Remembering former Miss NC and Miss USA Cheslie Kryst after untimely death

Remembering former Miss NC and Miss USA Cheslie Kryst after untimely death

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Mental health issues can hit anyone, that even includes those who hold so much inspiration for others.

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  1. This society contributes to such behavior. Pure white females can't take that they have to sure their beauty with others. Mental health comes issues comes from the toxic issues from our society. Wish we can start over

  2. Electronic harassment is still going on in America. Technology known as the suicide frequency. Rest In Peace. Wicked jealousy is everywhere.

  3. Well, I understand worrying about age. I was not pretty growing up. My half sister was beautiful and I loved her but I knew I was maybe cute but when I married my first husband in 1976 one night he said to me:KITTEN YOU ARE THE KIND OF LADY I WAS 19 he said that you are cute now but as you age; that is when you will be beautiful. I did look better at 40 than 20 and I am not ugly for 65 and I have had no work done. My mum fabulous lady died too soon and my grand ma ma and papa my mothers parents I had them there for 42 years. They did not want me to stress and worry and wrinkle it was always put in my head NOT MEAN THEY KNEW I WAS AT BEST ONLY CUTE. I WORKED HARD IN MY 20โ€™s got braces, well I wore my retainer but they did not know it was for life when I got them off in 1982. I saved for contacts 1982, $500 then. Wow, but I always loved makeup and wore lipstick at three years old. I still love lipstick and cosmetics and I was addicted until I died 19 years ago this May at my office for an executive meeting their faulty stairs broke on me and I died 6 minutes and I have worked hard alone to get my brain strong but I had to put on skin care at 15 my mother would not say is your homework done? Have you applied your wrinkle cream. And I would through the years always drive to see my grand ma ma and papa and I would want to rest my face no makeup just skin care I wore it long days 5 days a week in my careers as a face model for brochures, billboards etc. my own tv beauty segments on CBS SHX FOX in 1098 and 2001 then still worked my full time executive sales job. I have had no work done I do not have money for shots and I am getting wrinkles between my brows and around my mouth. I have none under my eyes or crows feet but between my brows and around my mouth I am very bothered because my grand ma ma and papa would say SUGAR WE ARD GOING TO SEE RELATIVES AND SHOPPING PLEASE PUT YOUR MAKE UP ON SND LOOM REAL NICE FIR ME AND PAPA. They are were my breath but I had it best in my head I had to be as pretty as I could be. If they were alive now I lost them 1997/1998 in a week apart a two months my mother so young just 57 I was 42 but I know they would say I look nice they would be devastated I lost my income and they would be trying to figure out how to get shots in my face. They had no money I helped yh financially and my mother had no money I helped her and who thought I would die and in 6 minutes I lost everything and I am here to pick up the pieces all alone so I understand getting older but she was gorgeous and I did things because I was a strong lady with a drive to be someone, and I was and I was gracious and kind and honest but I lost it all and I am supposed to feel good about not getting shots on my face being all alone I need a small adult dog that is healthy and sweet my doctor wrote a prescription he knows how alone I am and itโ€™s daunting, but I did not start wrinkling until last September 2021 loss of too much weight low thyroid stage 3 kidney disease I am not doing dialysis and I have lost 3/4th of my hair. Thank you low thyroid and I am on brand thyroid medicine Tirosint Sol. My hair is just fuzz where I lost 3/4th of my hair last March and I should have grown 6 inches by now now itโ€™s peach fuzz all over not 1:2 inch. I take spirolactone abs get 55-70 shots on the sides of my head and top and I should at least have grown 2 inches it would not look so thin. I use products to make it look fuller that has been gut wrenching so I am not handling not having the best I worked for and not able to keep the appearance I have. Itโ€™s brain washing and I am not posting for compliments at all. I feel like I am attractive but the hole package. Anyway here come the wrinkles less hair trying to get more of the hair dealing with health issues I have zero self esteem. But I can not kill myself but there is a death that is real Au coeur braise French meaning DEATH BY HEARTBREAK AND I ACTUALLY AM AMAZED I WAKE UP EVERY DAY THAT I DO. If and when I get a dog it will give me life because of Covid, less money, friends are gone alone it hard to get out of bed. So she would have always been gorgeous and black women never age like white women. They have gorgeous skin and never look their age. Could she not see she was beautiful and 30 is not old when you are 30. Maybe her friends were married, had children and she felt like she would not have that? I always like to figure out or know why something so tragic happened to her by her own doing if she was not pushed. Maybe she wanted to make sure she would die or maybe that floor was a beautiful turned sad place for her. But I hate this and all that take their life. I just wish well, had she been my friend I would have known it was coming. They all show signs. Itโ€™s awful if she did take her life it is awful she in all her beauty died that way which I canโ€™t imagine how a face would look falling on concrete 29 floors but I am afraid of heights. We are all at a loss especially not even knowing her and meeting her this way.

  4. Black girl magic instead of Harriet Tubman power fight struggle never give up hold on Jesus so u don't jump off the 60th flr of a bld strong females don't kill themselves,!!

  5. So very saddened for her and her family ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ

  6. What drugs were involved? Toxicology report? If not drugs foul play? I have a hard time believing the information weโ€™re being spoon fed.

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