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Halima Aden competed for the title of Miss Minnesota USA in a hijab in hopes of busting misconceptions of Muslims.
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Teen Becomes First Contestant To Wear Hijab In Miss Minnesota USA Pageant | NBC News..(read more at source)
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this is United states Other face.
Why beauty is behind screen ?
She's absolutely stunning!
I may be wrong.. but I was under the impression that a part of the covering of hair and body in Islam was due to preventing male attention. Hence they can open up beside women but are required to cover up beside men. So how does going on such a show and displaying your body for others including manyyy manyyy men to view and judge fit into their religious beliefs?
I mean religion aside, i personally think such shows are degrading to ALL women because beauty pageants are sexualized. But especially seeing muslim women who want to prevent sexual attention from strange men on such a show seems ridiculous to me
lol this is stupid and im a practicing hijab wearing Somali Muslim woman
Look at her Barbie face, dammn .. she was hotter than the other contestans !!
just one simple question WHY is a muslim in the USA pageant in the first place???
No judge on the planet would ever vote for her wearing that rediculous crap. She has no business forcing that Muslim bullshit upon an american contest.
WTF? Absolutely stupid- she did NOT compete in a swimsuit like the rest of the contestants. I am sick of this blatant sucking up to Muslims who do NOT fit in our culture and will NOT assimilate into it- we do NOT have to make allowances for THEM. This is OUR country…
Minnesota is not part of the US anymore, it is a muslim country now and we need to take it back. Islam and muslims have no place in the western world!
next step post op transgendered person
Absolutely ridiculous. They took the opportunity from a gal that could have actually had the chance to win. There was no way she could win if she can't compete in EVERY aspect of the competition. I'm all for equality, but COME ON!! This went too far. Pretty girl though