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The Anti-Trans Hate Crime That Wasn’t

The Anti-Trans Hate Crime That Wasn’t

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The media try to turn a 16-year-old “nonbinary” girl’s death into a case against conservatives; Islamist chaos in Britain turns into a debacle in the House of Commons; and Joe Biden meets with Alexei Navalny’s widow as Russia scoffs at Biden’s warnings.


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00:00 – The Anti-Trans Hate Crime That Wasn’t
5:35 – Media Look For Trans Victim
13:45 – Reality Always Wins
15:36 – Yale Brings Back SATs
21:48 – Half of College Grads Don’t Use Their Degrees At Work
23:33 – Teamsters Report First Major GOP Donation In Years
24:58 – Nvidia And America’s Great Advantage
27:04 – Muslim Population Up 44% In A Decade In UK
28:24 – Tory MP Resigns Over Death Threats
31:14 – London Mayor Sadiq Khan Calls For Ceasefire
32:50 – Labour Leader Keir Starmer Calls For Permanent Ceasefire
33:43 – MPs Threatened In UK
34:15 – Genocidal Slogans Projected On Big Ben
36:00 – Hoyle: ‘I Don’t Want Another Terrorist Attack On This House’
39:37 – Massive Pro-Hamas Rallies
40:37 – Jewish MP Andrew Percy: Members Will Be Intimidated
41:56 – Biden Meets With Alexei Navalny’s Widow Yulia Navalnaya
42:47 – CNN: Biden Calls Putin A “Crazy SOB”
43:33 – Putin: I Prefer Biden
44:30 – New Sanctions
46:48 – What US Is Learning From War In Ukraine
48:22 – Some Alabama Clinics Stop IVF
55:20 – Outro

See also  Rima Fakih Miss USA, Miss Universe 2010, with Kendra Ray MMM

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  1. Most everybody I know doesn't agree with this Trans stuff, but nobody would ever hurt or even make a rude comment to a trans person. I hate how the media plays it to be that people who disagree with the trans community are dangerous and even deadly which is not even close to true.

  2. '"nonbinary" girl' is just fucking rude. this person can't even die in peace. the fuck is wrong with you all.

  3. So a kid gets jumped and then dies later that week? Autopsy says not conclusive as being result of assault. So how did she die lol?

  4. Scripture states that there will come a point where Israel will be totally alone against its enemies – also Ezekiel 39 points to a nuclear attack at some point too so much has yet to happen to Israel before their Messiah comes (returns!) .

  5. I am a gay man, but these crazy radicals do NOT speak for me and many others. I love my country 🇺🇸 and I want nothing but the best for it!

  6. Sorry, but are you talking about the eight genders of the talmoud? Things are so crazy theese days….I am not oposed to the idea above

  7. So the Parliament member can “do whatever he needs to do to protect the member of Parliament” but the Jewish can’t protect themselves? WOW…just WOW! Your hypocrisy is showing Lord whoever you are!

  8. How was the kid's death not conservatives' fault? You created an environment where it's okay to bully trans kids, and easy to get away with it. A kid was beaten to death, no one called an ambulance or anything, and no one is getting punished. It's awful, and the fact that you think it's cool that a kid dies like that says a lot about you. Trans people are valid, you know nothing about the science behind it (or any science for that matter, be it climate change, vaccines, trans healthcare, whatever), and you should stop pretending that you do. I recently re-watched some of your interview with Neil deGrasse Tyson where you show that you don't even know what a theory is in science. Embarrassing. Trans people are valid, and if you actually cared about facts you would agree.

    Why are trans people valid? Firstly, I would mention that whether or not it goes against our nature to be trans, it makes people happier, so it's a good thing for those people. Medical gender transition is one of the medical treatments with the lowest regret rate, so if we should ban it because you're "scared that people may regret it", we should also ban things like chemotherapy and knee replacement surgery (and almost all other medical procedures tbh). There are two things that conservatives love saying: "actually most people regret it" and "kids are having hormones and surgeries". These are both lies. The first one is based on a scientific paper that has been taken out of context, and the second is just fearmongering. The youngest people to have had gender affirmation surgery were like 14-15yo when they had it (and it most cases you have to be at least 18), and they wouldn't be given hormones until they are at least around the age where puberty starts, but usually they have to wait a couple more years. Puberty blockers are interesting. I've heard conservatives say that the left are "giving them to kids as early as possible" and that "they are experimental". Again, lies. Puberty blockers BLOCK PUBERTY, so there would be no reason to give them to prepubescent kids. They are not experimental, and have actually been approved in the US since 1993 to treat kids with precocious puberty. Sure, they can have side effects just like all other medicine, and that's why we have doctors to help out.

    Secondly, science supports trans people. It's very obvious that some people have gender dysphoria, and it's also very obvious that it can't be cured. We don't know exactly why people have gender dysphoria, but maybe we will at some point. Scientifically speaking, sex and gender are two separate things. Sex is biology, and gender is a social construct. I'm sorry if you don't like that, but it's a fact. Usually a person's sex and gender align, but obviously not always. Sex is also not as simple as male or female. Chromosomes and SRY genes affect how your body will develop, but it can go wrong. You can have genitals that don't match what you'd expect based on your chromosomes, or even a mix of male and female sex characteristics. I think everyone should have their chromosomes tested, cuz a lot of people would actually be surprised. Everyone also has different amounts of testosterone and estrogen in their bodies, so in a way we all have our own unique biological sex.

    Science is fun, you should stop being narrow-minded and start learning 🙂

  9. The UK situation mirrors that of the Black Peril in our country. USA. Time to fight against the overthrow of our CULTURE by savage DNA.


  10. The wages of Multiculturism is conflict, fear, racism, and the downfall of civilization by the less civilized

  11. A trans kid got beat up and died because she aggravated people who already hated her. This isnt a hate crime. Its just a crime in general.
    No one on the left looked and saw "kids killed another kid".

  12. Life begins at the moment of birth… to be alive you need to be born, facts dont care about your feelings.

  13. LOL, UK and London specifically is like this for at least a decade now, but you only noticed it now … gee I wonder why.

  14. I don’t talk to lefties nor do I listen to them when I’m watching politics as soon as it’s a democrats turn to speak I always fast forward through it cause I know nothing but lies and hate spew from their mouths nonstop.

  15. Those eyebrows 😮 I can't stop looking at them 🤣😂🎉 pretty impressive if ya ask me what is it these kids say nowadays those eyebrows are on fleek 😂 oh hell I'm old who cares they are amazing 🤩🤣

  16. The UK is a joke, police are some of the weakest in the world and it’s little wonder they are in the mess they are in!

  17. If your try to type in the samething in the reverse and it'll still show the same thing or just nothing. Fepending on what your using. "White racist aginst black" then try "black racist aginst white" not only did it keep the same narrative as the former it had a article actually arguing the is no racism aginst white. Actually arguing a obvious point and taking it further to say that no one could come up with an example. Which is obviously to push there narrative and flow of it. Causing every citizen to take up a group and fight anything they say its aginst them

  18. The Narrative is Imperative.
    They do this in everyday TV shows and Movies to an extreme. Calling it art, but there is obvious bias and want to subconsciously indoctrinate.

  19. And then they said Palestinians are “peaceful” people? Where? Six feet under?
    Nobody know the Palestinians more then the Israelis. So let them sort it out by themselves and everyone else stop interfering with this fight.

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