Thai transgender pageant takes place in Pattaya

Thai transgender pageant takes place in Pattaya

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One of the world’s top beauty pageants for transgender women takes place in Thailand…(read more at source)

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  1. Homosexuality
    The COMANDMENTS of God are not ORDERS!
    All of the COMANDMENTS of God contain a deposit of values that safeguards man relationship with the God who created man pure in order to ALLWAYS be able to RETURN and to live in His presence. [Matthew 5-8] “BLESSED ARE THE PURE IN HEART- FOR THEY SHALL SEE GOD”.
    The main difference between a COMANDMENT and an ORDER is the motive by which each one is delivered. An ORDER is a directive that has to definitely kept that is given in order to serve the personal interests of men with authority, while a COMANDMENT from God serves PERSONAL INTEREST of those who receive it!
    An ORDER is characterized by obligation or duty, while a COMANDMENT of God is characterized by FREEDOM, the freedom to chose to obey!
    The gender of a person is determined the moment of birth by the on-duty gynecologist. A preference for liking the same gender is a personal preference and the change of genital organs by invasive surgery does not change a person’s gender it only changes a person’s appearance!
    When the will of man is totally surrendered to the will of the devil for a moment or for a long period of time this is known for a possession to take place and the act of homosexuality introduces men and women by their own will into the spiritual realm of the devil like Christian Baptism introduces men and women into the Holy Spirit of God! The man-hating devil is very anxious to collect souls of those disobedient to the commandments of God upon exiting their body. This is what he is working for! This is his reward! Those men and women elected in high places promoting this sort of sin will not go unnoticed! Homosexuals who are going to suffer eternally from these sins will ask from the Lord at His Second Coming ~to render His Justice upon them~ on for their negligence on their behalf!
    New Testament
    [1 Corinthians 6:9] 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind
    Old Testament
    [Leviticus 20:13] If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination:" they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."
    The Greek Orthodox Church created by the Holy spirit the day of Pentecost embraces homosexuals and teaches them to avoid everything that is going to deny them their union with God, their eternal huppiness and the Heavenly Kingdom
    [Acts: 6-15] " 15 And all that sat in the He face council, looking stedfastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel.
    The Image and Likeness of God
    To Eliminate Sin and to seek Salvation.
    Ierotheos Metropolitan of Naupaktos about Greek Orthodox Baptism
    “Through the "rite of birth in God", holy baptism, man's nous (mind) is illuminated, freed from slavery to sin and the devil, and is united with God.
    The word Salvation means "salvation from death" and the word "death" means the eternal separation of man from God!
    God bless

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