San Diego hosts Mrs. America 1965 pageant

San Diego hosts Mrs. America 1965 pageant

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In August 1965, San Diego played host to the Mrs. America pageant for the first time. Contestants arrived one week before the contest to compete in homemaking activities.

These clips start with the reigning Mrs. America Desree Jenkins arriving in San Diego on Aug. 18, 1965. News 8’s George Lewis spoke to Mrs. Jenkins – who arrived with her husband and kids – about what she had done to become Mrs. America. The tasks included: baking a cake, fixing a casserole, arranging flowers, designing a floor, driving an automobile, and being judged on good grooming.

On Aug. 20, 1965, contestants for the Mrs. America pageant arrived in America’s Finest City and were welcomed by Mrs. America 1963 – Mrs. Marilyn Mitchell of San Diego. Local officials were also on hand to welcome the women who were given flowers as they deboarded a plane and a band played.

The final clip from Aug. 28, 1965 shows the pageant itself held at the Community Concourse. Out of 51 contestants, Mrs. Alice Buehner of Salt Lake City – previously Mrs. Utah – was crowned the 1965 Mrs. America. The 34-year-old had six children and was given $20,000 worth of prizes including a three-week trip to Europe with her husband.

The original scripts for these stories appear below:

August 18, 1965
Mrs. Desree Jenkins–the reigning Mrs. America–arrived in San Diego Wednesday for the annual Mrs. America pageant–accompanied by her husband Joseph–a Columbia, South Carolina realtor, and children Barry, 13, and Teresa, 12. Council woman Helen Cobb greeted them. News 8’s George Lewis talked to her about her experience in the 1964 pageant and what her reign was like. They had to bake a cake, fix a casserole, drive an automobile, arrange flowers, design a floor, and they were of course judged on good grooming. She said it was a homemaking title. She has a genteel southern accent–a poised, refined lady one would expect to carry the title Mrs. America.

August 20 Mrs. America candidates arrive
Prominent in the welcoming party was Mrs. Lyle Mitchell of San Diego who was Mrs. America 1963. There was also the mayor and chairman of the board of supervisors, city councilmen and representatives of the city’s first Carnation Festival which will be held in conjunction with the Mrs. America contest. In the group arriving today were candidates and their husbands from every state in the union and the District of Columbia.
A stage had been erected at the airport where the official greetings were voiced. Activities for the candidates begin tomorrow with interviews by judges. These continue through Sunday night. Actual competition begins Monday morning at nine o’clock when candidates begin demonstrating their skills in flower arranging, safe driving, laundering, cake baking, money management, shopping and cooking. The new Mrs. America will be selected and crowned at ceremonies a week from tomorrow night at Convention Hall.

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August 28 Mrs. America Pageant

Tonight was the BIG night at The Community Concourse–the selection of Mrs. America. The 51 contestants had gone through a week of competition. Now it was up to the judges to pick a winner. It was San Diego’s first year as host to the Mrs. America Pageant. After the field was narrowed to ten finalists the big moment came beginning with announcement of third runner-up Mrs. Hawaii, then second runner-up Mrs. Georgia, Pat Turner of Swainsboro. Then master of ceremonies Forrest Tucker named the first runner up in the contest–Mrs. Colorado–Margaret Freeman of Aurora. Then the announcement everyone had waited for–especially Mrs. Utah. Mrs. Alice Buehner of Salt Lake City was named Mrs. America succeeding Desree Jenkins of South Carolina who placed the crown on her head. Mrs. America is the 34 year old mother of six children–a blue eyed brunette who earlier this week won first prize in flower arranging. She will receive 20,000 dollars worth of prizes including an all expense paid three week tour of Europe for herself and her husband. The contest concluded tonight with a Coronation Ball honoring Mrs. America of 1965, the nation’s number one wife and home-maker…(read more at source)

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