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Five-time US Open Pool Champion Shane Van Boening takes on fellow American Tyler Styer in winners qualification for the last 64 at the 2022 US Open Pool Championship.
#NineBall #Pool #MatchroomPool #Billiards..(read more at source)
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I've noticed some players come up and help get the balls even if they're not breaking. Is that like just a courteous that some players do and some don't?
The American flags everywhere get a bit much. As per any us sporting event.
too many adds! I get these twice per rack!
45:57 why foul ?
at what point did you just start feeling sorry for tyler? 43:00
Is it 1 on the spot or 9?
balls look like a bunch of Skittles. guarantee you it was a woman behind picking these stupid colors for the balls.
Shane has his break working? In the afterlife God is going to let him b a cueball smashing into a rack of nine ball and then spinning around going wheee wheee as the object balls race each other for the pockets. For eternity.😅
shane is amazing player, but damn I hate that stroke. cue's wobbling like a hay in the wind
Is that a standard Simonis cloth color?
Watching the old Minnesota Fats videos really makes you understand how things have changed. Better tables, balls, cues. . . everything is better and more predictable now. They make it look 20x harder today though. Those old timers had some rare style when under pressure.
When SVB played Tyler's wife, it looked as if he was just playing practice racks and warming up. 💯👍🇺🇲🤣
Tyler plays very well, but he is sooooo slow….. thank goodness for fast forward.
57:22 looks a lot like the cue ball slows down by something on the table. had to watch it a few times to make sure… check it out
There’s got to be a new format implemented with the US Open with so many players. What needs to happen is a tier system or players based off the 9-ball Rankings and many of the top players waiting until maybe the last 64 until they are placed into the bracket.
Likely you could also have a second set of tier-2 players ranked around 65-128 and they would be place a round or 2 earlier than the better ranked players.
why can't Shane play this good in the mosconi cups….he literary has the worst win to loss ratio.. like 95 matches and 37 wins..ish. he's horrible in the mosconi and amazing in tournaments. 🤔
Whats the size of this table? I'm not really playing pool, just wondering
Tyler is a very hard working player with fantastic fundamentals but he gets in his own head too much. Gotta feel for the guy
Shane is a cheat code.
Svb the best 2 watch
People don’t realize just how mental this sport really is.
Tyler, such a good player and text book fundamentals but I wish he’d learn to stay out of his own head, loosen up and let his talent and hard work do the work for him.
Also great job to his wife, such a quick learner. She’s getting better so fast.
SVB sent the whole family home
Was this Tylers way of telling his wife he likes to choke?
Tyler is the most deliberate player on the pro tour. Makes me crazy to watch him.
I was there Wednesday October 12th.
I can't believe the commentators had no comment on Shane's brilliant shot at 6:47. Jaded, perhaps?
Pero con filler .. shaw y fsr se orina es la verdad