Rollo Tomassi vs Beta-Loving Hot Pageant Queen

Rollo Tomassi vs Beta-Loving Hot Pageant Queen

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  1. The concept of “”constantly improving yourself””is in my opinion,blue pill in a way.
    Sure ,keep your drive and your ambition,but NEVER FORGET THAT you are “”conquered””for her,she knows all your jokes ,all your moves,she sees you in every banal circumstance there is.In this day and age ,any and I mean ANY woman could cheat if she has a perfect storm.A moment of weak state of mind(death in the family)a player at work.NEWNESS it’s too big a pressure.And by newness I mean a new D.
    Sorry but it’s just my view.
    Guys ,if we truly commit to it can much easier be monogamous because we have sex with a sexual object(if she stays fit),whereas women,when they f you they have sex with your entire story,your voice,job,persona etc.So it’s HER AND NOT THE GUY WHO GETS BORED FIRST AND MUCH EARLIER.

  2. Saved this in a list from Facebook. Now, I can't pull up the original post. Why?

    Very interesting, so far. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Would someone please explain to me the practical application of “spinning plates”?!

    You’re telling me a guy who’s say 30, working 40-50+ hours to build himself career wise or financially, working out to stay fit, and caring for himself (cooking meals, staying on top is his style, etc) has time to date 3-4 women?! GET REAL

    None of these (not a single one) of the red pill coaches/dating guys has practically done this! If they did they’d understand it’s near impossible if not impossible to do all of those things AND talk to, go out with, smash, date 3-4+ women.

    I’ve dated multiple women while doing all those things and it’s hard enough to date 2 and keep them from finding out or being ok and not walking away let alone have a 4+ rotation.

    Here’s the REAL practical application: be dating a chick and have one on the side. Or casually date 2. Any more and you will compromise your mission.

  4. This pageant queen lady is stupid lol 😂. The things she says make no sense. With my experience, ladies do not like beta males at all haha this girl is on crack. When I didn’t know what I was doing it didn’t matter how good looking I was, girls didn’t want me. When I started to act like a man and unlearned my old ways and became a man more women were attracted to me and wouldn’t leave me alone. That’s the honest truth. And to be honest as an alpha male, I don’t want an alpha woman lol I want a woman who is phemenine and acts like a woman not like a man. An alpha woman is a turn off to me because she is a lot of work and too masculine for me which is a turn off. Just like beta males are a turn off to women.

  5. OMG when John said I will take everything you said and not listen to you, her face said come over and bang me to death! LOL… Nice job John. I never laughed so hard watching her squirm in her lust for you ha ha.

  6. Fuck Yeah! I am going to re-read this tonight:

  7. they’re definitely are chicks like that out there…but they usually aren’t hot or feminine

  8. Rollo said it Perfectly. Marriage is dead. Him being a happily married Man, doesn't make him a hypocrite. Not at all. Far from it. Feminism and their sexual revolution has truly killed marriage, going forward. Going forward from 1965, at any rate.

    Men are Completely in harm's way in our modern times with the way unconscionable marriage contracts and the divorce industry meat grinder is set up.

  9. I just gave Blood due to a family member needing it. I'm not rich and i don't really show off wealth. But as soon as i told persons i have O neg Blood i was treated like a prize horse. When i went through the very personal questions and i am literally the perfect candidate for the much needed Blood Donation drive especially in this Covid time, I became a walking resource and the Nurses begged me to give more. I am on a list now and i expect alot of attention. Gottah be vigilant because kidnappings are real in my country.

  10. “There’s a difference between hot women and beautiful women. Hot women are everywhere; they abound. They are beautified, not beautiful. Beautiful women, on the other hand, are rare and a real mystery. Hotness speaks to our impulses. Beauty speaks to our imagination.“ ~ Z.P.

  11. Just a friendly reminder for all:

    According to lawyers, 99.9 % of wealthy women demand that their male fiancés sign a prenup;

    If a woman wants to terminate a pregnancy, but the man wishes to keep it, he has no say. But if the man doesn’t want it, but she does, then he is financially responsible.

    Never enter into contact with another party if it is profitable for the other party to break said contract (business 101).

  12. Anyway, what women like is irrelevant. Who cares what the data says… you are alpha because that’s who you are not because women like it.
    What if they start overwhelmingly choose Betas…. is that going to change your behaviors?

  13. So according to Rollo. We all have to know what age range in women we are dealing with. Might as well say 20 is just for banging. 30 up is for Beta provision. Being a Hybrid of Alpha/Beta is useless. All the women I know in real life except for a small couple. They have suitors.

  14. Females that think they are alphas are so unattractive
    (I'm not talking about physical appearance)

  15. Okay, it DOES happen. My sister in law had a Masters degree when she met my bro ther, a high school drop out. She pushed and supported him through his own MA. She still earns more than he does but their marriage is solid. A true anomaly but it DOES happen.

  16. When you had Rollo on I automatically liked. Should do more videos with him.

    What women say on screen is most times different than what they do in real life. Don’t feed in to what they say but watch what they do. This goes for everyone regardless of gender, but men most of the time are congruent with their words because that’s how they are valued whereas women are mostly valued by their looks and the respect they give you as a man.

  17. Bulldog, did you delete my previous comment, or is it in a spam filter? I used a naughty word, so maybe it got nuked.. anyway, I'd love for someone like you or Rollo to answer it.

  18. Hey, check this out

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  19. 40 years ago when I would go to magazine stores when they were popular, I would always wonder why there were like 50 different porn magazines for men and the woman porn section was like 2 magazines. I would think if men and women are equal why does the woman section have just 2 porn mags for women. Answer: Because men have 20 times the testosterone.

  20. This all could’ve been said in 10 min or less. Too much talk. Way too much talk. How’s that alpha male behavior. Get to the point and move on.

  21. It's important when prime time woman reject men their age for young men to practice their sexual oppressive desires on the milfs and cougars who also need these young stallions just as much! And save themselves years of wasted time and headache. As men save thier cashflow, step into their primal years (starting at late 30's, 40s through 50's) and save enough $ to make an informed decision as to what younger women he can choose from, love and create a family with, if he chooses to do so, he will have the full home advantage.
    By the way, older milf, cougars are more likely to become wild sex freaks with the younger dudes than woman thier age anyways, so, it's a very good win win situation for us guys!đŸ’Ș😃đŸ’Ș

  22. Makes sense guy makes 58% more money as they – wimens spend 50% more – shoes- clothes etc. you pay dinners etc -8%. Whatever is left you might get to spend on yourself đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž

  23. 11:00 Wow Rollo is on point. In nearly every Lifetime movie or romance chick flick, the guy the "strong independent" woman falls for is almost always some gargantuan rough around the edges type savage guy.

  24. On MLD she said she wont date a guy that hasnt made his first million before 29, now she is talking about falling in love with a guy that has no money…does she listen to herself speak?

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