Sarah 'Miss Teen USA' Palin

Sarah 'Miss Teen USA' Palin

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Sarah Palin responds…(read more at source)

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  1. oh thorton figured it out. he must build rockets and such. Palin is a moron. Obama graduated #1 in his class from Harvard. Paling couldn't get into Harvard or 90% of all major universities in this country. Send the dumb cow back to the range, forever.

  2. Let's pick Joe College this time, not Joe sixpack.
    People like her should be pulled over for public incoherance…what is that jibberish coming from your mouth?
    Proof that public education has failed. How is she a candidate for anything?

  3. The problem is that Obama's was a one time slip, this interview is what you'll get from Palin 100% of the time. Yes, she's that retarded ALL THE TIME! HAHA

  4. Im surprised she didn't scream something like GO ALASKA! at the end….like Adam Sandler's speech at the end of Billy Madison. She really should go back to the basics and just say yes or no.

  5. Not to take ANYTHING away from spacerocketrobot's wonderfully clever, entertaining, and satirical mashup, but the Palin audio (while it DOES provide an accurate FLAVOR) isn't a direct, unedited lift. The part where she seems to be reaching for "keritin", is actually from the BEGINNING of her response, where she said something like "it's funny when people take something you say and, I dont know, CHARACTERIZE it as…" (though she never got the word "characterize" out. Regardless, ROTFLMAO. A++

  6. this is about the most STUPID video I have seen in a long time. LIBERAL, get a life and stick to sweeping the streets as someting you can handle.

  7. This bit of satirical overlay of Sarah Palin's incoherent non-answer to a straight-forward question about her claims to being qualified on the issue of foreign policy, actually reveals just how wholly unfit she is for the office which she seeks. Let's not forget the only reason she is Gov. of Alaska, whose population is barely that of Fresno California, is because her name was not Frank Murkowski.

  8. grimthane, Politics didn't start 8 years ago.
    They just changed a lot. Republicans usually ended wars, not started them. (Ironically, only Ron Paul constantly repeated that during the campaign)

    (I'm not from the US, I just find your politics and history entertaining)

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