Someone Broke Into Their House On Halloween Night – SOLVED | Adriane Insogna & Leslie Mazzara

Someone Broke Into Their House On Halloween Night – SOLVED | Adriane Insogna & Leslie Mazzara

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This is the case of 26 year old Adriane Insogna & 26 year old Leslie Mazzara. On Halloween night in 2004 – Adriane, Leslie & their roommate, Lauren, had spent the evening passing out candy to trick or treaters. By 11 pm, all the doors in the house were locked & all three girls were sound asleep. A few hours later, between 1:30 and 2 am, Lauren was woken up by the sound of a horrific scream. It was her roommate Adriane, calling out for help…

Xoxo Jackie


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  1. Yayyy you posted 😊🎃 You’re by far my favorite true crime channel, you truly care about the victims & it shows.

  2. This is interesting, she was married to the killer all those years?? This needs to be an episode of evil lives here.

  3. Lily’s statement was disgusting and unnecessary. To re victimize the families by making him seem like a great person who made some little mistake.

  4. Lilly most definitely was jealous of Leslie and Eric most definitely had a crush on her. Leslie was a threat to their relationship. Sociopaths at their best.

  5. That was a shocker! Never thought her so called best friend's man killed them. Adrienne, Lily was never your best friend! She was practically defending the killer Eric in her statement. God bless these beautiful ladies…

  6. Well so sad and how could she not know about her husband? How could he just go on with life and befriend the dead girls families. Quite strange. Thanks for sharing and may they RIP.

  7. Sorry to me Lily knew all along. I think is weird that she called off the wedding and after he killed them, the wedding was back on. I hope police really looked into her. Heartbreaking case 😔

  8. No only do all of the names sound similar, the girls all looked alike. I can't imagine finding out that the man you married is the one who murdered your best friends.

  9. WOW so the "Best friend" is really a POS! How she can say he payed for his sins through Jesus Christ & nothing you can do can make me love you less..oh but before it was a whole different story just as long as it doesn't hit close to home for you! what a 🤬🤬! He is manipulated ur so called"best friends" MOTHER. Having her mom at ur wedding and she even made a speech all while he knew he killed ur "friend" and honestly I think she knew!!!!!!! She's just selfish and the motive could of been Mrs "best friend" was jealous of her friend and her boyfriend/then turned HUSBAND after he killed her, that's probably why he WON'T speak of why he did it…cuz that didn't even make sense. She knew! And her actions afterwards spoke volumes 🗑️ Definitely not a friend!!! 🙄🤬

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