Should Evolution Be Taught in Schools? Worst Top 15 Miss USA Contestant Answers

Should Evolution Be Taught in Schools? Worst Top 15 Miss USA Contestant Answers

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Evidence America is going to hell with ignorance and education is failing.

Feel free to vote on which contestant gave the worst answer! I picked 15 varied answers for this video, but I could had chose about 35. The most common answer was to teach different views and let the student decide or some variation, which is a crock of shit.

Only correct answer is Evolution is the only scientific theory that is taught in science classes. This was something I learned in high school biology and 1st year College Biology class.

I judged on content of answer, Miss Nevada didn’t have a clue what she was answering, a clear winner. However, your criteria may differ. Special Sarah Palin award for creating a new word goes to Miss Hawaii.

Note: I disqualified Miss Arkansas for stupidity because she said they didn’t even teach evolution in her high school…(read more at source)

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About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. As someone who believes in evolution, I believe it is how it is presented in schools. Is it being presented as a science or as a religious world view. I am for it as a science, but not as a religious world view. Evolution as a religious world view would condone Hilter because they strong survive, but religion informs the heart that the value of people are far more than our parts or whether we are "defective" by some people's standards.

  2. The reason why there is a debate about teaching evolution in college and schools is because there is something else answering to the name of science that is being promoted. Every science teacher promotes the religion of atheism alongside their science teachings for some reason. And it angers folks to hear that nonsense. So I would think people who are eager to criticize America for this divisive issue need to look a little closer. There is not an easy solution if you correctly understand the problem.

  3. Notice how most of them through their religion in there when the question has nothing to do with religion. Just answer what was asked.

  4. Damn Minnesota knew she was beautiful enough to give controversial answer. Kudos to her. She clearly has one eye on the bible and the other on science, quite literally !

  5. I think Missouri is trying to act dumb and struggling not to look smart because she knows this is not gonna help her win.

  6. The Alaskan Inuit really referred t herself as The West ? As in Western Caucasian Civilization ?
    Boy was she brainwashed good !
    I know Inuits who would club her like a baby seal for that, given what the west did to them !

  7. You mean that in the US evolution is not taught in school ?
    Well, look at the outcome. A nation of Nobel Prize laureates !
    Evolution is taught in schools in Japan, India, China, even the Middle East. Maybe that's why Arabs, Jews and Asians score the highest in Ivy League Universities !

  8. What a pack of stupid women. It doesn't surprise me one bit that nearly all of them have vocal fry. Not a single one of these a$$holes realized that evolution is a proven scientific theory which forms the basis for all life sciences.

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