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Sometimes Beauty Pageants can be too much for the young contestants, and the magical day can be taken over by panic attacks and temper tantrums!
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the caption isnt true she just was upset she didnt win queen but she won supreme
Sadly the mother passed away in 2019 🙁
I can't get over the mom shes beautiful
Moms pretty so are her daughters
love when the parents are supportive and not so crazy about winning
So what did the girl at 5:47 win?
These young ladies are absolutely gorgeous ❤
Wait did she said shoe show isn’t that a payless
I want to see the pageant girls when they're adults . They should do what happened to them now .
The a** backwards way they crown these pageants is so confusing and upsetting for these kids who don't understand how it works.
i’m so happy she won she deserved that ❤
The mom seems so genuine
This is probably the best family to ever be on the show! Gorgeous people, inside and out! ❤️
Such beautiful children. I'd love to know why they chose their names!
this is me and my family! i definitely enjoyed the pageants i was in and this wasn’t too much. i was 5 and didn’t completely understand how pageants worked. the title of this video is really disappointing and makes it seem like something was going on that wasn’t.
This family seems very genuine and I love how supportive they are of each other. It's refreshing to see.
Love how the Dad said that if his daughters are in to pageants then so is he.
If I was a pageant mom this is how I be 💯
her mom ended up passing away in 2019 what a beautiful soul 🌹🤍
what an awesome family, I love the enrgey
Thanks for recognizing that she was tired!!
Someone give the dad a raise
Panic Attack!!!!!!! Child that was a hissyfit!!!
Fine but why is everything FAKE in these pageants – fake tans, fake hair extensions, fake eyelashes, fake smiles, fake faces- – so heavily made up as to be unrecognizable, fake nails, fake movements and so on???? Where is the NATURAL beauty and PERSONALITIES of these children? Everything is so PHONY, IMO.
I LOVED this mother!! Very loving and patient with her girls. The way she held and comforted them. She wasn't being the typical selfish, bragging, loudmouth, and truly loved her girls.
It’s always so refreshing to see a lovely mom and dad like these 2. Beautiful family 🥰
She’s so cute
sterling fake cry
Wow this was just crazy the mom is obsessed with winning everything she can't see the effect on her daughters .
Some American mothers are off the charts
This family seems nice. The girls seem like they really like the pageants. And they seem like they’re actually having fun time with family and living life like a little kid
So happy to see a nice and kids actually want to be on stage
LOVE how the Mum cheered on the other girl saying "alright Ryleigh!". So cool to hear as no other parent does it except clap which is like mandatory respect lol.
Sweet the way the mum is mellow, positive and encouraging!
WOW those kids are beautiful ❤️
This child is literally having a panic attack, this is disgusting tbh ….