Steal These 3 Mental Secrets Only Winners Know

Steal These 3 Mental Secrets Only Winners Know

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Succeeding in competition relies on both external and internal preparation. The mental and emotional homework must not be neglected if you are to have your best shot at first place. It’s a key part of performance training in sports, high-pressure events, and beauty pageants.

Those with more life experience and maturity may find my 3 tips easier to practice. But if you’re young, now is the perfect time to take my advice and build proper habits that will propel you to greater heights. You can be any age to benefit from the confidence-building secrets I divulge in this video.

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About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. I am joining one of the biggest pageant in our place this coming month of May, and I am thankful to be here at your channel and have some tips from you that can help me.

  2. When I was a kid I was so shy and some of my bullys started to say boo, thank you so much for reminding me to be ok when someone is toxic.

  3. Thank you so much, you have really lifted my spirits 👍
    I have a pageant in 6 days time and I have not learned all I need, but appreciate your video 🙏💗

  4. Thankyou Crystal for the insights I love how natural you are and the tips you shared with us will surely go a long way. I just won a pageant in my country and I'm moving on to the next one which is the Miss Pacific Island pageant in Samoa that is in 3weeks time.
    I feel that pressure but watching you share your experience has really lifted my spirit. Thank so much.

  5. I will be competing in a beauty pageant next week, and I started watching your videos for more self-improving. Wish me luck Queen🥺

  6. After watching this video, It boost my confident and wanting to join the pageant this coming 2023. Thankyou so much

  7. Crystal u r so inspiring ❤️ can you make a video how to convince our parents for peagent and I'm your biggest follower from India

  8. Really? Coming from the woman that's out of touch with reality and viture signaling for attention. Pretends to care about Jorge floyed but you ended up deleting the video anyways.

  9. Very useful Crystal ♥️I think watching prediction videos specifically for Miss World and Miss universe also paves the way to distract contestants and as contestants we should avoid them too because most of the times they are incorrect 💔

  10. I like your energy and content. Just discovered your channel today. Entering a pageant for over age 50 in Korea and clueless about the whole process. Never entered a pageant or modeled before. Are pageants around the world (Korea actually) essentially the same? Thank you for sharing your experience.

  11. I want to say thank you so much, Crystal! I have been on the journey to compete in Miss RI USA and the weekend has finally come! For the past 3 months I have been watching your videos! If it wasn't for you and your channel, my walk, talk, and confidence would not be as good as it is right now! I feel so ready for this weekend, and I have your Youtube Channel to thank for that! This will be my first pageant since I was 9 years old (won 1st runners up). Thank you again Crystal, for being genuine and sincere, never stop making videos! The pageant world needs your expertise lol! Much love from Rhode Island!!

  12. I m so happy that I came across this video.. this will not only help in paegent but also in day to day life❤ lots of love to you ..thank you so much for this video

  13. I am 17 years old and I wanted to win peagents compitions. I am seeing your videos. I think it's very helpful for beginner. I am from india and a huge fan of you.
    I will pray to God so your channel spread throughout the world.

  14. Thank u crystal,this video was very useful. I am your new subscriber. I am a thirteen years old girl watching your videos ,from India

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