The 2023 MISS UNIVERSE Bahrain Competition | LIVE 🔴

The 2023 MISS UNIVERSE Bahrain Competition | LIVE 🔴

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Tune in to the 2023 MISS UNIVERSE Bahrain Competition LIVE from 12pm to 1:30pm EST or 7pm to 8:30pm local time on Saturday, September 2nd.

Follow the journey to the crown on Instagram @missuniversebahrain 👑

The 71st Miss Universe is R’Bonney Gabriel of the United States!

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See also  Her mom dreamed she would be Miss Universe!!!😮🫢

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. We hope to see Israel 🇮🇱, Morocco 🇲🇦 back at Miss Universe with Josh, even though he has three countries’ franchises for Miss Universe

  2. Dapat Sana sa Bahrain nila hineld kasi Miss Universe Bahrain nga eh. Meron naman magandang venue dto sa Bahrain.

  3. Lujane, she is way more matured beyond her age, she is beautiful, intelligent, eloquent and freshly young. Instantly a fan of hers ❤

  4. congratz miss universe bahrain enjoy watching here in bahrain, thank you bahrain miss universe organization for this event,more power god bless

  5. I still can’t understand why Evlin was not on the Top 16 Miss Universe last competition. I will always remember her as an awesome beautiful and bright lady representing her country. My best wishes now for Lujane. Greetings from Puerto Rico!


    2nd candidate….is GENUINE. She speaks well, spontaneously and able to convey her message when she speaks and is captivating when she speaks. She makes you listen. Beautiful inside out supersedes her outer beauty.

    3rd candidate…..she needs more energy to uplift people's spirit. She is however herself. As an influencer she should be draw people to her, exuding more energy.

    4th candidate…..She's GENUINE and speaks from her HEART. Communicates well. She has CONVICTION, grateful and comes across as SINCERE. Her beauty inside overpowers her outer beauty. She holds FILIPINO values instilled by her Filipino mom.

    5th candidate…..she comes across as boring with no excitement.

    6th candidate……she comes across as straight forward sincere. Does not sugar coat her words.

    7th…..She has an inviting heart. She speaks her feelings and her mind. She is a person of service.

    Most of these candidates have FAKE FACES, LIPS and are all wearing MASKS in front of their scary faces.

  8. Yacoub, de 19 anos, também foi o participante mais jovem do evento, transmitido ao vivo na noite de sábado no Mirihi Island Resort, nas Maldivas. Ela venceu outras oito concorrentes ao título e agora representará o Bahrein no concurso global de Miss Universo em novembro.

    Filha de pai Bahrein e mãe americana, Yacoub impressionou os jurados com sua “beleza, habilidades de comunicação autênticas e um coração apaixonado por suas defesas”, disse a organização Miss Universo Bahrein.

    Durante o segmento final de perguntas e respostas, perguntaram a Yacoub: “Qual é o maior equívoco sobre o seu país e como você planeja corrigi-lo?”

    A sua resposta vencedora foi: “O maior equívoco sobre o Bahrein e o Médio Oriente é que é um lugar de opressão [que] as mulheres não têm direitos. E isso está longe de ser verdade. As mulheres são ensinadas a prosperar, a abraçar os seus pontos fortes e a perseguir as suas ambições, e as mulheres são as verdadeiras pérolas do país. E esse seria meu primeiro objetivo como Miss Universo, é esclarecer esse equívoco.”

  9. Os finalistas incluem Mary Mohamed, Advaita Shetty, Mariam Naji, Lujane Yacoub, Menatalla Husein, Nivine Abouzeid e Turina Carrol

  10. Wow from South Africa to Thailand and now Bahrain, Indian origin queens are doing such a great job and spreading all over world 🌎… 🇮🇳💯💓

  11. Congratulations josh and to ur team this is Great 👍🏻 better than other i just hope u got more sponsor and candidates to have ur own stage and explore more Bahrain ❤️❤️❤️ love from Philippines 🇵🇭

  12. Evlin Abdulla is one of my favorite contestant and one of the most beautiful faces in Miss Universe 2022

  13. There are so many beautiful and intelligent women in the middle east, but they don't have a chance /opportunity to compete in the pageantry. With that reasons, latin competitors continue to win the crown more often.

  14. ¡Let's go to watch Miss Universe Mexico and Miss Universe Colombia !.
    Best wishes to all of you from Mexico !.

  15. THAT'S GREAT, I love how thay did the pageant respecting their religion and culture, more muslin countries should to participate in Miss Universe.

  16. Me gusta ella más que algunas latinas que ni brillo tienen como persona ❤ entiendo que no puedan usar traje de baño pero creo que no es impedimento para que quede dentro del top 16!

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