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