TDS, Dems blame dems, LLJ Cool L, racism in Zimbabwe on Daily Caller Live w/ Jobob

TDS, Dems blame dems, LLJ Cool L, racism in Zimbabwe on Daily Caller Live w/ Jobob

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TDS, Dems blame dems, LLJ Cool L, racism in Zimbabwe on Daily Caller Live w/ Jobob..(read more at source)

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  1. “Dismantling of the government“ is a provision of the Constitution. Article 2 Section I states, “The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.“
    That means the entire executive branch ceases to exist on the day that one president leaves office, and it is only reconstituted when the new president recreates it by the Appointment of his hand-picked administrators, deputies, secretaries. The framers of the Constitution intended for the federal government, executive branch, to live and die based on the presidency.

  2. LLJ COOL L.? Biden wasn't being racist at that moment. He's just a bumbling old man. But he is a racist trying not to be racist. Career politicians know the Democrat Party is the racist party. With racist goals. Wait till the Democrats don't get the black vote anymore. Especially if they vote Republican. It'll be back to the 50s Democrats. Mass incarceration to block the black vote. Or legislation making certain individuals unable to vote. They will be pushing to stop inmates from voting if they all started voting Rep. They'll reverse letting felons vote if they start voting Rep.

  3. Gavin Newsum is the perfect con artist. He lies so much easier without any indication that he feels any remorse for what he has done. Better than Joe Biden. Good luck California! I only hope that he doesn't run for president. I think that it would be a disaster for the country.

  4. Very correct on Gavin Newsom, democRATS are the problem in California. There is no balance in the state offices, it is all one sided.

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