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My curls are just like yours but sadly I can't afford to buy stuff like that , j can barely keep up with shampoo and conditioner but I'm trying and I'm saving this video for later so whenever I can hopefully in the future I can follow this Routine!!! Love youu!! (Been here since 1k) ❤❤❤
I need to get this product and a diffuser my hair would be so much cooler 😡😡
It takes 46 seconds
What If your hair is naturally straight do you Think it will still work?
No that was20 That was twenty seconds
can you do not curl can you do straight
I want to see you with straghithair
Step 1
Have gods gift /curly hair
Can I see your hair straightened?
Beautiful! As a fellow curly lady, it’s neat to see another spiral curl hair routine. You give me Layla El-Faouly vibes from Moon Knight.🌙
We appreciate all the work you do!
It took 41 seconds
your hair 👌
Can you wear a ex spouse dress pls
That is 73 secs
I want to know what to do if you don't have the product
girl your hair is magical
Girly!! Does it work on straight hair girlys??
I wish my hair would be like yours
I have naturally curly hair but when I was younger I got a trim and it killed my curls but from time to time my curls come for short periods of time so thank you for this! I CAN GET MY OG HAIR BACK!!!!!
As someone with missaphonia that sound was 🤢 to me but I did like the vid
I dont have the money or the patience to diffuse my hair lol
I jist shampoo condition tshirt scrunch lmao
I really want to see what a diffuser would do in my hair thoughhhh
I want your hair its AMAZING ❤❤❤
What does your hair look like straight xx
Omg!Your shirt at the start is so so so cute❤
we have the exactly same hair how is that even possible 😻
But you literally have everything that I have i even have the same spray bottle
What happens if you don’t diffuse it?
Love this! Used to work at a curly hair salon and this whole product line is incredible. Your curls turned out great.
if u also want no frizz u can comb ur hair out with a wide tooth comb cuz i dont have a diffuser lol also LIVE LAUGH LOVE UR CURLS
Could you make another video about curly hair. I grew mine out for the first time but don’t know if I’m taking care of it properly. Any suggestions on shampoos and conditioners?
Mycousin. Has. Same. Spraydottle😮😂
Omg I love you so much. My curls are so messy I need to invest in a good brush
I have the same brush and spray bottle
So refreshing to see a tutorial that doesn’t contain a shit load of products!
Oml thank you
Its giving curl vibes I got the same brush 😊❤
oooh me gonna try this🥰🥰🥰
Your curls are SO pretty 😍😍😍🥰💙
I have hair like her
Can somebody tell what microphone is that? Please please please
I love it that you only use 1 product, I'm so overwhelmed with so many curly hair products
My problem is that my hair is rlly thick so nothing ever works
I love your content and your curls💖! Thank you for sharing 😊
love your hair i also have ther same type of hair so this is soo helpful