Superman Calls Out WOKE Captain America

Superman Calls Out WOKE Captain America

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0:00 – Welcome to iCarly!
2:10 – iCarly Actress Complains About Racism
11:02 – Dean Cain Responds To Woke Marvel
18:23 – Little Kid Kicks Down American Flag
20:53 – Zuby’s 20 Things Learned About Humanity During The ‘Pandemic’:
46:21 – Fun Friday: Google Feud!

On today’s episode: Dean Cain calls out woke Marvel, an iCarly actress complains about racism, and more great tweets from ZubyMusic!

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Dean Cain Responds To Woke Marvel

iCarly Actress Complains About Racism

Zuby’s 20 Things Learned About Humanity During The ‘Pandemic’:

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See also  The U.S. Is Run by a Selfish Oligarchy, a Ruling Elite with a Pretend Democracy & Free Market (1993)

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. For marvel That made sense for that character though I didn't like Falcon and Winter soldier that much but him trying to accept and take into become captain America was the point for that entire show. The other character that might've said that was forced to become a super soldier so that makes sense to. You guys didn't even touch on the show to I was clickbaited smh.

  2. You not liking mint is your opinion. Therefore, you are objectively wrong!

    For real, love this show so much. Keep up the good work! 😊

  3. 27:58ish there actually are people who will follow something knowing it to be a lie. This is actually the basis of popular Western occultism where some modern witches know their practices are based in nonsense but they enjoy the ritual of it. That’s why many of these practitioners call what they do ‘entertainment’ as a legal way of telling their clients that it’s all a fun show and not meant to be taken as real. This is also the basis of some tulpa conjuring practices.

  4. ❤️ your topic. YOUs should feel the love when they take the time with photo edits, memes, etc.

  5. Considering that Superman famously smacked the Ku Klux Klan around like they owed him money for the first part of his long career,he got some nerve to talk smack about what Cap does….🤣 😂

  6. If ever in Ohio, United Dairy Farmers, Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream. It's nothing like any mint flavor ice cream I ever tasted. Someone made me taste it because I too do not usually like mint flavor desserts but this ice cream I like. GIVE UDF mint chocolate chip ice cream a chance if you visit Ohio sometime.

  7. Mint Chocolate Chip is one of my favorites, as well as Mint Moose Tracks (both are ice creams). For candy: Andes has a good balance, but if it's too minty like York Peppermint Patties, then it's not so great. And straight up peppermint candy like the cheap hard candies or candy canes–99% of the time I wish they were cherry-flavored. You can definitely have too much mint.

    Peppermint ice cream can be really good if the peppermint isn't too strong–same for peppermint hot chocolate.

    A classic: dinner mints. Many of us first experienced these delicious morsels from that candy bowl at Grandma's house.

  8. No.. a sadist inflicts suffering, a masochist endures it. A sadomasochist enjoys both. So you are a masochist.

  9. You guys are being Mintists!! Tyler is a victim Of Mintism!

    We're gonna have to cancel you!! Hehehe

  10. i don't understand that introduction, so she shouldnt speak out about the racism enacted upon her because of her nice paying job? i thought the right was against racism.. oh well lol

  11. Just because he’s named captain America doesn’t mean he have ti love America? Its a nickname. Besides, patriotism is loving your country but recognizing its flaws and wanting it to improve. Its not patriotism to blindly say that America is the best with no flaws because thats not only a toxic mentality, but is how countries fall, and empires die.

  12. Okay so what i get from the first minute or so is that if you’re successful you shouldn’t be offended by racism?

  13. "Technically" we unintentionally celebrated our return to a constitutional republic and if you know true history well I'll leave that for you to research. Use duckduckgo, gaagle won't teach you squat.

  14. I can't imagine Amala being an angry leftist! She so bright, beautiful, happy and super intelligent!!!!

  15. Keep up the excellent work, you have great chemistry between yourselves and do a great job of speaking the facts and the points of the subject.

  16. Wtf. ”Swedish people are throwing stones at Danish car i Sweden. Why are “we” so mean on them? What have happened?🤔🤔. Well well I have the answer all ready. Have you?

    “In the afternoon, the police were alerted to stone-throwing on the E65 outside Ystad.

    – We received a call regarding a stone-throwing on a car at 16:22. It is just west of Skurup and we went there on patrol. Something heavy has been thrown up on the roof, says Sara Andersson, spokesperson for the police.

    The car could drive on from the scene.

    A few hours later, around 17:30, another call was received regarding a stone-throwing against a Danish-registered car on the E65 just east of Skurup.

    The second incident takes place east of Skurup and there the car's windscreen breaks.

    – Most patrols are in place to search for perpetrators or perpetrators. We also have a helicopter on site, says Sara Andersson.

  17. Someone telling you to wear your mask has nothing to do with power. It’s someone so disgusted by your arrogance, apathy, and narcissism, they are willing to go out of their comfort zone (hating confrontation) in order to protect themselves and those around you. I would never wish bad things on someone, but I honestly don’t know that you will know how shitty this virus is until you get it or someone you love does

  18. Well I was enjoying this until 22 min and covid was brought up. This narrative is politically saturated. Covid did NOT start in the US. We saw what it was doing, first hand to Spain, Italy, and China. Those countries are not part of the American government “conspiracy”. They are independent countries that were dealing with an unprecedented virus. Because our country played it so “calm” and did not take immediate effective action like New Zealand, we UNNECESSARILY lost hundreds of thousands of American lives. So gross. The narcissism and delusion that came out about Covid from the right is every bit as deluded and blind to facts as the left is on the daily. I will never understand the blatant and chosen dismissal of truth from conservatives on this issue.

  19. @Intern Tyler – don't let them bully you for your love of mint! 😁 MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP icecream is delicious!
    ❤❤❤ Love the show!
    Love Amala!
    Will is just ok…. LOL

  20. I guess I understood the American Dream (not Dusty Rhodes, the other one) differently than Captain America. I always thought the American Dream was opportunity – the opportunity to work and better yourself. The opportunity to take risks and either succeed or fail. The opportunity to be free from government oppression.

    But, when did we invite the rest of the world over here? Even if so we sold it as "the land of opportunity" and not "the land where you'll get a 3 bed, 2 bath house with heating, AC, a large family room and a 2-car attached garage". The thing about opportunity that the left hates is that it is uncertain and you get out of it what you put into it – and even then luck matters.

  21. Y'all wanted Zeducation to be a co-host, but he said, "no".
    So you got an intern that looked just like him so you can pander to "you're" audience.
    Just kidding, love you guys!!

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