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Should Transgender Women be allowed to participate in the Miss Universe Pageant? #missuniverse

Should Transgender Women be allowed to participate in the Miss Universe Pageant? #missuniverse

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  1. I don't see why not. Shouldn't a woman be able to out beautify themselves and outdo them femininewise anyways. Why feel threatened unless the women really are slacking. I think it'd be a healthy raising of the bar and get women to be more on their game especially if they are truly proud to be an authentic woman. Dont let your negative emotions like jealousy freed and spitefulness be your solution, improve and better yourself so you're more with it and win that damn thing. I feel women don't have enough competition and I think it'd be most helpful and hopefully get women to become more skilled, in touch with their femininity as well as make them more useful since humans tend to try to outdo or be better in every way than the next. Personally I very seldom find a woman that I find attractive to be very intelligent. I mean an IQ over that of 200 and that for me is a must because I'm not trying to date down or up. I WANT TO DATE AT MY LVL my IQ when I was 22 was 217. Im 34 now so I'm not sure how much more it increased but if I had to guess it'd be at least by 5p more points. Ill find out later but if a woman can't do everything I can or close to then I will have to do it all and thats unacceptable. Im not a slave or workhorse. I EXPECT ALL areas to be closely matched so we can meet in the middle split the duties and be fair in this respect for it to be a healthy and pleasing relationship for both partners. Thats my take and I'd think most other men seek that as well but almost never can find it. Shameful if you ask me…

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