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Hi. I’m Erin and I entered a pageant at my college. I attended speech therapy throughout elementary and middle school. Please comment and public speaking advice or fluency tips. Thank you..(read more at source)
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Before you speak the words that make you stutter, say them in your head. Let the words go through your head until the mussels in your throat are ready to speak. No matter what do not get discouraged or disappointed because and step is a giant leap. Good luck on collage.
Just break and take deep breaths
Record your self speaking and try to study from it and every time your about to stutter hold your breath for a second and relax your muscles then try to say the word. Eventually you should get better, good luck!
I admire your Courage.
I was told to sing the words
And I found that breathing exercises helped also ,
Reading out loud was helpful to.
Well, one of my friends found the vowels or words that they struggled with and when he came to say one of those words he would stop before the vowel to let his throat relax and then say the word calmly with no stuttering.
P. S I know this is a old video but I just wanted to share advice that may be helpful.
(sorry if I didn't explain it well)
I suffer from that myself at times but keep trying stay motivated, be positive and love yourself alway have a wonderful day
Hey it's positive point to overcome your stuttering that you share it with people and want to overcome it because most of the stutters hide their problem and escape from people due to which he or she didn't treat their problem.
U do deep breath in and out exercise daily and take deep breath before every single word and when you exhale at the end u have to produce word in conversation these exercises will be in initial stage and it will be better to consult with speech and language therapist
When i was like 6-8 years old i had hard hard stutter but i am 15 now and i dont stutter that often anymore
I see this was posted 1 year ago. I’ll still comment. I’ve been a stutterer my entire life (45 years) and this is my advice. Stuttering is n out because we are nervous or are anxious. We stutter. That’s just how we talk. My experience in life as a stutter is embrace being a stutter. Know you’ll stutter. It’s been a big game changer for me. For public speaking… I do this often. I try to project my voice. Like as if there’s an imaginary bullhorn to my mouth. This helps out so much. Hope this helps. 🙂
Say the word in your head then speak it
I reduced it greatly. First you need to keep ur tongue totally straight and for that you need to touch ur entire tongue against the roof of your mouth while at rest. Second when u will speak u have to get a rhythm so start by reading a book aloud and while speaking you have to imagine that your tongue is moving in a circular motion (front and back). You can contact me personally. And lastly get that confidence don't think much on how you will speak.
Have someone ask you questions that aren't about anything specific, just practice answering on the spot! Goodluck darlin
I also have stammering problem , anyone is here to talk with me ??
Tell me did you do well !!!!!!! I'm so happy for you to be brave to make this video I hope it went well !!
I am a stutterer… first of all You r doing good.. Even if it happens once or many times.. don't bother… accept it & carry on… That is my advice from my own experience … For me if it stutters, it is.. No amount of strategy or speech therapy worked for me… So i just go with the flow… And this attitude has considerably reduced my stuttering … If it stutters or if I have a speech block ( mostly I have latter) … I just say please bear with me… And people are 99% considerate & that eases my tension & I carry on… Good luck buddy …👍
Breathing techniques can work well. If you concentrate on your breathing while you speak. Good luck I'm sure you will do great!
I also have these problems just speak out load and dont be scared of your mates🙂
Just be you Sweetheart.
Personally for me I had a severe stuttering problem when I was in elementary school. Now I don’t necessarily have it but for some reason when I’m going through life stress I tends to come back.
I Highly recommend LSD
Remember this, no one but you is gonna remember it after a week
Just have faith in ur self that’s all I know I’m a huge pusssy doing anything 🤣
I think that you are doing so good sweety. 💛
Just try your best to be comfortable and not be so nervous.
"You can do this!"
"I believe in you!" 🥰
My friend had a pretty severe stuttering problem what causes it is overthinking what you are gonna say so try to not think to much about it