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I quit your show for years, dude. I am sort of glad you tried not to suck as bad Stephen Colbert did. He went cooky really quick. Sad.
I hope you are coming back to the reasonable side. This is pretty good. Keep it up.
take notes kids, how to get revenge….
Why you so weird USA?
The secret truth about evil and bullying is easy. Evil and bullying are the direct result of an addiction to power.
Televangelism is a business. Pure and simple.
I'll convert only if Adam Driver is our Jesus
Stopping these people!?… You have a better chance walking a camel thru the eye of the needle.
We have a Jesus weirdo at work and a girl told me about this video. I’m so ready for it. I was raised catholic , don’t practice but still talk to God on walks, thank my grandma when things go well sometimes. I’m a believer… but this sh is crazy. And the guy we work with is this self absorbed bafoon. Sounds like he would do stuff like the guy that raised money for his own jet
I dont make this stuff up!
Regifting so Fine it is "Dante's Inferno"
These modern people are so Apollodorus. They're so Pliny the Elder. They're such a Tantalus fop they found the truth in it. They're such the Trivium aristocrats and proof of the body. They're an existential cold Age of Reason leftover, and with such little frugality. Intellectualism begins with frugality and ends with the time. They race, instead. Is God really a mathematician, or was He just allegory next to the birth of the One? Or, maybe they shouldn't expect more finery from the journeys of others so they can bicker endlessly over which was the finest one? That is where Heaven lies. Hell is when you expect Virgil to guide you and instead you are the one drowning next to Charon's boat. One can only hope for a Jekyll and Hyde classic to come along, thus saving the day.
How do these pastors not realize that is coercive behavior. That is not the person you want to donate money
Holy subscription box…
Still funny 7 years later
Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, has proposed to create a new civilian military force that he would control, instead of the federal government. He calls it the *Florida State Guard* and says it would help with state emergencies, such as hurricanes and pandemics. He wants the state legislature to give him $3.5 million to train and equip 200 volunteers for this force .
However, some critics have accused DeSantis of having authoritarian motives and creating his own private army. They fear that he could use the state guard for political purposes, such as interfering with elections or opposing federal policies. DeSantis has also proposed to create a special police force to investigate election fraud, which has alarmed voting rights advocates.
The Florida State Guard would be separate from the Florida National Guard, which is jointly funded by the state and the federal government and can be deployed by either authority. Florida had a state guard during World War II, but it was disbanded in 1947 . If DeSantis succeeds in reestablishing it, Florida would join 22 other states that have active state guards .
I sent a dollar to that evil prick Tilton, just to see. I got worthless prayer cloths, packets of oil, and constant begging for money. Tilton is proof there are no gods.
It's sad to see how desperate people get. They ignore the fact that they were given logic. Instead they give up on that and fall for fraudsters disguised as preacher wo/men.
Shame on you!
The mass media mixes gravity with pimples in a very knowledgeable way.
It is a shame from knowledge and money that causes one to change their fashion sense. It goes either way with a suit.
In world conquest there is Risk (R) or Monopoly (R) but some people try it by just reading the instructions.
Rich people don't throw away money, poor or middle -class people do.
wait this is 7 years old wtf
Politicians, supermodels and televangelists – ALL so f*cking USELESS…..
I'm sorry but if you are that stupid you don't deserve to have money
In ail fairness tho, you gotta be fucking stupid to fall for it. This is just Darwin's survival of the fittest doing what it does best, let's all be honest
Bank my faith is strong, I will not pay my debs is all in hands of God.
All this just proves undoubtedly that 1/2 of Americans have IQs of less than 100 !!!! Religious believers are STOOOOOPID !!! Preachers are vicious thieves who know there is no God BC if there was they'ld be going straight to HELL!!!!!!!!
I'm amazed that people still give Copeland money, when dude literally looks like the incarnation of the devil.
Church is one thing. Evangelical types are cults. Period. As I said in one vid for my own people here is how you tell a cult member. Anyone who completely rejects established and peer reviewed science but whole heartedly without any research accepts the "science" of the ICR and other fundamentalist scientists that aren't peer reviewed at all on their outrageous "findings" is a cult member. Anyone who goes into a church and stands witness with people shaking with the "spirit of the Lord" while others speak tongues is a cult member. Anyone who associates only with church members and won't date outside of their own fundamentalism while trying to recruit others into their cloth is a cult member. This should sound familiar to the fundamentalist. Because this is exactly how they operate. Cheers—DCF
One thing I've learned in life is, beware of people who play on your emotions while asking for money or favors. Politicians and Religious leaders are masters at this.
In Kenya right now, we are facing a church-related massacre where a pastor told his followers to fast to death so that they could meet their god. So far, 133 bodies have been exhumed from the land where the pastor used to bury them, and the process is not over. Hope people in our country saw this video 8 years ago.
I was in a church culture like this once. I gave away over 700$ just cuz and received random envelopes myself with like, 375$. Wild times.
I'm beginning to think that John and Rachel are actually married and now I'm not going to Google it because I don't want to ruin the illusion
People like that fit they happily pay these guys their money get over it people watch your show
Brilliant! I've laughed so hard. Thanks.
It’s crazy that ppl are so loyal to these con artists and give them money even after the fakes have been exposed.
Some ppl are WAAAYY too desperate to get to this so-called heaven. I didn’t even believe them when I was a little kid, but we still have grown ass adults knowingly dishing out cash to these fakes
It will take the nation by storm. I cracked The DaVinci code. The entire fabric that is woven that keeps everybody else out while letting the richest people in. I cracked it for the 99%. It will take the nation by storm on five, six, 2023 which is seven
I unlocked the pyramid on the money I do not think I did. I do not believe I did. I actually did. I am certain. I am certain
Please call everybody in the media call everybody that you know please please
The DaVinci Code is to take credit for them in a headcount every year and receive a lot of money and power based on them being alive but not to give them credit on their taxes for being head of household and also to lay personal debt that goes around on top of their head every year by a social security number
they charge me, my parents each and many people in my family an extra $7,000 a year and income taxes to pay our own bills that is financial slavery of course it would be written by slaves owners. all they would know how to do would be Wrangle slaves. it's slavery on top of slavery still we've got to do something about this they've been doing this since 1776 it is The DaVinci Code is with the fabric the virus
tell the media tell everybody in the media tell everybody you know
this is the glass ceiling this is the freedom for the 99%
Marzia is a legend for
I get into such a bad mindset when I watch shows like they
Religion is the root of all evil perfectly designed for stupid people. Lock these shylocks up.
Jesus Christ, you can’t believe this crap!
Send me some money
there is no god & here is the proof , manipulation for weak minds.
hope the televangelists enjoy it while it lasts. judgment day is going to be a bitch
Dunno why there's a stork on the right but ill buy anything Wanda is selling
These televengalists are all charlatans, false prophets and complete frauds…
that was genius Mr. Oliver
kudos bravo damn straight…I have escaped when in the state of financial distress
The Republicans starve the IRS so they can’t do anything!
Time for an update on this subject.